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Thanks for the name and the information, Naturestee. I'll look into ABM.

The gentleman I've been working with will be interested in hearingabout that product as well. I had a good look at the different littersafter attending an equine show this year.

I'm not saying that WoodyPet is a bad product, just saying that it'sgotten a bit greedy in their increase in prices. Why pay for a name anda colorful bag when you can get the same thing for a better price?

In today's economy, with health care going up, fuel, electric, you nameit, I need to conserve as much money as possible where I can.


i hear ya Carolyn, i just tried Yesterday'sNews, same price as Carefresh, but so far it seems to last longer, andi need less. But i'm still looking out for something better.

I raised Tucker on Yesterday's News. Loved it, although it is pricey, I knew it was safe.

I used it up until Buck Jones introduced WoodyPet to me and the membersof the "old" R.O. forum. I was very reluctant to change. Buck wouldtell me that the compressed wood pellets and the mixture that WoodyPetuses was safe and very effective for his rabbits. When the rabbitsurinate on it, after a while and the air gets at it, it turns into apowder and dries up. When I babysat his rabbits the first time, Irealized he was right. The difference in price, at that time, was $15 abag for Yesterday's News and $4.69 for a bag of WoodyPet - both 40 lb.bags.

It's gotten to the point where in my area, at least - and Tina's too,apparently, and Buck's too because I know he wrote a post about themsoaking up the profits, that the price jumped to $6 pushing $7 andchange for a bag.

It's not such a great deal anymore, in my opinion. They are enoughcompetitors out there. These same companies will put out the same exactproduct, change the bag and the name, and sell it cheaper.

I've been following it, as was Buck. We (the forum) used to tease himall the time that he should own stock in the WoodyPet. He was theirbest salesman, but as he saw what was progressing, he didn't think it awise move.

Tractor Supply Company stores is another "Buckism". He did buy stock inthat. It's a wonderful store. He was the one that convinced us all tohunt one down and visit it. We all appreciated that advice as well.Since Buck told us about it, members drove hours to get to one - anddidn't regret it when they got there. If you have one near you, they'llwalk you through the change. If you don't have one near you, take aride.


The Price increasefor woody pets hasnt yet reached myarea, I am still only paying $5 .75 for a 40# bag .

You have to remember that Woody Petswas first designed as areplacement or alternative toShavings for Horses , Too many horseswere getting very Ill from breathing infumes from Hard wood shavings, It was then found that some typesof hard wood shavings were deadly toxicto horses and a safer alterantivewas sought out , Hence WoodyPets were born ,

Now anything Horse related is by naturemuch more expensive , compare shedding blades ofthe same size for horses andfor dogs and you will see a muchdifferent price . The range can run frompennies to mega dollars sometimes over $5.00 differences in shedding blades .

Where as Horse Owners far outweigh Rabbit and other smallanimals the price will be much higher, supply and demand will always drive theprice higher no matter what theproduct . I have sat at my feedstore and watched a horse owner drive up with atrailer and have 2 pallets of woody pets loaded on, as long as Horse People usethem as a stall litter , the pricewill increase .
If people can get WoodyPet at a good price, Go For It!

I'm in an area whereas the price is close to doubling within 2 years.I'm also drenched with equine centers all around. You're right, Gypsy,there's a demand for it in this area. People buy WoodyPet by thepallets around here. TSC got to a point where they couldn't keep enoughin stock. The business obviously ran reports on what warehouses areputting out more demand than supply and have upped their prices. Myarea was red-flagged.

That said, the same company puts out the same product in a differentbag and a much lower price. The bag is of cheaper quality, it's not ascolorful or as fancy, it cuts the company's bagging costs, so they'reable to cut the price of the litter in order to still appeal to otherpet owners.

Letting go of looking for the name and bag "WoodyPet", I can get the same exact thing for much less money.

I agree Carolyn ,where its a supply and demandproduct I would also be lookingfor someting cheaper should theprice go up here . I use thewoody pets in the garae litter pans ,but I use Feline Pine for thehouse rabbits .,( dont ask I cantexplain why ) . but the Feline pineis $ 7.99 for a 20 # bag ,,just had athought , I have really lost my mind buy FelinePine at such a high price .

