Shya-she does what she wants

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Q-tip probably doesn't need lessons from Shya. You might not recognize your bun afterwards. If anything Shya needs some manners lessons from Tippy!

It might be a relaxed face, I never thought of that. She likes that spot for some reason. But she usually has her ears tucked tight to her body touching and grinds her teeth. That's where we groom and "cuddle" before bedtime. I love my little bad rabbit. Somebody has too
New Baby. I had no intentions of getting another rabbit today. We went to look. It's like a disease. Is there a support group for this type of thing?



Wow! Look at those ears! Any idea what he or she is?

I just realized I have that exact scratching post that Shya is sitting on. For the cats but they never use it. Does Shya use it for digging?
Shya digs, scratches, hides, loafes, and plays king of the hill with the cats. Well mostly just the young cat. My old cat kind of said forget this I'll just lay in moms new memory foam mattress where I dont have to fight for it.

We had been thinking about another kleinwidder and then I found this breed the Deutsche Riesen. Then we tossed around the idea of even having another rabbit. We looked at some rabbits but nothing really clicked with us. We took a shot at this breeders two hours away. The rabbits were clean had their own shed, their own vegetable garden, had their own tattoos, and a few of them were running in an exercise pen. They just happen to have one male left and we fell in love with him. We just happen to have the 40 Euros in our wallets and we took it as a sign and ran with it.
Our circle is complete. Deutsche Riesen means German giant. Mama was 10 kilo=about 22 pounds, Daddy was 11kilo= about 24 pounds. Mama was a little shy but daddy had a big sized attitude. Not mean just kind of did what he wanted to. So far this little guy has been pretty good considering the two hour car ride home and the smell of all the other animals.

He's only 8 weeks old so that makes me a little nervous. Eating, drinking and peeing. I found a couple of poops but not as much as I thought there should be. He's pretty closely monitored and we'll call the vet on monday for a check up. The people we got him from were pretty solid breeders though and dont mind calling for questions (with a translator)

Moving to a giant breed. What was I thinking?

We've been tossing around names. Abram (like the tank, thank you Omar) Brody, Barrett, Jack, and Klaus (cause he's German). Sadly Abram seems to be what's sticking. We shall see
Shya has a crusty eye and celery juice stuck in her whiskers. Tried to wipe it away with a wet paper towel and she bit the &^*$@ out of me. Then Omar comes around the corner grinning.
"She peed on your stool"
"On my what?"
"On your stool"
"gotta go to work!"

I have this awesome one of a kind handmade by a little old dutch man cow hide stool that I sit on to take shoes off and on.
Shya is allowed no where near it and has respected that ever since we've had her.

She is now in her cage and I'm drinking a beer at 1030 in the morning :X

Wow I am such a loser. That lasted a whole six minutes before I felt bad and let her out...jeeze

Congratulations! So when are you going to start that addition for this bunny. lol

Eight weeks? Holy Moley.

Love the ears. He's gorgeous! I still can't get over the fact that he's only 8 weeks old. And his parents were huge.

Oh you are going to have to much fun with this guy. When he gets full grown, he's going to give Shya a run for her money! He's going to rule the house.

Take more photos. He's a handsome dude!

oh. em. gee. Giant ears. When you move back to Texas, you should deposit him on my doorstep. I will have a pen ready for him. He's freakin' precious. More pictures. Now.
Wow big bunny! Bigger than my big cat. I would love to see a rabbit that big in person. I like Klaus :)

Aaaah I wish someone would use that scratching post. But it just sits there untouched. Looks brand new.
So the baby has a bit of a GI upset. Went to the vet today and he was very reassuring. With Teddy's death still pretty fresh I'm paranoid and baby's not sure what to do with all of the attention. Getting benebac down him is so traumatic for all parties involved. Teddy and Shya were so easy to medicate. Getting a handle on a Giant is so much harder. He makes scared little grunts and he head butts and tries to bite. I'm about to burst into tears feeling like the most horrible person in the world for ripping him away from his mama. I'm a medic. I have seen blood, guts, gore, people on fire, but the thought of medicating one scared baby rabbit nearly unhinges me. Rabbits are not for everyone

Sorry no pictures the camera scares him. He seems to like music so we'll see what a radio does for him. If it "soothes the savage beast" as they say he can have the ipod.

