Suggestions for Chat Room Rabbit Discussions

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Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2004
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Greetings Folks,

As I had mentioned in a previous post, since we now have a chatroom,we'd like to make use of it. If you have any specificsuggestions as to topics you'd like to see posted there, please let meknow.

Please don't be disappointedif we can't get to yoursuggestion right away. We've got plenty of time.

Some ideas that come to mind are:

1) Immunity Boosting

2) Breeding for Beginners

3) Breeding: The Key to Perfection

4) Dealing with bugs, ants, flies

5) Living withHouse Rabbits

6) Having outdoor rabbits

7) The Ups and Downs of Bonding

8) Showing Rabbits and Rabbit Shows

9) Tips and Tricks you want to share that you've learned along the way.

When a discussion will take place, I'll post it and give you plenty oftime to plan for it. I hope we can accomodate as manypeople's time schedules as possible.


How about a discussion on rabbit illness and how to deal with them? We can discuss things like GI Stasis, Pasteurella, etc.

Rabbits and other animals? And how they get along maybe? I know some of us have dogs and rabbits that are best friends.

We can have a Spay/Neuter discussion, the pros, the cons, when to do it ?

Just a few ideas you can toss around.

I wonder if people would use the chat room only during the times of discussion or just during the day?
litter box training, wry neck, injurries what canhappen and how to best prevent them, Other animals and rabbits, Livingwith a terminally ill rabbit, Or even special needs buns i have heardof a bun or 2 who used a cart, not sure if anyone here has everexperienced that or not.
A few of us were on last night at about 9:00est. Was a small, but nice group and we had areallynice discussion about rabbits. Lot of fun andI hope to be able to stop in once in a while in the evenings. (Takingcare of my friend's house and kids over the next week -- so things willbe a little hectic).

pamnock wrote:
Afew of us were on last night at about 9:00 est. Was a small,but nice group and we had a reallynice discussion aboutrabbits. Lot of fun and I hope to be able to stop in once ina while in the evenings. (Taking care of my friend's house and kidsover the next week -- so things will be a little hectic).

What about max factor kits? and brith defects? tHat would bea good topic, wasters, peanuts..
Everytime I've checked it, it's been empty, but I keep in mind that it's very new and we're all getting used to it.

I like all the ideas so far and can't wait to participate!
How about a discussion on the difference between some breeds with similar names. I'm thinking along the lines of:

English Angora
French Angora
Giant Angora
Satin Angora

American Chinchilla
Giant Chinchilla
Standard Chinchilla

Dwarf Hotot

Holland Lop
English Lop
French Lop
Mini Lop
American Fuzzy Lop

Thank you for the wonderful suggestions.

We'll start our first session this week. Will announce it in the next day or two, so stay tuned.


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