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Well-Known Member
Dec 9, 2017
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I thought we could have a tread where we just share pictures of the day or just want to tell what happening. There are a lot of things happening in the world and a few things is quite unstable.

I can start with what I have been doing, myself have been away from my bunnies for 4 days and spent my time with a university friend. I have been helping her studying for her re-exams. So I’ve been to the ocean and stepped onto a boat, my back is still hurting after the boat ride on the ocean and at least my sea sickness didn’t kick in. The weather these days have been great and my parents can stop complaning I’m pale like a ghost, got a little tan after walking around on the different archipelago.

The high point was the smiling church but I missed cuddling with Toste and Odin🤣


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Today Odin got to run around in the run outside while I was cleaning which only took 3 hours to do and I found out Toste had peed on his vetbed again. So I will need to wash everything next week. Both got their last treatments for mites.

We later went to the vet and checked Toste ears again at least third time was the charm. Toste have started to respond good to the treatment but I will have to book a new time in 2 weeks for an x-ray and flushing his ears. We could do the x-ray today and later on do the cleaning but I don’t want him to go through narcos many times. So I wanted them to do both at the same time. Turned out that Toste will need a regular cleaning of both his ears later on every week.

At least the vet gave Toste praises that he had a really calm heart rate and comperated good until she checked his ears and it started to hurt. So when he got into his travel cage he started to stomp and turn his back to us, I’ll have to bribe him later on so he don’t ignore me 😂

Now I just have to brush both heavy molting boys and trim their claws, I hope they won’t be that unhappy with me specially Toste that still have to take his medication and cleaning. He had to do a train trip and bus to get to the vet, So Toste have been a really good boy even though he’s grumpy and ignoring me right now.


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I just got back from a lake house, I was there for the weekend with my family. I didn't want to leave Theo behind, but I didn't have a choice. It was really fun, but since I tubed the whole time I have these nasty blisters on my elbows. I'm also super sore! I can hardly raise my arms, which sucks because I am hosting a camp on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. Also, while we were there my cousin jumped off the boat and got hit right above his eye. He ended up having to get stitches. Thank goodness my grandfather is a doctor and was able to help him!

I can start with what I have been doing, myself have been away from my bunnies for 4 days and spent my time with a university friend. I have been helping her studying for her re-exams. So I’ve been to the ocean and stepped onto a boat, my back is still hurting after the boat ride on the ocean and at least my sea sickness didn’t kick in. The weather these days have been great and my parents can stop complaning I’m pale like a ghost, got a little tan after walking around on the different archipelago.

The high point was the smiling church but I missed cuddling with Toste and Odin🤣
Wow! It is so pretty there! I love it!
@Hermelin it looks beautiful! Thank god you didn't get sea sick. I think I would have puked even though the scene is lovely!

@Mariam+Theo OUCH! I'm so glad your cousin is okay though!

This past weekend, I had a birthday to attend to. My stepson's cousin was having her 13th birthday a week after my stepson had his! I felt bad because apparently it was a swim party but the initiation didn't say that so we just came in our normal clothes lol. He didn't seem to mind though, he watched the kids from afar because he doesn't know how to swim (I'd love him to learn but he had trauma with water growing up).

I've also been going through a breakup with my now ex (yes, his son is my stepson) for the past few weeks and it's been really rough. We were together for 4 years, and now we've separated rooms and our belongings. It feels weird. Because we're not together, but we still live together. Honestly, RO is one of the few things that I've been able to use as a distraction from all of it.
@Mehidk i feared for my life of getting sea sick but it was a fast ride with motor boat, the reason why I got back pain when hitting my back to the boat.

That’s really tough going through a break up and still living in the same house. If you want to chat, you got us here 💕

@Mariam+Theo Lucky your cousin didn’t get all too bad hurt and could get patchef up. You can try stretching it will often help when you are sore.

Myself only have fears of jumping off from things if it into water. I had a classmate when I was younger that nearly got impaled. He was lucky it only scratched his leg, if he had been more off it would had become a real horror story. Some evil person had surrounded the the jetty at a bathing place with sharpened reinforcing bars, which had been randomly scattered. The police never caught the culprit but they always check the jetty reguarly know after that incident ☺️
My life isn't too exciting. Sunday I started to get ready for church but chickened out. My husband and 2 of our boys got back from camping so there was a lot of clean up. Sunday evening I took my oldest (twins) and one of their boyfriends out to eat. My daughter lives in a small town with her boyfriend. I saw his house for the first time. She goes to school 1hour away and has 1 semester left. She is in the National guard and has training for 5 weeks soon. This start of the week I started to think about school for the following school year and what to plan. The family photo is my in laws and my kids plus 1.


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Today I have been celebrating midsummer with my family and later towards the evening I’m celebrating with my friends. BA3B7576-CB73-40AE-BB88-0CB399B2A08F.jpeg

So I have been eating 3 courses of food at home and at my friends dinner but it became a bit more drinking with my friends. I’m literally stuffed after eating so many times in one day at least it helps me keep clear headed after drinking so much. Odin and Toste only got a bit of salad but will get better treats next week when Odin will turn 3 years old.

In the pictures you can see a bit of classic midsummer food and a lot of pickled herrings. You only don’t see any of the drinks in the pictures except the soda.

