Well-Known Member
gypsy wrote:
digi everyonewill be able to see his colors just fine.. 

Thats unfortunate...but when he moves to Iowa, I have a verynice high quality (s/b for 1000 bucks :shockActually Bunny Barn he has 4different colors to him he has a fawn ,anorange ,a black,and white , mydigi cam doesnt take veryflattering pictures in the sun light . I"mthinking of actually going backto a 35 Mm for some of these rabbits .Some are very hard to capture the colors of ,Sky being one , and BEW Nethi is another . Lt Greysare a twitch to capture alsowith a digi cam , I think ithas something to do withthe Pixals it justnever seems to come out right . I wouldntmind too awfully much but this particularDigi cam cost nearly $ 200.00 I wouldexpect it to take better quality ppictures.