Well-Known Member
So this afternoon she saw the vet who is supposedly best with rabbits in the office. He said the lump did not feel like an abscess. He said it was ON the muscle wall rather than subcutaneous, and it could be another type of growth but it would be rare to have something like that directly on/in the muscle wall. He said it was too small to accurately get cells from it with a needle, and we should watch it and make sure it does not get bigger. He agreed with the other vet that it felt like sutures, but it was pretty high to be from her spay. So if that was the case, the vet who spayed her (at the shelter) must not have known what they were doing very well. He said it also felt right along the middle of her body and could possibly be tissue from where her umbilical cord was.
He was concerned, however, because her weight has gone down from 5 lbs 2 ounces (I think) at the beginning of her eye infection (over a month ago now) to 4 lbs 12 ounces today and it has steadily been getting lower since her GI issues began. I stopped giving her fluids orally yesterday because she was eating veggies well and she had learned to stop swallowing and just let it all drip out of her mouth anyway. Maybe the weight loss from when she was not eating caught up with her now that I stopped the fluids... The vet wants me to bring her in to just check her weight at the end of this week. If she keeps losing weight, blood work is recommended.
He was concerned, however, because her weight has gone down from 5 lbs 2 ounces (I think) at the beginning of her eye infection (over a month ago now) to 4 lbs 12 ounces today and it has steadily been getting lower since her GI issues began. I stopped giving her fluids orally yesterday because she was eating veggies well and she had learned to stop swallowing and just let it all drip out of her mouth anyway. Maybe the weight loss from when she was not eating caught up with her now that I stopped the fluids... The vet wants me to bring her in to just check her weight at the end of this week. If she keeps losing weight, blood work is recommended.