Shya-she does what she wants

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Almost looks like Shyas going "If i fall off this chair because of your big, silly ears bad things are going to happen to you!"

They're so cute together :3 I loooveee Kai.
I turn the corner aaaaaaaaaand.............


She should be the poster rabbit for something. I dont know what, but it isn't good.
You have no idea how much I love the spunk in your little Shya. Don't get me wrong, Q-tip is a cuddlebug and a sweetheart, but her idea of getting into something is crawling in the bed to go to sleep. I'll admit, I miss having a devious little bun. My dad has one, and he's always telling me about her antics....a bunnynapping may be in order....
So we'll swap out every couple of weeks or so. Omar wants a snuggle bunny SO bad. I get a little break from Shya and get to spoil Tippy. You can laugh at Shya get annoyed an return her. Kind of like the library! *Is Genius*:wiggle
My husband was going through his gym enhancement stuff and somehow Shya ended up with a packet of no-explode which is an energy booster/weight loss thing. She'll either end up dead or I'll have to peel her off the walls for the next couple of hours. I'm not sure which one I'm hoping for yet.
*sigh* you dont give an active rabbit energy boosters. She ran around crazy for about two hours than crashed in my chair. Kai tried to keep up but it wasn't happening. You'd just catch this little black shadow out of the corner of your eye. Talk about PTSD. Kept trying to duck.

Just scooped her up and trimmed her nails. She was pretty good. It's kind of like holding a grenade with the pin pulled. You just wait for the explosion. There was none and banana chips abound. I love my little bad rabbit. She's my soul rabbit. I'm so glad she came into my life and opened my eyes to the wonders of rabbits. My husband has been asking lately "what made you up and decide one day you wanted a rabbit."
"I dunno"
"I mean we had to drive an hour to go look at your "free" rabbit"
"Baby I really dont understand why I do the things I do. I'm a leaper. Not a looker. Look at my track record. I'm gonna join the Army! Lets move to Germany. You know I feel like flying helicopters this morning. How about a rabbit? Do they really need a reason?"

Tck. Men.

Some pictures


I always new he was a window licker


Who's a big baby that learned how to spray? You are Kai Baby!


watch ya doin?


I reeeeeeaaaalllly wanna know!


She did it.


Diva close up.

We're in the middle of moving so the house is in a total upheaval. Dogs up the butt worried about getting left behind. (the window licker is the only one that has to worry) Rabbits taking advantage of everything. Cats laying in everything almost getting mailed home. Sheesh.

Some one find my mind please!
wow. so again I didn't really think this through. Kai will be 12 weeks this sat. He get's shipped the 9th to my moms house. I'm kind of leaning towards waiting until I get home to try veggies, so Kai will be in the neighborhood of 5-6 months. The extra pellets wont hurt him will it? He's only nine pounds now.
I'd wait. No sense in risking diarrhea around flight time. But maybe Mom could carefully start with a veggie after he's there a week, if it'll still be a few weeks after that when you arrive. It's up to you.
I just remembered that the giant breeds reach maturity later than do smaller rabbits. So starting veggies later shouldn't be a problem.
Sweet now I dont feel like such a bad rabbit owner. Well I kind of due currently. They've just been running a muck with no structure lately and then they have to get on a plane here shortly. They will not be happy campers come Wednesday. Kai got into Shya's veggies twice this weekend. He had a bite of chickory and a couple bites out of some celery. So far no ill effects. Going to wait until we get home in a month for sure but it's nice to know he wants it. He's getting quite bold and secure in his surroundings. To bad he's about to be upheaved but as long as he has his little bad rabbit for company I think he'll be just fine.

What's so significant about this photo (other than I obviously hadn't vacuumed or mopped yet) is that Kai was already laying down. Shya was nibbling some left over hay and chose to lay down so close with Kai. eeeek!

His left ear is getting a little better but they both flop left when he gets tired. He is very active for being so large. He pretty much knows his name now and was all over me at breakfast this morning. He's still sneezy but has another three days worth of antibiotics. Thankfully have a vet on stand by in Houston. Going to miss everyone while they're gone. But we have Rome and Scotland to look forward to. Then it's clean, clean, then clear, then hop on a plane!
Nice slow sunday and I've been daydreaming rabbitry names.
Teddy Baer rabbits-misspell intentional, that's what I always saw when I called Teddy that.
Red Teddies Rabbitry-I'm a red head and I like the flow
Shy Teddies or Shy Teddy Rabbitry-to play on both Shya and Teddy's names

Watch ya think?
Oooooh they are so cute together!

Ok so I might have missed this but when do they get shipped over to the US? Before you do right?

Apparently I can't spell when I come on to this forum haha.
Yup. They Ship out May 9th and we leave June 10th-ish. Should be interesting with my mom. Hope they behave.
I want to breed German Lops. I was worried about having the word Teddy in there because I didn't want it to be misleading. Omar's answer was: If they find it misleading they can go to Britain and get their own rabbit!

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