Sudden unexplained death

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That is horrible.:shock:

I am so sorry for your loss:cry4:

I hope you find the cause of their sudden death.


I saw this thread earlier, but I had no words, so I just left the comforting to others. However, as I was doing something else, a thought came to me.

What about poisones gases? Is there any kind of gases that could have seeped up thru the ground...? Of course, there's always those sicko's who go around and gas ungaurded rabbits just 'cause they can. Maybe you could ask any neibors that have a view of the avary? Maybe someone saw something? Sorry, just a thought there.

Also (I appologize if this is in bad taste), how was Hamish laying? Like, did she look like she was sleeping, or like she just suddenly colapsed?

I'm so sorry for your losses... this is so sudden. You're handling it very well- I know if this happened to me, I'd be flipping out, calling all kinds of people to come over and look around untill they figured out what happened.

While you're probably doing this allready, if it were me, I wouldn't put Sakura and Sophie back in the avary untill you find out what happened.

Again, so, so sorry for your loss... Gosh, Dispite having read this thread several hours ago, besides the gas thing... I stillhave no words. I seriously don't know what to say.

Keep us updated with the necropsy results...

Oh my gosh Michelle, how hideous! I'm so sorry... I can't imagine what it's like to lose both your babies so suddenly and at the same time :( I really hope you find out what happened to them. I can't believe those darling little bunnies are gone.
Oh my - no! Isn't little Hamish the one we all spoke of about how to say his name? :( That discussion was one that will always stick with me.

I'm so very sorry about this!

I don't know a lot so I hope what I ask isn't taken in the wrong context.

Does your aviary ever house birds, or has it in the past? Would there be a possibility of cross contamination due to bird feces?

Maybe there was no bird poo to begin with - I don't know, but then a general question of mine would be about bird contamination in general when it comes to rabbits. Can the feces in general pass harmful contaminants onto rabbits?
Well, I know rabbits can get coccidiosis from bird feces, but that's the only disease I have ever heard of them being able to pass back and forth. Besides, this couldn't have been any disease I know of, it was just too fast. Even if it was GI stasis or something like that, what are the odds it would hit both of them at the same time?
I am so sorry for your loss and apologize for the lateness of my reply.

I can't even begin to imagine what it's like to find both of your bunnies gone, especially when you had no indication of a problem before they passed. :tears2:

It would seem that something occurred that affected both of them profoundly. And I've a hard time believing that it was anything related to the cage itself. I agree with another poster who mentioned the idea of a gas possibly escaping from the ground. (Or maybe a neighbor had applied something to his/her lawn that was carried to your buns' enclosure by the wind?)

I hope that the necropsy brings you both answers and peace. :pray: This may not be comforting right now, but I think that, in some bittersweet way, it may have been a positive thing that both bunnies crossed over to the:rainbow: together.


I am so sorry for your loss! Poor babies!

I've had rabbits die of fright before. It's a horrible situation. And it isn't something that will show in a necropsy.

Do you have any birds of prey in your area? Hawks, falcons, eagles? I had put a few bunnies out to run in an enclosure while I cleaned their coops. They were very used to going out there. All of a sudden, they panicked and started running around blindly! A hawk was sitting across the yard in a tree. I hadn't heard it or seen it until they freaked out. My vet told me sometimes it only takes a shadow on the ground to scare them.

So sorry Michelle.I haven't been able to post for a few days, but I've been thinking of you. :( I honestly hope you get some closure. It will be such a worry without it. Here's hoping you don't have to hear the word 'inconclusive'. :(

A lot of good guesses in this thread.

I'll be watching for further news.

sas :hug1
Sorry, I have been avoiding the thread, I just don't feel like talking about anything in great detail right now (deny deny deny depression and stay happy!).

Conclusion was inconclusive. Basically the vet explained to me that both had heart attacks/hearts just stopped beating.
I am sorry to learn that the test was inconclusive, but you still technically have an answer. I hope that you can find some peace. :hug2:


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