Some kitty pictures. . .

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Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2007
Reaction score
, Missouri, USA
I got some really good pictures of my cats last night, I couldn't resist sharing them.








The white one is Nemo, the grey tabby is Bentley, the solid grey/blue is Mercury, the calico is Trinity.
They're all gorgeous! But I think I'm in love with Nemo :inlove:

All your cats are precious, but this picture has to be my favorite by far. The white one is Nemo, so is the other in the pic Mercury? Either way, I love it! Mercury looks like he's thinking something very naughty. And poor Nemo looks like she hasn't a clue! Just adorable - I love the kitty tongue! And Nemo's bi-colored eyes are awesome too!
Haha, I loved the pic with Nemo and Mercury too because of Mercury's tongue. And Nemo is looking at him like "what are you doing?"

Nemo's eyes are my favorite! They are what drew me to him when he was a little one pound runt.
OMG! Where do you live? Close to Ohio I hope. I have to come steal all your cats. They are gorgeous! My list of cats to steal is growing - first yours, then Rosie's.... he he he.
seniorcats wrote:
OMG! Where do you live? Close to Ohio I hope. I have to come steal all your cats. They are gorgeous! My list of cats to steal is growing - first yours, then Rosie's.... he he he.
Haha, I live in Missouri, so I don't live too close. . . Guess thats a good thing though, I don't have to worry about you catnapping them. Your kitty in your avataris gorgeous too! I see she's a tri-color. Does she have that calico attitude too? Trinity sure does, she is the princess and she knows it. She's the only girl in the house other then me though so thats ok with me.
Becknutt wrote:

I love this picture. She is so beautiful! I love her eyes and fluffy tail. I am a sucker for a fluffy tail.

Mercury looks a lot like my TB...are her light spots orange?


I am a sucker for the fluffy tails too. Before I got Nemo, I actually saw a picture in one of the cats magazines of an all white oddeyed long haired kitty that I fell in love with. Nemo looks pretty much just like that cat. He is such a sweetheart too. He CONSTANTLY pets me (thats what I call it when he rubs his head on me).

The only color Merc has is the grey. Those lighter spots by his eyes are just his eyebrows. For some reason his fur is much thinner there.
angoragrl wrote:
seniorcats wrote:
OMG! Where do you live? Close to Ohio I hope. I have to come steal all your cats. They are gorgeous! My list of cats to steal is growing - first yours, then Rosie's.... he he he.
Haha, I live in Missouri, so I don't live too close. . . Guess thats a good thing though, I don't have to worry about you catnapping them. Your kitty in your avataris gorgeous too! I see she's a tri-color. Does she have that calico attitude too? Trinity sure does, she is the princess and she knows it. She's the only girl in the house other then me though so thats ok with me.
Yes she has a big calico attitude. That's Nutmeg aka Chunk. We have 5 calico cats. Two, Charlotte and Nutmeg, have enough attitude for a herd of cats. Lacey, Jerri Harriet and Neko are shy to varying degrees but all flirt shamelessly with our oldest male cats.

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