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Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2004
Reaction score
Apollo's Acres, Virginia, USA
I was wondering:

Why do some rabbits scan and some don't?

Apollo is a red-eyed white and does not scan, but I have seen many more red-eyed whites that do scan.

I jokingly said to Carolyn that maybe Apollo's eye sight is so bad hedoesn't bother scanning. Or maybe he sees so well that he doesn't needto scan. I said it joking but it got me to wondering.

I was about to ask the same thing.... I thought you meant scanning as in photos... bunnies scan??
I'm sure there are others here that can describeit much better than I can but here goes. Scanning is when a rabbit willmove their head from side to side and I've also seen rabbitsmove thier heads up and down. It's to help them see a little better.Scanning is most common in red-eyed white rabbits. But not all red-eyedwhite rabbits scan.

Hope that helps until someone can explain it better.

Umm.... :?

I know when my buns are sniffing something they bob their heads up anddown before they move forward, would that be them scanning to make sureits okay for them??

All three of my Rabbits scan. I was reallyworried when I first saw Dasiy doing it as I thought she was having aseizure or something.

What Raspberry said is right. It is most common in red eyed, whites as the are supposed to have worse vision than most.

Taken from

[font=Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif]"Scanning" or "tracking" is avision-related rabbit behavior that can cause concern in thoseunfamiliar with it. Some rabbits will sit and weave or sway slowly backand forth. They appear to be causing motion in order to see an objectthat is within a short distance of themselves. This behavior is alsoobserved when carrying a rabbit facing forward. Head motion is thoughtto be a means of enhancing distance measurement. When the eye ismoving, close objects move faster than distant ones.[/font]

[font=Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif]If your rabbit is ascanner--most common in pink-eyed rabbits--she will regularly scan; itwon't be a sudden-onset behavior.[/font]


PS - Raspberry when I first sawyourreply I thought "My that little girl just gets smarterand smarter." Then I saw you had signed your name. I used to do thatall the time when Ryan used to come on here :D.

My bunny bobs his head up and down sometimes when he is sitting still (which isn't very often).

I thought he was having a seizure :?

Is it still considered scanning even though it's not a side to side thing?

He's been doing this since I got him.
DaisyNBuster wrote:

PS - Raspberry when I first sawyourreply I thought "My that little girl just gets smarterand smarter." Then I saw you had signed your name. I used to do thatall the time when Ryan used to come on here :D.
I didn't realize, once again, that shehad been logged on! It's happened more than once! One ofthese days I'm going to moon someone under her screen name and neverhear the end of it!

bunsforlife wrote:
Never seen this, but from the sound of it, I can understandwhy it would be disturbing when you first notice something likethis!

First time I noticed in on my red-eyed bun, scared the bejeezus out ofme. Immediately made appointment with the most knowledgeablevet around, need I say most expensive as well?

Would be several days before he could see her and he required acomplete physical beforehand....ker ching! ker ching!Fortunately, on a forum much like this, someone posted on this topicand saved me a wad of money and angst thinking I had a rabbit with someweird eye condition.

If you don't know what is going on, the scanning has been known to"spook" some people. Some even believe the rabbit wasputting a hex on them, as is voodoo, black magic and/orwitchcraft. LOL

Shades of Night of the Lepus, eh?


DaisyNBuster wrote:
PS - Raspberry when I first sawyourreply I thought "My that little girl just gets smarterand smarter." Then I saw you had signed your name.

Vickie, I thought the SAME THING!!! ... :D
The first time I saw Mr. Wiggles do it I got SOSCARED!!!! I thought maybe he'd lost his mind, I thought ifItried to reach for him to see what was wrong he'd attack me. Of courseI'd go up to him and he'd completely switch back to normal, but as soonas I backed off he'd start up again. I came to the board to find outwhat was going on and was releived to find out. But it's still eerie,the way he gets fixated on something, it makes me feel like he's seeingsomething that I can't. Uggh I get the heebie jeebies thinking about it!

I wish that I could see Sherman dothis!!! :shock: I don't think I've ever seen thisbehavior in him.

Would be very interesting.
Buck Jones wrote:
Meganc731 wrote:
...But it's still eerie, the way he gets fixatedon something, it makes me feel like he's seeing something that I can't.Uggh I get the heebie jeebies thinking about it!

He's gonna puta spellon you! Watch out! :D

That's hilarious buck!!!!:p

So, scanning is a side-to-side movement? not up and down movement?


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