Any tips for getting Benebac down him? I tried to stick it on his whiskers to lick but then you get headbutted
I use a probiotic that's meant for humans, is vegetarian, works in the intestine rather than the stomach, & is easier to administer to rabbits than benebac. It's called Longest Living Acidophilis & I got it from I realize it's unlikely to be available in Germany, but this information may be useful to someone. It is a powder that comes in capsules that are easy to take apart Y put a little in the rabbit's water. I hope you can find something similar there. My concern about benebac is that I imagine it provides probiotics to the stomach rather than the intestines, since dogs & cats do much of their digestion there,
Any chance you can put it on a piece of lettuce and feed the lettuce to him?

It's like trying to medicate the Tipster after the spay...two humans, one towel, and twenty minutes later we finally got the hang of it...that time.

Do you have a syringe to feed it to him with? May take you and the hubby (and a really big towel?) to do? Maybe once he realizes it doesn't taste bad, he'll actually be a champ at it? Have Shya give him pointers on being a good bunny (not a sentence anyone ever thought they'd say?)...
Jeeze day one and I don't think he's any better. He's still eating and drinking but no poop and no pee since yesterday evening. I think his gut is a little tight. Gonna call the vet again today. Do giant breeds not pee and poop as much as the smaller rabbits? With Shya it's all the time everywhere. Shya is such a hardy little thing. Even when she cut her eye it didn't keep her down. Plus she took her meds like a good rabbit is supposed to. He's like trying to fight with a greased bull.
So sorry to hear your new bunny is having issues. Don't know much about Giant breeds, but I would think they would poo and pee just like smaller ones. Bunnies have to because they are constantly eating and their digestive system has to constantly move.

I'd be calling the Vet too. Will be thinking about you and your Big Guy today hoping that you get the answers you need to help him settle in. And get pooping and peeing again.

Stay strong. I know you must be so anxious about him after your loss of Teddy. I would be too.

Let us know how you make out.

sooo.... we have pee. It's better than nothing. Vet said to watch him and take him if he hasn't done anything by tonight. His gut doesn't seem to be as tight and he's still eating and drinking. Couldn't find alfalfa but the e-vet said to get him off the straw he came with and start him on hay. Got all his meds down him in one fell swoop. Even managed some pictures. He's a little shy but curiosity always wins with him. We've also officially decided to call him Kai


He can't always get his ears up so he sometimes looks a little crazy. He looks like he's trying to marshal planes with those ears


Clean Kai! Such a cute and sweet baby.

Special shout out to my husband Omar who had to listen to hysterics and pissyness all day. Took it all in stride with a calm attitude like he always does. That's why I love him!
I cannot deal with the sheer adorableness of those ears. He could hide a mini-rex in those (*begins planning bunnapping mission by disguising Q as one of Kai's ears).

I'm glad he's peeing. What type of bunny is he, again? I googled pictures of German Giants and none of them had ears like that. He's just cute...*falls over*.

How's Shya liking a new addition?
Huzzah! There's poo in the litter box. Not a lot and small but it's there! Still eating and drinking, still getting medicine. We think it was bad diet and stress. He's on the right track

If you google deutsche riesen better pictures come up that look a lot more like Kai. You'd need a really large purse to bun nap him! Or a small suitcase. And he's pretty feisty with Shya. They have had very little time to meet with him being sick. The few times they have met Shya went straight up gangster on him. She was a little curious then tried to fight him through the pen. I have to give credit to Kai though he didn't back down. He was kind of like "what the heck" then fought back. He has a lot more power than Teddy so it's going to be a very delicate situation. I wouldn't want Kai to get hurt!

Shya just irritated Teddy. Teddy started the fights and I finished them. It's going to take a lot more time with them I think. He has to trust us first as well as the other animals which already ignore him

Shya is out of control again. Peeing and pooping EVERYWHERE! And I do mean EVERYWHERE! In the clean laundry basket, in the hallway, on the cat tree, on the computer chair, on her boxes. I hate to do it but she's getting confined with 18 different litter boxes until she calms down. I know it's the new baby but it's like someone gives her crack when I'm not looking. She doesn't stop moving. She doesn't just hop around she zooms around. And she's been a little more territorial than normal. Again I can understand why but my vacuum cleaner needs a break. So do the people downstairs


Trash hound. She'll get into too if you don't take it out fast enough. What a brat

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