They are both about the same :-/ Slippers continues to nibble on things on and off, poop small bits on and off, and still seems uncomfortable. She always seems better in the evenings than in the mornings. I got a lot of fluids in her last night, but now with all that practice she had avoiding having to swallow it, whenever I try now it seems like a lot of it just spills out of her mouth. I have tried giving her small bits of banana chip to see if she's interested. This evening she grabbed one, seemed to chew on it, but then spit it out whole! Maybe she does have a tooth problem ... I am not sure how to address that though when there's the GI issues to solve first. She is no more interested in soft food than solid foods. Also, I feel lumpiness in her belly.
As for Sonicka, I don't know what to think. She has an appetite and the veggies I give them always end up gone eventually, but I am finding it very hard to tell whether she is pooping normally or not. I keep seeing a fair amount of new small, dry poops (not sure whose they are), but I have seen a couple more soft, larger poops (with no mucous) from Sonicka. And I see very few large, normal poops.
I'll call the vet in the morning if there's no significant improvement and see what else they might be able to do.