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Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2007
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Canton, Michigan, USA
SO.... I moved into this apartment in March and it was all so wonderful. Beautiful, tucked away in the woods...........

Then I disovered the tarantulas(not really but close) I have ENORMOUS spiders here. Not exaggerating. If I put it on top of a soda can, the legs would hang over the side.

Long story short I brought one to the leasing office after theyfailed all their attempts to get rid of them. I set it on the desk and said "I need a new apartment" (away from the woods)

They fought me on it and I was going to abandon the apartment. Well the manager called and said I could break my lease without fees. YAYYYY but I can't have a new apartment BOOOOO

SO now I need somewhere to live haha. I was going to buy a house in March when my lease was up, buuuuuuut, now I need one stat. No money. Shoot me, please.

poor julia..

i too live in the woods and there are weird huge spiders here... and tons of snakes... i think i rather the spiders... you are in my thoughts ....
I try to think of the big spiders we get in our house as small rodents. It creeps me out a little less.:?I put them outside.
oh my GOD. i hate spiders. i am absolutely terrified of them. one day at work out of the corner of my eye i saw something massive and blacksitting on my shoulder, and i SCREAMED and did this mental river dance thing trying to flick it off.

turned out it was just my black dangly earring i wore that day, but still :shock:
my mom is that way about snakes... her a/c is broken in her car and we were driving down my road yesterday she ran over a snake and yelled at me for having my window rolled down... she was afraid it might fly thru the window... it is kind of funny...
ew god, snakes are scary too. i don't blame your mum for being freaked lol. when i lived in aussie i was totally paranoid of snakes. there's something really sinister about them. i would never want to see them hurt because i don't like the mistreatment of any animal at all, but i would prefer not to have to deal with them!

speaking of phobia's, there's a girl at my work who is totally terrified of buttons. seriously. she refuses to wear or even touch any garment of clothing with buttons on it. if you even say the word button she gets the shivers. i would much rather be attacked by a button than a snake though lol
I wish my apt was infested with buttons instead of tarantulas:(But that is pretty funny.

I think I am going to move back in with my parents until I can save enough for a downpayment on a house. It is so crappy going back after being out on my own for over a year, but, I can think of it as "I need to save money" instead of "I'm too much of a wuss to live with a million spiders"

It wouldn't be so bad if there weren't as many, I kill at least 1 or 2 a day in this place. Some days more than that. I can handle some now and then. Plus I have all different brands of them. The big tarantula ones, wolf spiders, those creeeeeeepy clear ones, and the plain old regular house ones. Ew. Hate this place.

If anyone ever wants to move to Canton MI, ask me about where NOT to live...
Well, iluvmybuns, I really do wish you the best of luck :clover: :hug:.

I HATE living with Ryan's mother. It stinks :grumpy:. Hopefully we will be out on our own in February.

Sounds weird, but.....I can't wait for the day where I can sit on the couch in a tank top and panties while watch tv with my bunnies, my man, and a bowl of ice cream.

Ahhh hahahahaha!

i live out in the country and have to live with one with the spiders, but i dont like them., last year there was a spider by our front door, it looked exactly like those piders on the halloween rings. So i was standing there looking at it, getting closer but not touching because i wasnt sure. so i got my husband to go over, well when he went to drop a shoe on it it JUMP up in the air, i was on the couch screaming, my son was lauging and my husband was running after it to kill it. i have since moved and i swear they are getting bigger and uglier,lol.

i have to say i have never heard of anyone being afraid of buttons, i chuckled at that one,lol
It sounds like a wolf spider to me. If you can rid the house of them, would you stay?
undergunfire wrote:
Well, iluvmybuns, I really do wish you the best of luck :clover: :hug:.

I HATE living with Ryan's mother. It stinks :grumpy:. Hopefully we will be out on our own in February.

Sounds weird, but.....I can't wait for the day where I can sit on the couch in a tank top and panties while watch tv with my bunnies, my man, and a bowl of ice cream.

Ahhh hahahahaha!


I could not agree more. My mil had been living with us forever. Out of a year we have been together, she had been here 11 months! Lol. In a 3 1/2...

Well they are trying to fix the problem, I just don't see it as possible.... They have sprayed a million times, and they came and cut away all the bushes/trees that touched the walls. They resealed all the windows and doorwall

They are coming to set off a bug-bomb Tuesday so we'll see what happens, if they don't come back I'll stay. I'm just worried cause it is going to be fall soon, and then you get a billion spiders, so I know I'll be screaming everyday haha
Haha it's funny you say that, my BF put it on the other day, and I had to watch.

Except the whole time I'm going "Those spiders are not even that bad....." Haha that is pitiful. Except the garage part. That gives me nightmares.:biggrin2:
iluvmybuns wrote:
Except the whole time I'm going "Those spiders are not even that bad....."

those spiders they used in the movie are called avondale spiders and they are native to NZ - the country i live in! and i live only a few minutes drive from avondale, the area they mostly reside in! they are freaken HUGE and really spindly and scary looking. if one of them came anywhere near me, i would have a massive spastic and run away.

there's a chew hole in my bathrobe (courtesy of my bun) and it's shaped like a spider. everytime i see it out of the corner of my eye, i jump and have a mini-freak out before i realise it's just a chew-hole.

me? paranoid about spiders? never! ;)

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