Should I decrease pellets for my rabbits?

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Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2019
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So I got two new rabbits. At their old home all they are are were pellets. They are holland lops and got a third of a cup of pellets a day. I am starting to feed them unlimited hay now which they really seem to like. Should I cut back on pellets or not?
Typically pellet limitation is based on their current weight (or what their ideal weight should be). I think generally people range from 1/8c to 1/4c. I think the rule on Oxbow packaging is 1/4c per 2lbs on your rabbit; however, I know some people do it lower than that (i.e. a 4lb rabbit doesn't get 1/2c of pellets). The idea behind pellets is to help balance your rabbit's diet, if there isn't enough variety without them (so variety of vegetables + hay).

Maybe reduce back to 1/4c to start and see how they do. Monitor their weight to ensure they are staying within healthy fluctuations. What will be good is hopefully they will eat even more hay, with the pellet reductions.

Good on you for transitioning your rabbits to a much better diet! Their teeth, tummies, and bodies are probably very happy.
1 table spoon of pellets for every kg, is how I measure up my bunnies pellets. It’s enough for bunnies of dwarf sizes, so for a holland it would be around 1/8 cup of pellets.

But you will have to test yourself on how much. Some bunnies can manage without pellets other will need more or less.

So you can feel and watch over their weight. How their body acts and what will good for just your bunny.
3 years old. Sorry didn’t think of that. She was selling all her stock before she moved.
Gotcha. Generally a 5-7 lb rabbit would get about 1/4 cup of pellets per day. This assumes not only unlimited hay but a diet that include 2-4 cups of daily greens. (If bunny hasn't been getting greens, don't start feeding that much all at once. They would need to be slowly introduced to greens, one type at a time, to test for tolerance. It could take months to work up to a variety of greens.)

Feeding lots of hay is just fine. For other diet changes -- like reducing pellets or adding in greens, just do that gradually so bunny's tummy can adjust.
It matters the rabbit but most of my rabbits I feed 1/8 of a cup of pellets in the morning and 1/4 of pellets at night with unlimited hay.

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