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Sep 5, 2018
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Santa Rosa
Hey there, I'm kinda scared for by lil buddy. He is half dward lionshead and half angora. His father has a nuerological problem that caused his head to tilt to one side. A month ago his sin developed the same issue except often(once an hour) he begins to violently flip over repeatedly, usually lasting about 5-8 seconds and during such time about 5-12 complete revolutions of his body with accompanying full body rigidity lasting one to to seconds in-between revolutions. After this episode he will have difficulty balancing himself for about a minute. Is he having seizures? TIA? Thank you.
If he recovers after the episode, then yes it does sound like a seizure. There can be a variety of causes, but if your bun started out having head tilt, then the likely causes are either an inner ear infection or the disease e. cuniculi.

If you haven't already taken your rabbit to be seen by an experienced rabbit vet, I would suggest doing so right away(today). This is a critical illness and the longer it goes untreated the less likely your rabbit will recover or survive. Your rabbit will likely need to be put on the medications fenbendazole(Panacur), a rabbit safe antibiotic such as baytril, and an anti inflammatory like meloxicam, or with a severe case a vet may decide to use corticosteroids initially as a last resort to get the inflammation down quickly. With your bun also having seizures, medication may also need to be given for that, as well as fluids if your bun is dehydrated, and you may need to be syringe feeding a recovery food mix if your bun isn't able to eat well on his own. But it is critical that you get your bun to a rabbit vet right away.

Here is some information about the two illnesses as well as seizures in rabbits.

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