LMBO Icouldnt thats why I broughtthem home ,, AND Carloynis right The otter colored oneRexi is a trouble bubble , lil'stinker lol Gave everyone theirsalads ( both boys temporarilyin same cage ) and hegrabbed the biggest piece ofromaine and ran to heback ! Poor Silkie is leftsitting there thinking " WhATTHE HECk " :disgust:So Igive Silkie another small Pieceand Rexi ran up andsnagged that one too , yepI think I have my hands full .
The one good thingabout finding homes for at least one litterof babies is I get to playwith them and socialize them asI see fit , It will be bittersweet thoo watching them leave for anew home , When Christa andHopi left last week , Evenknowing they we going to htemost Wondefull home theycould ever have , I stillnearly broke down andcried .:sad:
The one good thingabout finding homes for at least one litterof babies is I get to playwith them and socialize them asI see fit , It will be bittersweet thoo watching them leave for anew home , When Christa andHopi left last week , Evenknowing they we going to htemost Wondefull home theycould ever have , I stillnearly broke down andcried .:sad: