sick rabbit, please help

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Mar 23, 2006
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, , United Kingdom
Hi, my friend's rabbit is ill, she has taken it to a vet but he doesn't know what it wrong with it.

These are the details she gave me about her rabbit: She has 1 abses onher eyelid and lumps all over her body. She is losing hair and noteating anything.

Thanks for your time,:)
Your friend needs to take her bun to a Vet that knows what he is doing, ASAP!!!
It could be cancer, mange..... there are so many things that it could be.
I'm sure this condition didn't just "pop-up" over night!!! Right now, being that
the rabbit isn't eating, it doesn't sound good.
Where do you live? Unfortunately, ifits in the UK or a few places in the US, it might beMYXOMATOSIS. It's highly contagious. Does yourfriend have any other bunnies?

RO Staff
So sorry. :( Really sounds like that's what it is.

If it is Myxomatosis,it's possible with a couple of weeks ofintensive care, she may make it, but the odds aren't good.

Here's a thread from one of our long time members who lost her twobunnies from that disease, although there are some stories around withhappier endings, which we can dig up if you like once the diagnosiscomes back from the vet.

RO Staff postcode or town into the searchfacility in this site. When you find a vet be sure to ask if the vet isexperienced with rabbits.It's0 pm in the UK. If your friend'srabbit has myxomatosis then it's an emergency so try a surgery with anemergency number.Fingers crossed for the little oneEdited for correctlink
Here's a site with UK Vets.

If the bunny has been vaccinated, she might have a chance, otherwise, they'll probably put her down right away. :(

Meanwhile, it's really advisable to get your own bunny(s) vaccinated.

RO Staff
Dootsmom is right, we shouldn't rule out other causes.

The eyelid abscesses and body lumps are textbook for dayfourof the virus (the first signs are runny, swollen eyes,nose, then genitals)andthose symptoms tendtoeliminate the possibility of other similarly progressingdiseases like Pasturella, RabbitSyphilisor Pneumonia.

But with thelimited info on this bunny, we are jumping toconclusions.All we can do is really hope itismites or something else that's easy to treat.

Please keep us informed. (Andget Myxomotisisvaccinations regardless).

RO Staff
thanks, i'll ask her if it looks like any of thepictures. I spoke to her yesterday and she said her rabbit has had it'smiximatosus jab. She fears it might be cancer.:(

I'll keep you posted,
She can still Myxomotisis evenwith the jab, but it means she has a much better chance ofsurvival, so that's good news if she does have it. But she'llstill need intensive care. (Really doesn't sound like cancer,but we'll wait for more info).

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