At least I didn’t open a bottle of cider under the chanderlier, ended up with the cork flying out the balcony door and disappeared 🤣

I hope everyone have a good day and if you from sweden have a happy midsummer ☺


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Today I have been celebrating midsummer with my family and later towards the evening I’m celebrating with my friends. View attachment 48822

So I have been eating 3 courses of food at home and at my friends dinner but it became a bit more drinking with my friends. I’m literally stuffed after eating so many times in one day at least it helps me keep clear headed after drinking so much. Odin and Toste only got a bit of salad but will get better treats next week when Odin will turn 3 years old.

In the pictures you can see a bit of classic midsummer food and a lot of pickled herrings. You only don’t see any of the drinks in the pictures except the soda.

At least I didn’t open a bottle of cider under the chanderlier, ended up with the cork flying out the balcony door and disappeared 🤣

I hope everyone have a good day and if you from sweden have a happy midsummer ☺
That looks amazing! I have been reading some books about Swedish living and midsummer was mentioned. It is nice to see real photos and food!
That looks amazing! I have been reading some books about Swedish living and midsummer was mentioned. It is nice to see real photos and food!

It became a different celebration with no maypole and watching people dressing up with traditional clothes because of the covid-19. But at least the food is the same, glad you enjoyed the pictures ☺️
It became a different celebration with no maypole and watching people dressing up with traditional clothes because of the covid-19. But at least the food is the same, glad you enjoyed the pictures ☺
We have a huge fair in August. Everything has been canceled even though everything is open, we are supposed to social distance.
We have a huge fair in August. Everything has been canceled even though everything is open, we are supposed to social distance.

Covid-19 have caused that many events I was planing to go on have been canceled and also had an impact on my summer job. So right now, I’m just spending most of my time at home being a lazy person with my dad and little brother.

I keep my social distance but I meet friends sometimes, we just make sure no one have had any symtomes, don’t share food and no huging when we greet each other.

Today I went with a huge breakfast more like a lunch from the food we had yesterday and enjoyed the view from my friends balcony.

I would say swedish food is nothing special and it’s quite simple ☺️


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How my little brother solve the problem to not let my parents take Odin out the cage and feeding him while I’m not home and my brother also have gone out.

My dad have the problem of overfeeding Odin, so we always keep an eye up when he’s out running around. Also my parents was drinking during midsummer, so to keep the smallest bunny of the lot safe, we often let him be in the cage.

The only problem is that myself don’t know the code to the lock and my brother doesn’t pick up his phone 😅

I’ll just dismantle the cage, so Odin can jump around in the house again 🤣


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Got a call today from my little brother had fixed another job for Odin, instead of one day it will take two days to film, if everything go well and my brother will get payed.

At least he just sum up the scene Odin will be in. He will be a bunny that was a gift from a grandmother to her grandkids that don’t want to have a bunny and will be left in a cage on stage. Don’t know if it’s for a music video or something else this time. But that scene can really show the reality of how many bunny end up as.

Odin have no problem moving around and going to new places. But you feel a bit bum when the bunny manage to find a job with payment while myself still can’t find a new job.

I truly need to learn saying no to my little brother and him using Odin.


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Braces! That is exciting. Having straight teeth really helps a person be more confident. We are thinking about moving in a year or so. 1 of my children needs braces but I think maybe we should wait? Hard to know.
Today I got braces. Thats all that happened. Pretty boring...
Hi everyone, today I have finally done something. Don’t even know how I could even have the energy when I slept less than 2 hours today but I had a bit of headache because of not getting a good rest. I truly wished that I could sleep during the night, at least I could listen to the birds singing and watch the sun go up at 03:00.

The sun never truly go down during summer time and it won’t get as dark as winter.

I enjoyed a walk down to the center of the town, I truly love summer time when you see all the life around and listening to the brook and birds. The whole way down to the town from my place you will walk along a small brook. But I could totally skip the blooming grass and it’s pollen, my allergy is kicking me with full force 🤣

Later I went out with my dad and Odin to the forest to pluck a bit of blueberries for the pie I’m going to bake tomorrow. Odin was such a spoiled boy, he didn’t want to eat the blueberries if he wasn’t fed but after a while he started to eat the plant of the blueberries which he enjoyed.

Now I’m just going to chill for the rest of the evening, eat a bit of strawberries and watch movies while cuddling with Odin. I’ll also need to check Odin and myself for ticks 🤣

Toste I have no idea what he have been up with, everytime I checked he’s been eating and hiding under the bed, sleeping like a log.


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Today my rabbit and I couldn’t go on a walk because of the RHDV2. Luckily my vet is importing the vaccine, but until she getS it we’re staying inside and being careful. We live in Texas and there’s an outbreak here.
We just cuddled in bed a lot and we’re lazy since it’s my birthday. She also peed on my brother when he tried to pet her.


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Today I went to the library and borrowed Howls Moving Castle (the book, not the movie). I couldn't go on my weekly walk with the bunnies because of RHDV2. I then packed for camp that I'm ging to tomorrow. I edited next weeks video for Oreo's YouTube channel scheduled it to be public at 1:15pm next Saturday (because I will be at camp when I normally would post).

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