Sukura's kits

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Paul, I don't quite understand what is going on. When you say she rejected them this morning did she cannabalize them like Suki did or was one of the kits simply dead in the morning. Could she possibly have fed the other two already? They only feed once or twice a day. Is that the reason maybe they won't suckle? Maybe I missed a post but I am somewhat puzzled
Sabine wrote:
Keep trying with the other one or he'll get too week to suckle
I think the kit is already at that stage mam gave it some bottle so hopefully that will give it some strength.
How many times are you feeding the babies a day? They only need to be fed 1-2 times daily.

What do their bellies look like? Are they firm or even rounded, or do they look shriveled up? If they're shriveled up they haven't been fed for some time and really need it. If the bellies are at least firm they are getting proper food. My foster mama Jazzy didn't have enough milk for the first litter to give them big round bellies full of milk but she did have enough to keep the bellies firm and usually slightly chubby. That's good enough.

Does your mom realize that if the boy rabbit lives with the girl, not only will the girls be giving birth again when the first litter is only 4 weeks old but it is also very hard on the girls and can shorten their lives? Jazzy was kept like this and she was emaciated. I don't know how much longer she would have survived if she hadn't been given to the shelter.
naturestee wrote:
How many times are you feeding the babies a day? They only need to be fed 1-2 times daily.

What do their bellies look like? Are they firm or even rounded, or do they look shriveled up? If they're shriveled up they haven't been fed for some time and really need it. If the bellies are at least firm they are getting proper food. My foster mama Jazzy didn't have enough milk for the first litter to give them big round bellies full of milk but she did have enough to keep the bellies firm and usually slightly chubby. That's good enough.

Does your mom realize that if the boy rabbit lives with the girl, not only will the girls be giving birth again when the first litter is only 4 weeks old but it is also very hard on the girls and can shorten their lives? Jazzy was kept like this and she was emaciated. I don't know how much longer she would have survived if she hadn't been given to the shelter.
I'm going to say the truth here My mother is stupid. So even if she disagrees about the rabbits I will do what I have to. And that is to make sure all kits are alive. No she didn't eat them 2 were just dead and she weed on them aswell. So they were freezing.
paul2641 wrote:
Sabine wrote:
Keep trying with the other one or he'll get too week to suckle
I think the kit is already at that stage mam gave it some bottle so hopefully that will give it some strength.
I kind of meant keep trying with momma but if the bellies are firm maybe they are just full and sleepy
paul2641 wrote:
I'm going to say the truth here My mother is stupid. So even if she disagrees about the rabbits I will do what I have to. And that is to make sure all kits are alive. No she didn't eat them 2 were just dead and she weed on them aswell. So they were freezing.
The babies may have died for other reasons like genetic abnormalities and she may still be feeding the other two.
The one that is really eating is getting really fat and he feels like silk(is this normal, Could there be rex in there somewhere?) Oh and the one that isn't I don't think he will make it through the night, I was trying to get him to suckle for 10 minutes but nothing. I'm really annoyed the other two died because I know the other black one was in perfect health it was just I didn't get to him in time:(.
If the one is suckling and looks good, the others probably had something wrong with them. Not every defect is visible.

He feels like silk because his fur is just starting to grow in. This is normal. You won't see what the fur is really like until it's had a chance to grow more. My foster babies were rex mixes and some had the rex fur, some didn't, but they all felt about the same for the first few days.
You saying exactly what is going on with the rabbits is helpful as it shows breeding isn't always fluffy babies and happy owners. That said, I hope the breeding and kits situation settles for your sake and the buns.

Jo x
Paul, you are doing a good job encouraging Sukura's kits to nurse. No two ways about it, Momma's milk is best. MUCh better than any formula. Keep an eye on the babies and make sure their bellies look like they got some nourishment after each feeding.

I'm sorry you lost two more. But as others have noted, they could have died from any number of unseen defects or problems. It may not be her fault, and she may not have rejected them. As far as weeing on them, some Does will do that to cover any smell from the deceased babies. It's her way of protecting the other babies.

It is really hard to keep a baby going if it won't suckle. If Sukura is cooperative, try "milking" on of her nipples so there is a drop of milk on the tip. Then put the baby on the nipple. Even a few drops will help.

paul2641 wrote:
"what your doing getting all these cages is cruel they all should be in the one hutch, they are a social network"
A lot of my annoying family members have similar feelings on rabbits, I understand just how that can be.

When my dad stayed here once years ago, he let all my rabbits free in the backyard (not escape proof at the time!). Said it was cruel to cage them up away from eachother :?.
NZminilops wrote:
paul2641 wrote:
"what your doing getting all these cages is cruel they all should be in the one hutch, they are a social network"
A lot of my annoying family members have similar feelings on rabbits, I understand just how that can be.

When my dad stayed here once years ago, he let all my rabbits free in the backyard (not escape proof at the time!). Said it was cruel to cage them up away from eachother :?.
I now it is so annoying.
BlueGiants wrote:
Paul, you are doing a good job encouraging Sukura's kits to nurse. No two ways about it, Momma's milk is best. MUCh better than any formula. Keep an eye on the babies and make sure their bellies look like they got some nourishment after each feeding.

I'm sorry you lost two more. But as others have noted, they could have died from any number of unseen defects or problems. It may not be her fault, and she may not have rejected them. As far as weeing on them, some Does will do that to cover any smell from the deceased babies. It's her way of protecting the other babies.

It is really hard to keep a baby going if it won't suckle. If Sukura is cooperative, try "milking" on of her nipples so there is a drop of milk on the tip. Then put the baby on the nipple. Even a few drops will help.
Thanks, The little one still won't suckle.
Does that little one look any different than the other baby that is eating? Bigger head? Paddle like feet (webbing between toes)? Smaller hips? I'm just wondering if you have a "peanut" (or double dwarf)... (They generally can't suckle and fade within a few days of birth.)
Have you checked the kits teeth? Just wonder if maybe they are wonky and that is hindering it?
i agree with flashy.
teeth? or even like a penet....??? but i not experianced ..
Flashy wrote:
Have you checked the kits teeth? Just wonder if maybe they are wonky and that is hindering it?
What would you look out for if you check for wonky teeth? What are they supposed to look like at that early age? Was just wondering....
Turn the baby over (on it's back) and see ifthe front teeth protrude or appear to block the mouth. You can lift the baby cheeks and see how they line up.

It's very uncommon for new borns to have teeth issues. Their teeth are usually pretty small to start with. But it doesn't hurt to check when there are problems feeding.
They look just like tiny ordinary teeth. You can obviously only check the front ones, but those are the ones that could cause problems at this age, I presume.