spaying general question

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Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2018
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I read almost every where that its better to neutere/Spay rabbit.
I live in Mumbai/India and there are several vets in our locality, I spoke to many of them and they denied stating they to surgery only for big animals like cats and dogs.

Finally I searched for some more doctors and they are charging more then 100$ for the surgery.
Its toooo expensive but my rabbit is a Gem for me.

Even government hospital denied to operate rabbits.

I was really surprised when some of the doctors said that Rabbit is very very delicate and they get scared with a little loud sound.
they said that to operate a rabbit they have to give anithesia injection and most probably your rabbit will die.

doctors said that there have been many incidents where rabbits die due to fear of something pointing object like a injection

Doctor said he is ready to operate but rabbit might die and its better not to neutere/spay a rabbit
I don’t know what anaesthetic protocols are used on cats and dogs where you live, but in UK it is the same for rabbits. The anaesthetic does need to be monitored well, and rabbits have a slightly higher risk of anaesthetic death, but it is still less than 1%. If you are gentle and quiet and inject slowly, there is no reason why they should panic anymore than a cat or dog! And as for size, it is easier to spay a smaller animal in some respects, as the blood vessels are smaller and thus, much easier to ligate. You just have to be very gentle with the delicate tissues, as any surgeon would be with a kitten anyway.
If the vet knows what they are doing with rabbits, it shouldn’t carry significant risk. But i wouldn’t give your rabbit to a vet who isn’t confident with them. If you have to pay that bit more, so be it (is that price in US$? If so 100$ is very cheap...)
Thanks for reply

In India, we get a rabbit for $4.
Compared to that $100 is very high

Had it been $10/15 I could had not thought soo much
But $100 is very high, I know love doesn have any price, but in many months I struggle to pay my children school fee which is again $100 for both children

Price in us dollars
Yes it’s similar here, you can buy a rabbit for £10 but that doesn’t mean vet bills will also be cheap. You might want to think about keeping some lonely aside in case bunny gets ill, as vet trips will also be that sort of money.

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