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Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2006
Reaction score
, , USA
Has anyone ever had success changing a very skittish rabbit to a calm and friendly one?

If so, what have you found works for them to come out of their shell?Do you find thatskittishness will have any effect on thesuccess of bonding 2 rabbits together?

[Edit] I'm asking because I might just adopt this one rabbit ata shelter who's been there for a few months now.. and VERY skittish.
If you have the time and patience to gain this poor bun's trust, I say go for it!

It's probably acting that way because of how it's beentreated. It needs someone to show it humans can be loving andtrustworthy.

I have one bun who was very scared of humans when I got her.It took a very long time for her to trust me. She stilldoesn't like being handled, but will tolerate it without getting upsetnow. If I sit or lay in the floor with her, she crawls allover me and gives me kisses as long as I don't grab her.

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