Surgery and Post Surgical Care

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Feb 3, 2006
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Also see:
Alternative Therapies
Caring for Sick Rabbits

To Neuter or Not to Neuter.. That is the Question! (Susan Brown, DVM) [url][/url]

Excerpt: Postsurgical Care

It is important after any surgery to check the surgical site at least twice a day for any signs of unusual swelling, discharges or opening of the wound. Many rabbits will be off feed for a day after surgery, but this should gradually return to normal over the next two to three days. In addition, some rabbits will have unusual stools for a day or two including soft stools, clumped stools, and irregularly shaped or small stools. If your rabbit is acting very uncomfortable, is extremely lethargic, is not eating at all or is unwilling to move, you need to contact your veterinarian right away. Your veterinarian may prescribe a pain medication for your pet postsurgically which will help ease the discomfort of surgery and shorten the recovery time. It is usually not necessary to use an antibiotic after a routine neutering. One may be prescribed if the pet had other problems or if there were complications at the time of surgery. After doing literally hundreds of these procedures over the years we find that the great majority of rabbits return to normal within five to seven days which is a far shorter recovery period then most humans experience! The long term benefits of neutering far outweigh the temporary discomfort felt after the surgical procedure.

Listings in Rabbit References: Analgesia and Anesthesia

Listings in Rabbit References: Surgery

Pre and Post-Operative Care

Photos of Hernia Surgery on Rabbit *Graphic Photos*
(Broken Link)

RO Threads

Devon's Neuter and Amber's Spay

Getting Snipped

Post Anesthesia?

Gizmo Goes on Monday For His "Bunny Boy Operation"
Instructional Video: Pre-Neuter Information
(Courtesy of member Flick)

Instructional Video: Post-Neuter Examination/Healing:
(Courtesy of member Flick)

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