Snuggy's Family Scrapbook

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My baby boy:


Toby is going to the vet next payday. I'm afraid he's goingblind. He never seems to want togo far from hiscage. He used to scan all the time, but he'sstopped. He never seems to actually look at anythingand is startled if youtouch him without talking to himfirst. If you waive your hand in front of his face,hedoesn't move or look at it. Everything else isnormal - eating, drinking, pooping, peeing.

I know some of you out there have blind bunnies that get along fine. Any advice?


Poor baby boy! Thank God he ended up in your care.

Check with Rose and Gypsy about the blind bunnies question, Laura. They'll help.

Wish us luck! Toby is going to the vetin a couple of hours. He has a bump over his eye and I don'tknow what it is. He's getting checked for that and, ofcourse, for his eyesight (or lack thereof).


We just got back from seeing Dr.Hannon. Toby's impaired vision is caused by a neurologicalproblem. There's nothing wrong with the eye itself, thepupils react normally, etc. They can do further testing formore information, but he said he couldn't guarantee that any resultingtreatment would help. As long as I know he's not in any pain,I'm okay. He's a spoiled house bunny and will always be welltaken care of. The vet said to just keep an eye out for otherneurological symptoms such as seizures or head tilt.

Oh, and thebump over his eye is supposed to bethere. I think he called it a tactile papilla. Hehas one on each side and whiskers grow out of it. Basically,it's a sensory nodule. I felt like a complete idiot aboutthat. I could be wrong, but it wouldmake senseforToby to have more pronounced "bumps" becausehereally relies on his whiskers to help him "see".


Snuggy's diet has proven successful!She's lost three pounds since February. At eight pounds,she's still hefty for a "Mini" Lop, but she's doing fabulous!Auntie Carolyn wanted proof, so here goes:





Some more, just for fun:

Who could resist this face?


A popular sport at our house - "Window Jousting"


"Now, how do I get down?"


(Don't worry, the window sill is only about six inches from the floor)

Just chillaxin':


I saw the most beautifulGreatDaneat my vet's office today and the owner said I could takesome pics. His name is George. He's two and weighs175 pounds. He is the biggest dog I've ever seen in my lifeandabsolutely gorgeous! He has ice blueeyes. I was awestruck! The pictures don't do himjustice.



Snuggy looks great. Snuggy and Baby arejust the cutest. They are on my bunny napping list. Who could resistthose adorable faces.

Laura, that dog is humongous. I love great Danes. Jeremy wantsone so bad. Really stunning dog, wait until I show Jer, he's going tolove it.

Thanks, ladies. She's still a wideload, but it's nice to see such a difference in her. Shedefinitely feels better, I can tell. She's into all kinds oftrouble lately, like knocking down baby gates whenever I'm not lookingand bullying her room-mate.

Tina, I've never thoughtmuch aboutGreat Danes, butyou should have seen this guy in person. I couldn't take myeyes off him. Neither could anyone else. The ownersaid they always get a lot of attention wherever they go.


You need to get a shot from above like you did in the "Before" picture so that I can see the difference.

Good Lord, you scared me when I got the PM saying she lost all thatweight. I was afraid it was within a short period oftime. Thinkin I should get on the same diet thatshe's on :ponder:

Please give Ally a huge hug for me! I recieved my gift in themail and I was Over the Top! How I wanted to jump right intoit! Thank you So Much!


Any Elvis sightings lately? Anystories of his Ghost wandering around Graceland?:wink:

Sheesh! Okay, okay - I'll get an "aerial view" tonight.

It was hard keeping her on a diet. I'm sure she thought I wasjust being mean. She only gets 1/4 cup of pellets a day,along with hay and greens and almost no treats.

No Elvis sightings - sorry! My father-in-law went by thereyesterday on his way out of town. He always buys Elvissunglasses for his friends when he's here.

Laura wrote:
He always buys Elvis sunglasses for his friends when he's here.

There's Elvis SUNGLASSES??????? :shock2:

* * * *

Yes, an ariel view would be most appreciated. I remember the first time I saw Snuggy. :shock:

I'm sure she feels better being thinner.


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