Sleep in the same room as your bunny?

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Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2005
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Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
I'm bunking in the bunny room for a week while my parents are staying over, and man *yawn*.

Between the thumping, the water bottle and Wesley's humming, I am exhausted!!
my rabbit that sleeps in my room has a water dish :) and he also knows how to open his cage up so we he gets annoyed and with being stuck in his cage he gets out instead of thumping and chewing ont he boys do it in the hallway though. and thier huge so when they thump its soo loud.

try giving them a treat thatll take awhile for them to eat :) i give mine carrots at night and they normally hush long enough for me to get some sleep.

or take simply sleep :) take four youll be out
Awe... My buns are in the living room down the hall and I can hear them at night. I feel for ya, being in the same room. ;)

Can you sleep on couch? ...April
Yup, I have 7 in my room. The Swarming are really good because they get last run before bedtime. Some of the others though, Badger in particular, just make SO MUCH NOISE!

The worst noise is picking up their toys and dropping them, you get the chewing and then a big donk, as they drop it.

Badger digs everything and spreads everything and trashes it all. That makes a huge racket.

For about an hour and a half in the early morning I get very little sleep.At this time of the day these bunnies are not my friends.
that would drive me nuts everday...sleep is my most treasured thing so when something wakes me up-phone, baby, cat, kitten, dog, bunny...random person, ect.- it get so cranky
Oh my's difficult some nights! Between Maisie having to bite her water bottle valve (they have Water Buddies, but biting it makes a loud noise), Cinnamon's thumping and reorganizing, Teddy's tossing the bowl around (despite the fact that it's made of heavy ceramic), and Fiver...well, Fiver doesn't make any noise, really, lol!...I sleep through most of it. It's only when they get REALLY boisterous about it that I wake up. Of course, I've never been in a situation (except for their horrible stint outside) that they WEREN'T in the same room with me, so I've had three years to adjust.

And Danny? He sleeps through EVERYTHING!! UGH!! We call his ability to knock out so quick the "Sleepy Button"...he "pushes" it, and knocks out, and you have to literally shake him awake while loudly saying "HUNNY!" LOL!! So! (It's not a literal button, just something he's able to do, lol!)

I had two bunnies sleep in my room...lasted a week
My kids each have a bunny in their room and they have no problems sleeping- then again our black cat Angel sleeps on top of Eirika without disturbing her sleep- so they might just be able to sleep through anything. lol.
I took my bun to my mother-in-law's house and he stayed in the same room as us. It was only bad at 5am when he started throwing toys around and jumping into and out of his litter box over and over like a crazy bun.

In college I had gerbils in my room and for the first month or two they would be up from 3am-5am slamming their wheel against the cage. Good times. :p
elrohwen wrote:
In college I had gerbils in my room and for the first month or two they would be up from 3am-5am slamming their wheel against the cage. Good times. :p
Oh, TELL ME ABOUT IT!! Gerbils are really loud, too. I had them in Jr. High, and remember that it took me a couple months to get used to the BANG! BANG! BANG! of the wheel. LOL!!

Boy, did I love my boys, though...they were really sweet...and really amazing. :)
We tried this with Tony and Muffin for a few nights on vacation at the parents'. Not a good idea. I ended up keeping them in the bathroom at night. We typically have Frida and Ben in our bedroom at home, but they don't make tons of noise or jump up on the bed (they're too small!!).
I've slept through countless tornadoes and even a few hurricanes when I lived on the coast.

Bayou's hissy fits don't bother me. ;)

Although, now he's shedding and no matter how much I vacuum, it's EVERYWHERE.
I have 8 rabbits in various rooms in the upstairs of my home. None of them are in the bedroom. Despite that I wear construction worker grade ear protectors at night . Theentire upstairs is a combination of digging sounds and ripping cardboard

LOL I reread this and made myself laugh
someone at the shelter called me the crazy rabbit lady the other day and they are right LOL :D
You crazy, angieluv??? Nah....

Saintly and full of mischief ~:blushan:
The two kids in our room quietly nibble hay and daintily drink from the bowls.


Ronnie and Skye are almost always quiet at night. I never notice them now that I got a quieter water bottle. But then again, I fall asleep listening to audio books and integrate music into my dreams, so they may make noise and me not notice. My finches on the other hand... I don't need an alarm clock because they wake me up at 7 am every morning. And at night if I don't have a light on and they aren't settled they make a horrible racket until I turn my lamp on until they are settled. Spoiled pets, lol.

My sister's rabbit makes racket at night though. I guess I am just lucky.
Shadow sleeps under our bed, but he can run along the passage to 'his' room. When he gets onto the floor in his room (those rubber, interlocking pads) I hear him.

I can hear Georgia's tippety-tap on the floor too, so I wear ear plugs. However, they are no use at all if Shadow decides, at 5 in the morning, that he wants to play and jumps on the bed and digs at me :pssd:

Rosie - John is the same. Nothing wakes him up at all :?

I've had sick bunnies sleep in my room with me before, and I agree, it gets tiring and annoying and it's soo hard to sleep!

They rattle on the cage bars for me to let them out, until they find ways to escape (and then I can hear them getting into mischeif but why bother putting them back? Lol. Lily did this when Ray was a little baby and they were up at the house for a while.)

I give them a water dish instead of a bottle; that's one less noisy thing to deal with. ;)

I remember once I had Magic up in the house, just because, and he got too noisy so I drug his cage out into the living room. :p I like having my bunnies in the house, but not when I don't have flooring that makes it difficult to clean up after them, and when they are so noisy! Lol.


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