Should I put anything in an angora's litter box?

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Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2009
Reaction score
, California, USA
So, I got some Aspen bedding for my English angora's litter box. Such a bad idea!

At first he just kind of laid in it, so he got Aspen all over him. I took him right now to get all the tiny pieces out! lol

So should I put anything in his litter box? What do you other angora owners suggest?



Don't use bedding with angoras- it makes a mess of the wool. I have wire grates over the tops of my litter pans (for the bunny pen) and other than that I have wire bottomed cages.
Bunnymom,K beat me to it, but I was going to say about putting a grid (either metal or plastic) over the litter tray to prevent her getting the litter on her and also allowing any mess she makes to go through the grids.
lol that's what I thought! So I shouldn't even use a litter pan then.

I guess that makes sense, especially since I have a litter pan underneath the cage anyway.. I'm such a dork lol

Well just to add some absorption to the situation I would advise plain sheets of paper but have a few layers, I have some teddy lionheads and it works pretty well! Doesn't get caught in the fur! Oh and we want photo's!
Put a plastic grid over the bedding. You can buy the stuff at Home Depot and cut it to the desired size with wire cutters on a pair of pliers. The grids I use are actually made to be Fluorescent Light Covers.
Like the others said, you can get a grid to put over it so the litter doesn't get caught on your bun's fur. I just put regular kitty litter in Nibbles' litter box, but he has shorter hair so it doesn't get stuck in his fur.

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