Snuggy's Family Scrapbook

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Thanks, guys.

I know I did what's best for him. He kept trying to pull outthe long fur and I know he was swallowing a lot of it. Thatreally scared me. He doesn't eat a lot of hay, either, sothat's doubly scary.


I can understand you fears totally. Hereally does look great Laura. You definitely did an awesome thing. NowToby feels better and isn't ingesting all that hair, it's easier foryou to brush him and less worry about furblock.

:highfive:You Are Awesome!!

Aww Laura, Toby looks morecomfortable. You did what was best for him -- it is stillfur-block season and cutting his hair is a good preventative measure. :)
What a face!


Don't you let Kevin play you like that! You can hardly eventell Toby had a haircut. At least you're good at it...notlike Raspberry who DESTROYS the rabbit's looks and dignity. :no:

THAT is not nice!:XI do what is best for my bunny AND I have to do it every 6weeks or so! :mad:

I'd like to see YOU have to do thatwithYOUR chocolate chip with an attitude, who gets his noseout of joint if you sneeze one too many times in a day! :p

Laura, he looks so snuggly! I love itwhen their hair is that length. My husband much prefers Sebastian'shair at about a half inch length. He says it makes him soft and snugglyand that he looks so small like ababy!


I'm much happier since I went back and shaped itup. I would take pics, but Kevin left MY camera at hisoffice. :mad:

Toby looks like a little lamb now, fresh from the shearing shed. I'll post pics tomorrow night.

Razz, he IS much softer and cuddlier now, and you're right - he looks SO SMALL!


Here are some updated photos of Shadow:




And here are some others, just for fun:


Wait a minute! That's NOT Baby!


"Doh!Must run away."


Caught in the act. Bad Snuggy!!!

Laura wrote:
Face it, we're cut from the same cloth, Razz.


It's about time you two come to that realization!


Hi Carolyn,

The swelling went down and her fever subsided, so I let her go toschool today. She's just left with asmall hardspot. I don't think it's going to scar. She isdoing well, thanks.


I've been thinking about her so much during theweekend. If I wasn't so busy with the company I had, Iwould've called.

That poor arm looked so painful. I swear, it looked like she had someone put a hot iron on her.

I'm thrilled to hear she's on the mend and was well enough to go to school. God, that poor child!

Oh, no, no, no. That wasn't her in thepicture. That was an example I posted from theinternet. That's what happens if it goes untreated.She had one a few years ago that looked like that. I learnedmy lesson with that one.

Sorry I alarmed you!


I was confused-thank God. I'm gladthat wasn't My Ally. I was thinking about her so much thisweekend.

So glad she'sfeeling better and that it didn't get infected. Please give her a hugfrom us!

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