The alien rabbit pair -- invades the domain of residents.
Monday Cuddles sanctuary bun refused her supper. Everybunny else chowed down their salads. That usual means go to the linen closet, and haul out the comforters and soft blankees for Mom and Dad bunny servants to spread on the family room floor. Karl selected the La-Z-boy recliner for a few hours. Smart man.
Cuddles and BG (or anyone who exhibits gassy tummy prior to bedtime) are relocated to the family room so I can keep eyes on 'em after Simethicone doses -- and encourage investigation and exercise. Bun lingo: "Hey, this is a strange area to us, let's check out the surroundings." After a couple hours, simeth' had improved her meatloaf bun position. ~ Just wanted to stay a step ahead, and get the gas malady corrected.
A~ha. bing, bing, bing. Alien bunnies!! alien bunnies !!
anic:Residents who lived above the gated exercise area where BG and Cuddles were staying, Kept jumping Up and Down and Off their shelves, and rattling their hay mangers, ready to defend and snatch the nose hair off of BG and his wifey Cuddles if they dared to come close. Basically Providing No Sleep to nursemaid Julie.
All was solved by lots of coffee on Tuesday morning, and a good night's rest Tuesday P.M. -- knowing Cuddles was better ! .... oh, and the two who kept jumping off their playhouse equip all night long as guard.buns, took long afternoon naps.