Sick bunny at rabbit rescue

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Well-Known Member
Sep 17, 2019
Reaction score
Pennsylvania, United States
I would have put this in health and wellness, but it's not my rabbit and I don't have much control over the situation. Just wanted to share something kind of awful since it's really bothering me...I can't really take advice since I don't own this rabbit. Please do not read if discussion about rabbit illness and death will be upsetting for you.

I volunteer at a rabbit rescue once or twice a week, cleaning cages and filling up water and hay for a very large number of bunnies. It has been a nice experience, I have gotten to meet some very sweet little buns who I really hope get adopted because they're so wonderful.
Today one of the other volunteers told me one of the rabbits is sick. She is not eating or pooping. I asked if they can give her critical care, but they said they think she might have a blockage and don't want to feed her if she can't pass it. they said they were trying to get her in for a vet appointment.
A little bit before we were preparing to leave to go home, one of the workers there told us she had an appointment for tomorrow. Knowing how dire the same situation was for our own rabbit a few months back, my roommate and I offered to drive this rabbit to the vet, even if it is far away, if there was a chance they could get this bunny in any sooner somewhere else. Plus, the vet we suggested, the one we took Gus to earlier this year, is a much nicer vet and is one of the best rabbit vets in the area, even though it's a few hours away, so the vet would probably be able to do more for her.
They said they would consider it so I gave them my phone number.
It's been about 3 hours and it's getting to be almost evening, and they still haven't called us. I'm hoping they were just able to get her in somewhere close by today, but I'm worried they're just going to let it go until tomorrow. They are not giving her critical care because of the suspected blockage, and she is not eating any food or hay. They said she hadn't eaten anything the day before either. I am worried if they don't get her in very soon that she won't make it. I am especially worried if she has a blockage that she could get GI bloat and die very painfully.
I don't know if I should try calling them maybe. I want to make sure that they got her in somewhere, but at the same time, I have to kind of accept that I can't force them to take her in, since I offered several times while I was there and they basically just said "we'll think about it." And they probably won't be any more likely to consider it if I keep bugging them.
I would just feel extremely sad and guilty if this poor bunny doesn't make it if they don't get her in soon enough. she is a sweet little bun and I don't want anything to happen to her.

If I were you I would give them a call to follow up, I see no harm in that. You are just a concerned party who happens to care for rabbits. I really hope they are taking care of her so she can continue to live a happy bunny life!

And thank you so much for your service to the bunnies, they are such precious animals and I'm sure someone would love to adopt her. Keep us posted on her well-being please!

I agree there's no harm in calling. I'd also call your vet before you call the rescue to see if they will see her. As a rescue I'm pretty sure they have to medically care for the bunny but if wont maybe you can step in and then figure it out from there. I've been in a similar situation but saw an injured very expensive parrot who had a "severe impeded ankle band" (vet's words). After standing on my head trying to get them to do something about the bird I ended up just buying her and getting her treated. Your main concerns is the rabbit and I think it's wonderful you want to advocate for her.
Any update ?
I texted one of the people who work at the rescue since they close in the late afternoon, and she just told me they were taking her in the next day and that she appreciated me being concerned about their rabbits. I'm going to assume she is ok, since I would hope after that she would have texted me again if anything happened. I don't know for sure but I'm going to be out of town all this weekend and being worried sick probably won't help roommate is going to an event the rescue is having over the weekend, so I might have them ask someone about her.

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