The onme thing I have noticed is thatWoody pets is no longer the nice long pieces theatit usedto be , now you getsmall chips as apposed to Feline pineslarger and longer pices , there foractually using less of the Feline Pinethan the Woody Pets . JMO.
i would love to find WoodyPet or anotheralternative. WoodyPet would still be cheaper than Yesterday'sNews ithink. But i can't find it anywhere, and to drive out to a feed store,well, i'd be spending the $$ on gas. Still keeping my eyes peeled.
The location is very close to where I live, soplanning to go there on the weekend. Is it for sure safe? They sellsmall animal bedding too, is this the same as for the horses just in asmaller bag? Is there a price difference? I'll probably phone before Igo there to see if they have anything.

I'm going to phone, but how much around is it? (I'm not sure if theprices you listed will be the ones at thestore, but justaestimate?) I was paying the walmart pine shavings (just gota bag and it was140L not compressed&62 compressed, couldn't find a weight) for $6.99canadian. I'm guessing this is expensive compared to this?Has anyone has a problem with if their rabbit chews onb it? or if theydo?

Sorry if these questions sound stupid, just don't know much aobut this product:).


(Also, is there anything else I should know?)
gypsy wrote:
The one thing I have noticed is thatWoody pets is no longer the nice long pieces theatit usedto be. Now youget small chips as apposed to Feline pineslarger and longer pices , there foractually using less of the Feline Pinethan the Woody Pets . JMO.

No Doubt, Gypsy. Definitely not the product it was when Buck was talking about it.

Fortunately the price hasn't gone up on WoodyPet by me in over a year. The Agway I buy from sells it for $4.79 abag. That's a dollar cheaper than when I got it at the TSC by Carolyn.The guy at Agway also lets me have any ripped bags....last time I gotan extra 5 bags.

With 8 bunnies, price is definitely a factor when buying anything for them. I go through about a bag of litter per week.

I'm always on the lookout for an alternative, but the demand in ourarea is not that high. Only a couple of suppliers carry Woody Pet and Ihave yet to see another brand.

gypsy: I have also noticed that the consistency has changed to smallerpieces. I don't think it's changed the performance, but it does seem tobe dustier than with the larger pieces.

Carolyn wrote:
It's gotten to the point where in my area, at least - and Tina's too,apparently, and Buck's too because I know he wrote a post about themsoaking up the profits, that the price jumped to $6 pushing $7 andchange for a bag.

I've been following it, as was Buck. We (the forum) used to tease himall the time that he should own stock in the WoodyPet. He was theirbest salesman, but as he saw what was progressing, he didn't think it awise move.

Tractor Supply Company stores is another "Buckism". He did buy stock inthat. It's a wonderful store. He was the one that convinced us all tohunt one down and visit it. We all appreciated that advice as well.Since Buck told us about it, members drove hours to get to one - anddidn't regret it when they got there. If you have one near you, they'llwalk you through the change. If you don't have one near you, take aride.


For those of you that may not have been here Buck was alwaystooting Woody Pet. We use to lovingly tease him that he should be theWoody Pet Spokesman. Wendy's had their "unofficial" Spokesman and Buckwas Woody Pets "Unofficial" Spokesman. I miss you Buck. It'sbittersweet now. I see the Woody Pet and smile thinking of teasing Buckand it hurts he is no longer here to tease and laugh with about iteither. I miss you my friend.

I noticed the price of Woody Pet went up and the quality wentdown. My last bag was so dusty and was nothing but jagged small pieces.With a larger rabbit it may not be a major concern. But when you have 2pound Stormy sneezing his little head off it made me think. Is itreally worth it

So I have switched to another cheaper brand. Works like WoodyPet looks like Woody Pet but is only $5 a bag. Stormy now has puppytraining pads under his cage and not a sneeze one.

dajeti2 wrote:
For those of you that may not have been here Buckwas always tooting Woody Pet. We use to lovingly tease him that heshould be the Woody Pet Spokesman. Wendy's had their "unofficial"Spokesman and Buck was Woody Pets "Unofficial" Spokesman. I miss youBuck. It's bittersweet now. I see the Woody Pet and smile thinking ofteasing Buck and it hurts he is no longer here to tease and laugh withabout it either. I miss you my friend.


