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Sorry everyone. I was not aware that GI Stasis was a virus. Thank you Carolyn for letting me know this.
I dont think GI stasis is the actual virus ... Ibelieve (and anyone smack me if im wrong) that usually your bun is sickwith a viral infection which affects the actions of the gut bringingthe onset of stasis.

with that said .. the best way to treat stasis precautionarytreatment? yes? If your bunny's gut is running in tip-top shape andscrubbed really well .. they have less of a chance of stasissetting in and if it does a better chance at beating it?

Also arent some bunnys more prone to developing stasis? Could youequate this to the same thing as someone being born with Croan'sdisease, IBS, etc. which makes them prone to GI distress as well? andagain preventative treatment being the most effective?

sorry for so mnay questions :)
I dont think GI stasis is the actualvirus ... I believe (and anyone smack me if im wrong) that usually yourbun is sick with a viral infection which affects the actions of the gutbringing the onset of stasis.

You're right, FreddysMom. Perhaps I should've written viral rather than virus. :)

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The best "prevention" is to keep your rabbit in good health and avoidstress factors. Unfortunately, there is no way to prevent theviral infections that are believed to contribute to GI Stasis anymorethan we can prevent humans from contracting the common cold.The problem is more prevalent in the spring/fall months during extremeweather changes.

Sadly, we have to deal with a higher number of GI issues in our herddue to the fact that Dwarf Hotots are more prone to GI Stasis in theface of any pathogen that effects the sensitive nerve endings of the GItract.

Genetics and stress factors do have some effect on susceptibility.Cases do increase in the spring and fall during weatherchanges and the symptoms and cycles are similar to those in horses, whohave a similar digestive system. Some respond better totreatment than others and symptoms don't necessarily indicateseriousness of the condition. I've seen some serious casespull through, where others that appeared to be getting better didn'tmake it. Shut down of the GI system can quickly lead totoxins building up in the system and kidney damage, so plenty ofliquids are a must.

As you've discovered, advice on treatment varies widely with no onetreatment regiment proven to be 100% successful. I push theNutri Cal and tetracycline although have tried many differenttreatments over the years. Lactated Ringers is excellent for treatingdehydration. In emergency cases, I administer saline solutionsub Q.


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As Pamnock was saying yesterday on the phone, it's not out of the realmof possibility that if Daisy's immune system was low and she could'vecontracted stasis from Abby. :?

Although it seems that Daisy's problem was a bit of Stasis, but mainly a heart problem.


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[align=justify]What Causes GI Stasis?[/align]

[align=justify]A rabbit's intestine can become static for a variety ofreasons, including (1) stress, (2) dehydration, (3) pain from anotherunderlying disorder or illness (such as gas,dentalproblems,infections,orurinarytract disorders) (4) an intestinal blockage or, (5)insufficient dietary crude fiber. Left untreated, the slowdown orcomplete cessation of normal intestinal movement (peristalsis) canresult in a painful death, in a relatively short period of time. Ifyour rabbit stops eating or producing feces for 12 hours or more, youshould consider the condition an EMERGENCY. GET YOUR BUNNY TO ARABBIT-SAVVYVETERINARIAN IMMEDIATELY.[/align]


Something wasn't sitting right about thevirus/viral thing. Had to think about it. Whether you say virus orviral, it's the same thing. Virus is the noun, viral is the adjective.

Although it's not been identified in rabbits because there hasn't beena big push for it, there is suspicion that when the GI system slowsdown, one cause could be a virus. Not always the factor, as stated inthe above thread in the link from GI Stasis: The Silent Killer.

It has been more research done on dogs that it's a virus and they're working on it with horses as Pam pointed out.

kipper gets 2 papaya tablets daily,which he loves plus unlimited timothy hay and about once a week we givehim a handful of oat hay. he gets a bite of fruit daily and asmall handful of greens. and poops like a mad manLOL hopefully we wont have any issues with him.
I think Devon may have gas that is keeping himfrom eating. He is sitting in a hunched position and then periodicallychanging his posture. I have to go to school, but my mom said that shewould take him to the vet this morning. I think she is calling now.
Simethicone (infant gas forumula that you canget at the drug store for under $10) can help with gas problems - if itis gas. Best to take him to the vet anyway, just to be surein case he's having problems.

I went out to petsmart today and I picked upnutri cal. It was only 8 bucks for a tube. But I want to make sure thatit is the right brand. It says for cats, dogs ect. The brand is Tomlyn.It says Nutrical for cats. If there is specific kind that is only forbuns please point it out to me. I can return them and go to eitherpetco ugh or pet supplies where I am trying to get a job at. Thanks.
Hi Carolyn, the canned Pumpkin you talk about isthat the same as the pumpkin pie filling. I want to get sometoday, our little Baby Girl Jackie didn't eat her breakfas this morningand I want to be prepared.


Here is a bit of a strange question. Since Ilive in a place where there really isnt seasons, because its alwayshot. Is the GI stasis problem as bad as it is in the north? Just a bitof a "newbie" question. I have only been a bunny mom for about a month.
SOOOSKA wrote:
Hi Carolyn, the canned Pumpkin you talk about is that the sameas the pumpkin pie filling.? I want to get some today, our little BabyGirl Jackie didn't eat her breakfas this morning and I want to beprepared.



That's right, Soooska. :)

It's the can of pumpkin pie filling.

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The said causes of GI Stasis is quoted in this thread. Read it again if you missed it.

I didn't know about the fresh parsley? Does it matter the type of parsley????

I've been giving the Monkeys! canned pumpkin, and pineapple every week!My Tucker still won't eat it though, but maybe i'll try the parsley....

They've been shedding like CRAZY! I guess it would be a molt then wouldn't it?!?!?!?!?

DaisyNBuster wrote:
Since my little scare with Daisy a month or to back I'vebeen extra vigilant to make surethey have plenty of hay. Theonly thing that has been worrying me is Snowy's hay fever. It is quitebad. If he comes into contact with it whatsoever his eyes are terrible.Now the thing I am asking myself is... Is it better to have a bun withhay fever or a bun withGI stasis? I would say a bun with hayfever myself. What do you guys think?

I have found it almost impossible to get canned pumpkin over here too which is a pain.

Hi, I was forwarded this thread by someone, as I'm concerned aboutstasis in my bunny. I don't know where you are in the UK, but there's alarge sainsburys on the A3, just before the M25 junction, that sellscanned pumpkin. Maybe sainsburys could tell you if any other storessell it.


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