WOW! That's great you can show rams. I wish we could!
Definitely dig around before you buy them. Count their teeth tho. They start out with 4 little front teeth. (the back teeth don't matter unless you stick your finger in there...... we have one who will chew on us and I didn't know she would chew hard LOL)...... At ONE YEAR they will then have 6 front teeth and the 2 center will be larger. Then at TWO YEARS the 4 center ones will be big and they will get an additional 2 on the sides of those.
So if you see 6 teeth in there - they are a year or more old but not yet 2. Ok?
The top is just a plate - it's hard too tho.
I have an awesome feed mix that I can give you if you can get to a grain mill. It's often cheaper to buy in like 200 lbs at a time or so. Infact I have to get that this week! It's also a great combo that an old champion sheep farmer gave us. That's where BIG EWE came from

Actually, that's where all three we have now are from. He has the nicest sheep
If you can get the new requirements - and you have questions, please let me know. We will get our new official books in January. Luke is a member of the Indiana Jr. Sheep Association too...... see if you have an organization like that. Even if you don't take the sheep to be shown, go to the shows and watch
This is a photo of SUPREME showmanship here. These are not any of their sheep. What happens is that they bring in 6 animals of each breed (sheep, beef, dairy cattle, dairy goat or meat goat depending upon what wins in showmanship, horses and pigs) and the Top showman from each barn competes and shows each breed randomly picked. My son is the second from the right

He didn't win but it was SO cool and he did SO well. We never expected him to go to Supreme and never expected him to go for the horse barn ever LOL! They don't tell the audience who they are until it's over. We knew of course cause we know all these kids. The boy who won is a great kid! He's the boy getting ready to take my son's lamb. They were switching to see how each handled each lamb.