something i heard, that i want to clear up

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Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2006
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scottsville, Kentucky, USA
some one told me to NEVER put a male intofemales territory if she is the resident rabbit. is it true? and whatexactally does that mean...?

how are the suppose to have "non nuetral" ground to bond on if the whole non nuetral area is Ryo's(female bun)

the rabbits share a bed room and both have run of it when the other isin the cage. and when alex is running around Ryo seems mad at him.

also i was swaping cages sometimes. if its true to never put a maleinto the females territory then i'd need to not do that anymore.

someone give me some insight on this please
I don't know about never, but it is supposed tobe harder. There's no getting around it if the first bun is agirl. I introduced a boy into a girl's territory and althoughit was a bit rough bonding them at first, they now adore each other.

My buns are always mad when the other buns are out. They're jealous.;)
awww isnt that cute!

jeez i will be glad when this pair is bonded. i am throwing a smallparty when they are. and making them up house warming gifts for thenewly married couple
It is said that you aren't supposed to introducea male into the females territory because females tend to be moreterritorial. I think it is more in respects to them fightingwhile they are together. Like if you had your girl in anX-pen you wouldn't try to introduce the male by letting him in might cause them to fight...and some bunnies can hold agrudge! If one is out while the other is in their cage thenthere shouldn't be a problem really, since his scent is now in the areatoo.

I think it should read too that they should be introduced in neutral territory...not non-neutral.

Hope this helps!
they have been hangin out in nuteral territory for a couple of months now.

i was just wondering how im supposed to do it in non nuteral territory.
We were letting one bunn to run around the areaand then when he was away the other bunns came out to roam.Thay would immediately begin sniffing and chinning everything...itseems to me this was the best way cause they already knew each othersscents by the time they came out together.

Our girls tried to chew our boy out of his X-pen and they were reallyfreaking on the bars so we gave in and just let him out...and they werefine and dandy together. They ran off underthedinignroom table and napped together! :shock:

This doesn't usually happen (although it would be so great if itdid). Maybe you could just open their cages and let them comeout and investigate things on their own. Then if they chooseto they can go back in their cage to get away from the otherbunn? I would have a water bottle on hand just incase!;)
oh ive tryed that onced and it led to adevistating locked on fight. and they havent been the same since. itwas a big set back for me. it will be a loooooong time before i trythat again. there not even getting along good in nuetral ground now.there taking a break from eachother because yesterday Ryo bit alexpretty bad. and it took me serval trys to break them off each other.
That is the scariest thing isn'tit??!! Our girls never got into biting fights but they had acouple of good scraps...they were kick boxing and there were clumps offur everywhere!!!I was in tears and they weremoving so fast we couldn'tcatch them.:?

Are their cages close together where they can see each other??
yeah three inches apart. always have been. ohyeah fur flies almost daily. that should had told me it wasnt time forthem to be on Ryo's turf.

live and learn.

yeah they were moving so fast i couldnt do anything. and they werelocked on to each other. and Ryo had alex's backside in her mouth andwouldnt let go. let me remind you alex is just a tad over 1lb and ryois near 7lbs
It helps to put them in an area where they don'tfeel secure and see if they will turn to each for comfort. The bathtubworked for me. Don't put water in it. It's the slick surface that makestraction difficult. Neither will feel like they can get a goodgrounding and they'll mellow out and find security with each other.Some people say car rides but what would you do if they startedfighting and you're driving? Start with small stays in the tubtogether. If that doesn't work an inch of warm water neverhurt.(in the deepest part not the shallow partbecauseif they ran to the deep end it would be toodeep)
OK...theni am with AshtonCasey.

It helps to put them in an area where they don't feel secure andsee if they will turn to each for comfort. The bathtub worked for me.Don't put water in it. It's the slick surface that makes tractiondifficult. Neither will feel like they can get a good grounding andthey'll mellow out and find security with each other. Some people saycar rides but what would you do if they started fighting and you'redriving? Start with small stays in the tub together. If that doesn'twork an inch of warm water never hurt. (in the deepest part not theshallow part becauseif they ran to the deep end it would betoo deep)
yeah EVERYONE is telling me that. i am justscared since they would be in such a small space and cant get away fromeachother there will be a lock on bad bloody fight.

i dont see how they wouldnt fight like crazy
What about a car ride with each of them in theirseperate cages but right side by each??? Still close to eachother but they can't get to one another?? Do this a bit andthen try it with them together with someone to keep an eye and seperatethem if they do start to fight?
when the both went to the vet for nail clipsthey were in the carrier next to each other for hours during the rideand waiting (i dont drive, i had to wait for my ride to get out ofcollege to pick me up)

maybe i should try that again.
i think they will. they like each other about as equally as they hate eachother.

they do alot more than fight. they lay and eat together. or they diduntil the big fight anyway. im sure it will be back to normal in a fewweeks.

dontcha think?
If they were or have laid together and eaten together then I would say def yeah.

Bunns can really hold a grudge sometimes. With ourgirls we only had the one hutch...when we shut them in at night theywere fine...but the next day they were right back at itagain. Finally my hubby and I discussed it and decided to letthem go at it. They were only kickboxing and not bitingthough! That seemed to settle the pecking order and theyhaven't fought since...although they still nip and chase sometimes!

I think a little more time is needed. Do they have a peckingorder? Is one dominant and the other submissive?

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