I'm with you, Tina.Fora while there, Iwas really beginning to thinkBuck ran thecompany.. He dropped it after he got Jiminto it because he didn't want to steal Jim'sthunder. Hehad suchclass.One of a Kind.

I think this issue must be a cross atlanticthing because on the hamster forum i go on which is mainly US basedthey all say use carefresh but here in the UK "most" people useshavings with small animals, which i believe are pine shavings here,I've used them with my hamsters for years and i use them with my newrabbit too and so far touch wood have never had any problems.

Im not saying everyone in the UK uses woodshavings but they do seem tobe the main thing here, Carefresh is only just starting to be availablehere and costs a lot in comparison to a big bag of shavings

i wonder why the difference between countries
I have to copy out bits and pieces here in the threads in order to respong properly .

With 8 bunnies, price is definitely a factor when buyinganything for them. I go through about a bag of litter per week.
Jim I wish Ionly went through One bag a week , I go through that a daywith this crew , and keep inmind not All my rabbits are littertrained , just most of them .

as for the consistency of the productwith smaller chipsthere is much less absorbtion ,mecessitating using double theamount to cover a 12 /36 inch tray .I paid Particularattention when I just changes one trytoday , to see what the bigger diiference was . ONEthing in particular to pay attention to and to remember well, # 40 lbs is #40 lbs no more no less . Even thoughthe pellets are smaller they weighthe same , but the difference comes inwhen you have to actually use more to cover thesame amount of Spacethat fewerof the larger pellets would cover .

If my wood Pellets came in the condition Woody Pets isnow coming in I would returnthem and switch to a different bran ofequal quality , why wouldnt anyone doit with Litter pellets?

For those of you that may not have been here Buck wasalways tooting Woody Pet. We use to lovingly tease him that he shouldbe the Woody Pet Spokesman. Wendy's had their "unofficial" Spokesmanand Buck was Woody Pets "Unofficial" Spokesman. I miss you Buck. It'sbittersweet now. I see the Woody Pet and smile thinking of teasing Buckand it hurts he is no longer here to tease and laugh with about iteither. I miss you my friend.


I'm with you, Tina.Fora while there, Iwas really beginning to thinkBuck ran the company for awhile. He dropped it after he got Jiminto it because he didn't want to steal Jim'sthunder. Hehad suchclass.One of a Kind.



Carolyn , Tina and all who knew Buck Personally ,

I totally agree that Buck is dearly missedeven by those of us who didntget the chance to interact with him on aconstant basis .

I would like to think that Buckwould take the problemswith pricing and quality tothe higher ups in the corperationand would most likely in true BuckJones Fashion chew them a new Ear ,While Buck may have not beenthe Rabbit Pioneer for Woody Pets Hecertainly went above all marketing Promotionsto bring the Product to our attention. I am gratefull for that , it was an awesomeproduct . But if quality and cost doesntimprove with the large amount ofrabbits I have in my care Iam going to have to find a cheaper allternative.
i get all my rabbit stuff at because they're really cheap and they hardly charge you anything for shipping.

i get my boys' oxbow hay from them in the 9lb boxes and i get aspenshavings from them too because they're a lot cheaper there than atplaces such as petsmart. i cant find woody pet anywhere around me, andmy william wont use his litterbox if i put feline pine in it, becausehe hates the smell.
I usually use Woody Wood but the pieceshave become smaller and much dustier. I have had dust all over thehouse from it recently.
I have also used other brands and they aren't much better.I also don't care for the smell of Woody Wood Pet or the others.
I know this is not popular but I prefer 100% hardwood no additive woodstove pellets.The brand I have has big pieces with NO odor at all. Ilike it better than any of the horse stall pellets.
It absorbs very well. It is $4.00 plus change for a 40 lb bag.
I especially like the fact that there is no odor whatsoever.
It is Oak.
It is by OHP Ozark hardwood Products
It says not for human or animal consumption. My rabbits don't eat the wood pellets and I certainly don't :D
I get it at a Big R store near me.
You can read about it at their web site

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