Surprise Babies

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So happy to see your baby buns are doing well and getting bigger...They are soo adorable and i agree the pic with the dog was priceless it made me smile and today i needed that :)

You are doing well with them and i am sure when the right person comes along they will be adopted....Very cute the second pic of your rescue buns...Himalyian did you say he/she was?...Very pretty bun :)
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Maybe this will help! Is this their true color, or will it still change?

It quite possibly still might change. By about 6 weeks they should be slowing down with changes in the colors and their hair will be grown out more. Im not bad at phenotypically telling colors but whether or not their genetics make it possible is something Im not good at lol So I can just guess when they get older. Very cute though :)

Also congrats on your new rescues they are pretty adorable. As far as breed possiblities the first one could certainly be a young lionhead that has not molted out its saddle or just a lionhead mixed with another wooled breed. I almost wanted to say jersey wooly but that im not sure of. Color is Sable Point. The second one is definitely a lionhead mix and color looks to be tri The last one is harder to tell
So this bunny is maybe Himalayan? ImageUploadedByRabbit Forum1391918401.247701.jpg
I'm growing fond of her. I named her Piper... Even after I told my self to not name them. I'm pretty sure she will be pregnant. She's the one I caught mating while I was transporting them home. I'll know in about 3 weeks I guess. She's become another foster failure. I've only rehomed 1 of the bunnies, and I am having a hard time letting go of the others. I feel like I don't want to traumatize them with another move :-( poor babies.
Here is the other girl I can't let go of. I've named her Posey. She is a red rex. At least a couple years old I guess. ImageUploadedByRabbit Forum1391918678.820124.jpg
And then I still have the wooly male.
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My cage keeps getting taller lol
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The babies are 2 weeks old, and are amazing. The cutest things I have ever seen. We just let them have their floor time. Omg they were everywhere. So exciting. Like a bunch of tiny puppies exploring.
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I mainly took a bunch of videos. Makes me so sad I can't share those.
Oh, and the foster wooly mix we named Thumper, got me good. I forgive him, but I don't know if I will trust him for awhile. Ouch.
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Now that I see the picture it's not a Himalayan. The color is Vienna marked sable point. Himalayans are much skinnier and longer in all of their features (body and face).
So this bunny is maybe Himalayan? View attachment 7846
I'm growing fond of her. I named her Piper... Even after I told my self to not name them. I'm pretty sure she will be pregnant. She's the one I caught mating while I was transporting them home. I'll know in about 3 weeks I guess. She's become another foster failure. I've only rehomed 1 of the bunnies, and I am having a hard time letting go of the others. I feel like I don't want to traumatize them with another move :-( poor babies.
Here is the other girl I can't let go of. I've named her Posey. She is a red rex. At least a couple years old I guess. View attachment 7847
And then I still have the wooly male.
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My cage keeps getting taller lol
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Hi ....I love the way you have your cage set up..Are those the shoe rack things that you can get at Walmart?

I need to get a cage built for him and don't want to buy one as i find they normally aren't big enough...I want him to have the luxury of a two story...can i build one out of these?
They are so adorable!! My goshhhhh! I hope you enjoy your time with the babies! But I definitely would recommend getting Peaches fixed after her babies are weaned, and I wouldn't recommend your daughter taking Peaches for another "hop" with her boyfriend, as the Lionhead will still try and impregnate her, spayed or not spayed. And by the way, this may not happen with Peaches but sometimes after animals have offspring, they become aggressive and moody, so don't be alarmed if she kind of acts aggressive for a while. I actually bought my bunny pregnant, I didn't know. Anyways she became extremely aggressive and I couldn't deal with it. I got her spayed a week later and she totally dropped her attitude and was all nice and adorable again. And for the babies, if you can't find homes, I'd recommend bringing them to a rabbit shelter. Most people will take the babies because they are cute, and forget about them when they get older. If you find a truly devoted adopter, then go for it. I just hope everything works out! Have fun with the fluffs!
Tammy B, they are shelving grids. I get mine at kmart. You can get them from several different main chain stores. Make sure they have 9 squares and not less, so their heads don't fit threw. Here is my current cage.
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The red rex at the bottom is a foster failure, as well as the two on the very top.

I actually was going to get her spayed while she was pregnant and I didn't know. She had an awful attitude. Growling, trying to bite me. I'm so thankful I decided to wait for tax return, because it would have messed with her babies. Thankfully her attitude is back to normal. No, she's not around male rabbits anymore. I foster small animals, and they are all caged separately. I've just never had my own rabbit have babies. Through me for a big one.
Oh and I forgot to say! We actually have homes for every single one of them. All people that we personally know. Hopefully if my foster Piper has babies, we can find just as many homes... because we have several people we have had to turn down because there isn't enough babies. I feel very good knowing where each baby is going. It's going to be hard enough to part with them as it is.
Thanks very much for the info crystal..i think i've seen them at wal mart too and got it the 9 squares :)
So glad that all babies have got homes and that everything turned out great for you...Yes if piper has little ones they would be pretty beautiful i would think..I love rex rabbits their fur is so soft :pink iris:.I have a rescue too Stewie he's a Mini Lop/ Mini rex mix i was told but who knows i think he's just think of him as a lil fuzzy dog cause that's what he acts like lol.

best of luck with piper and keep the pics coming ..They are so adorable :goodjob
You lucky Tammy, my walmart doesn't sell them. I have to drive 40 minutes to get them.
Yeah walmart is an hour away from me...Urg everything that has anything i need is an hour away...I live in a pretty remote area which is nice and quiet but when ya need something especially in an emergency it can be horriable but i'm getting the idea now of what i should have on hand for a bun incase of an emergency until i can get to my vet,cause i am so far out from civilization i call it haha.The kits are sooo sweet and getting soo big lol.It's nice to see them grow from lil bald cuties to lil furry hairballs that are even cutier.The colors are awesome too :bunnyheart
I've had an animal obsession my whole life. I've been around just about every baby animal. I have to say these are my #1 favorite. They are just so darn cute.

Wow props to you. I would lose my mind away from civilization. I'm rarely home.
Yeah life has been hard out here ..My BF and I are trying to start a business and the type of business we're in we need to be away from populated areas just so we can keep the peace with our neighbors as we mostly work at night..You're probably sitting there wondering what i do..Well i am a bladesmith...We make knives mainly..Forge them out of raw steel..Here's a pic of my lil propane forge lol..nothin special but will still get the job done :)

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Here's the lil sickle/herb knife that was just put on our site today that we finished up...I they're really cool..I have one myself just like it that i used to cut herbs out of my garden great for collecting mushrooms as well :)

They are just so adorable, love all the pics but the little black and white one, I think, is my favourite. I couldn't let them go, dont know how you do it :rolleyes:
How do you get anything done? I would stare at them and cuddle them all day long! :)

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