Stinkin' people...

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Retired Moderator
Jan 18, 2007
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Austin, Texas, USA
Ryan's brother has a friend over and Ryan was talking to her about Marlin.

What does she say?...
"Ohhh. I was thinking about getting a bunny for my dog to play with".

OH NO, SHE DIDN'T :shock:!

I brought Marlin out and told her about how fragile bunnies, how "expensive" they are to keep as pets, how much room they need to be housed in, manditory spay/neuter costs (especially in San Diego, where she is from), and how stressed out bunnies can get. I told her that allowing a dog to "play" with a rabbit is pretty much a death sentence for the rabbit. Her dog is one of those little yappy breeds too :rollseyes.

I am pretty sure that I talked her out of it. Thank godddd.
:shock:Her reasons are not good at all.

Though my dog, my moms 3and mygranndmoms 2 are what people would call "yappy" and they are great with the rabbits.
Tell them if they want another pet for their dog to play with to try a boa constrictor or a crocodile! It might at least stop the dog yapping!!! ;)
Yeah tell me about it. I had a client sitting in my chair explaining how her cat used to have a rabbit and the cat just loved her pet rabbit and when the rabbit died the cat was so upset.

Yeah. Stupid. I mean, I know they can be friends but WHO WORDS IT LIKE THAT? It was the cat's rabbit. Crazies.
I loved the "hat with brains in it"! Can I use that sometime??? What a dope. What kind of person would have the idea that a dog would "play" with a rabbit? And even if the dog did "play", would the rabbit consider it play as well? I know some people have dogs that get along with their rabbits, and I don't mean to offend anyone. It just scares me to think of a sweet bunny possibly being frightened that way. Please forgive me if I've offended anyone. I'm just a worrier!
I am not quite sure why she wanted a bunny so her dog has something to play with. I definitely talked her way out of it though. She just doesn't know rabbits and is uneducated about them.

I'm glad I changed her mind though.
pumpkinandwhiskersmom wrote:
I loved the "hat with brains in it"! Can I use that sometime??? What a dope. What kind of person would have the idea that a dog would "play" with a rabbit? And even if the dog did "play", would the rabbit consider it play as well? I know some people have dogs that get along with their rabbits, and I don't mean to offend anyone. It just scares me to think of a sweet bunny possibly being frightened that way. Please forgive me if I've offended anyone. I'm just a worrier!
Feel free to use the line. I stole it from the Three Stooges. Mo says to Curly: Next time get a toupee with some brains in it. Nyuk, nyuk, nyuk,

And will she be sending her toddler to play in freeway traffic?

She needs to get a hat with some brains in it.
OMG I hope someone says something stupid to me today. I can't wait to use that.
Have you got anymore.
:?Some people are so stupid.

But that's not new to me, sadly. A friend of mine told me about someone who had a dog and bough it a rabbit to play with, the dog killed the rabbit of course. I don't think they cared very much. :tears2:

I know some people feel comfortable enough with their dogs and rabbits in contact, but I never would, the friendliest dog could just turn in a second, there have been so many incidents where family dogs have killed children, so a rabbit would be nothing to them.:dunno (Not that I would ever own a dog, I cannot stand them at all.)

Good for you Amy for talking them out of getting a bunny and educating them on the matter.

If we all could educate just one person I would feel that we could have possibly saved one bunnies life.

I love my dogs and all the ones I have had over the years and would trust them all with everything I hold dear.

A big part of it is training. We train our dogs.

Kashi (my dog) when Ringo was sick she was his nurse maid the whole time he was sick she wouldn't leave his side, when the guinea pigs are upset she gets anxious and will try to step between us to protect them.

Brittany(myfamily dog)loves to lay with them. Ceira (other family dog) and Rocky (moms buns) play chase.

I would trust my larger dog, Taz, not to hurt any of my rabbits, but I still wouldn't just let them out together because the rabbit might not understand that Taz wouldn't hurt him. My rat terrier, though, I wouldn't let have contact with my rabbits, he is bred to hunt small animals and he knows it!

Hey, here's an idea! Tell your friend she should get a Flemish or Continental, then the rabbit can "play" with the dog, instead! :biggrin2:

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