Whenever I'm home for the night I sleep with Georgie. Sometimes she likes to sleep at the foot of my bed, sometimes she sleeps under the bed on her Avengers blanket. She's very well potty trained, which I give her credit for, and so I don't even have to worry about poop much less anything messier. I'm used to sleeping with hamsters loose so I've gotten used to the 'thunder' of tiny little paws across the bed and frankly, the hamsters woke me up more than George does (mostly because the hamsters realized if they woke me up I'd put them back in their cages and so when they were done playing around on the floor and were ready to go home, they'd crawl up onto the bed and either walk over my face until I stopped trying to sleep through it or else whisker my nose for the same results. George just hops back into her cage if she wants a drink or something so she doesn't need to wake me up for it). I will say that she usually wakes me up once or twice during the night, generally by walking over me but for me that's a comforting thing and it's not often enough to steal any real sleep from me. Right about four or five though she seems to remember the bed is good for bouncing and so I get some sproingy bunny going on for a bit until I either give her a treat or head scratches. Then she'll hop off onto the floor and keep herself amused until I wake up again for the morning. The last time she slept on the bed, in fact, I woke up in the middle of the night because she was settling in and realized she's moved up near the head of my bed next to my pillow. Melted my heart. I secretly hope to get bunny body against mine at some point but I'm pretty happy with how things are going so far. I think the trick might be though that she's able to get down anytime she likes and roam around a wider space. Maybe if your bunnies had been able to do that, they might have gotten the beans out of their system that way and been willing to settle down. Or maybe, like I read once, they were worried you were dying, not understanding the way humans sleep and so were determined to keep you aware and alive throughout the night. :trio