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Thanks Carolyn,I will have to thinkabout that. Although they never chew on it it makes me leary. Darn thatstuff is good to!
Isn't that the way it always goes, Dyky.
Still at 5 a bag here...what sucks is the 25mile each way drive.. :( May have to ask my feed store guyabout an alternative!

:Rainbows: :rainbow:
GreatBritGirl wrote:
I think this issue must be a cross atlantic thing because onthe hamster forum i go on which is mainly US based they all say usecarefresh but here in the UK "most" people use shavings with smallanimals, which i believe are pine shavings here, I've used them with myhamsters for years and i use them with my new rabbit too and so fartouch wood have never had any problems.

Im not saying everyone in the UK uses woodshavings but they do seem tobe the main thing here, Carefresh is only just starting to be availablehere and costs a lot in comparison to a big bag of shavings

i wonder why the difference between countries
In the winter I use the Pine shavings. Mainly as it adds warmth and they snuggle into it.

The only thing about the pine shavings in the shere mess. It getseverywhere, also I find it needs changing every day because it getsreally soiled very quick.

During the sumer I have used the Wood based (just the wilko brand pellets). They seem to be very cheap.


I remember Bucks post where he saidhow much WoodyPet had increased in price. :(.

Carolyn wrote:
dajeti2 wrote:
Forthose of you that may not have been here Buck was always tooting WoodyPet. We use to lovingly tease him that he should be the Woody PetSpokesman. Wendy's had their "unofficial" Spokesman and Buck was WoodyPets "Unofficial" Spokesman. I miss you Buck. It's bittersweet now. Isee the Woody Pet and smile thinking of teasing Buck and it hurts he isno longer here to tease and laugh with about it either. I miss you myfriend.


I'm with you, Tina.Fora while there, Iwas really beginning to thinkBuck ran thecompany.. He dropped it after he got Jiminto it because he didn't want to steal Jim'sthunder. Hehad suchclass.One of a Kind.


That and he realized after the 1000th time it was no longer cute or funny...
Hi ..If anyone knows better please correctme....From my under standing pine shavings (available everywhere) that are not processed to remove the oil and have a strong aroma are very bad for hamsters and rabbits. With rabbits the urine interacts with the components in the shavingscausing fumes that elevate the liver enzymes in the rabbit and also cause respiratory problems. This would occur over time not over night. In a hamster it would even be worse because they are enclosed in those little plastic cages and they are subjected to the fumes 100 fold. I have had hamsters in the distant past before anyone knew this and most of them died from some respiratory problem. I would only use pine shavings if it was for a short period of time. Am I right?
Talking about Price of WoodyPet I pay $AU 21.95 a bag the same size as you guys which converts to $USD16.45 a bag.

I know we have import etc on it cause how far it comes, but geeze thereis a HUGE mark up over here!! And you guys pay like $USD 5-7.00 a bag.Something is amiss here!

**edited to say, hopefully If I can spread the word and more of it getssold it may get cheaper, but then again maybe not given what hashappened there***
Buck was definitely my mentor on Woody Pet and I give him full credit.

Here are a few of the other manufacturers that make products that are similar to Woody Pet:

Dry Den
Gentle Touch Products
Guardian Horse Bedding
Lone Star Bedding
Magnum Horse Products
Pine Stall Horse Bedding
Pinnacle Pine Horse Bedding

Kaytee also make a wood pellet litter, but it is VERY expensive incomparison. Some people have use Feline Pine with good results, too.

I'm using the Pine Stall horse bedding for mylitter, and it works really well. It absorbs so well, I useit to clean up accidents. I just put some on the spot thatgot peed on, and let it sit for a few minutes, and it pulls all the peeout of the carpet. Then I just spray with vinegar to get ridof the smell.

I've never used Woody Pet, so I can't compare, but I can say that PineStall works great. It costs about $9 canadian after taxes fora 40# bag.

It smells a bit piny, but not very strong, you have to practically stick your head in the bag to smell it.

Over all, two thumbs up!!


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