There is SO much snow here!
Well, so much for us anyway. In places in our garden it's about 5 inches, but 3-4 most other places. They didn't grit the main road outside our house so it's like one big sheet of ice, and it took us 25mins to drive the normally 2-minute drive to the vets this morning.
Me and Steve had a snowball fight in the carpark when we went to the greengrocers. I got him square in the face! :biggrin2: He got me on the back of the head

So I rubbed my hair in his face and got it wet! Snowball fights are fun! Although he did throw one at me IN the car which wasn't nice lol...
The amount of people who haven't gone in to work etc is just ridiculous. All the schools round here appear to be closed. All the vet staff made it in- either by walking or just arriving a bit late because of the traffic. I mean, some of the ungritted roads are bad but me and Steve have been to the vets, Pets at Home, greengrocers on the other side of the city, the Range, AND to get hay, and yeah it wasn't as easy to drive about as normal but it's still possible! I don't understand!
Oh, and I couldn't resist. The bunnies went out in the snow for a play! Only for about 10mins or so, just to see how they reacted. They LOVED it! Binkies left right and centre! I would have bought them in if they'd seemed cold, but they really loved it- Chalk kept sticking her head right in it and digging about.... SO cute! I'll post pics in the main forum later.