Save the Pals

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BUMP!!!!! with a good reason!!!

I have found a Breeder innorhtern NH thanks To Roger L .The girl has Pal babiesready fornew homes they are 8 weeks and a bit old. she is asking $ 50.00 apiece for them ,If anyone is interested PMme and I will pass along heremail address .

These are Golden Pals not Lynxlike mine , Full pedigrees . I am picking up2 tomorrow .

Please disregard all doublewords and silly sounding phrases , panickattacks have set in again and medicationis making it hard to think straight
Oh Gypsy, how exciting! I'm soirritated with the only Pal breeder who seems to be remotely close tome. She contacted me after finding out I was interested inPals, told me all about her babies (she breeds goldens andlynx). I e-mailed her back...and nothing. Ie-mailed her again....still nothing! You know, if she wasgoing to be a brat about it, she shouldn't have ever gotten in contactwith me in thefirst place! :mad: Sorry torant.

There is a Pal breeder on one of the webrings I belong to. She is in [size="-1"]Northern Missouri.

If anyone is near her and would like her web address, then send me a PM.


Pals are gorgeous.
I'm bumping this for me. i've been thinking alotabout adding to my family,and i am totally in love with pals. ( thanksto Gypsy, George, Rose, Bub, and Tank)

Unfortunately i cannot find a breeder close to me, and the Elmira show contact seriously doubts there will be any pals there.

Any suggestions? i would like to see some pals before i decide, i alsohave some concerns of my 2 girls (rexs/netherland) getting along with apal. i know it's a personality thing, but it couldalso be asize issue.

Advice/comments would be graciously accepted,

Size with Palsare something to take intoconcideration some can get 12pounds or a bit more ., I am especially findingthis withthe Goldens , They seem to growat a faster pace than my Lynx .

Personality well , I have my loveable ones and Ihave my snots , But even the snottyones tend to toe to the earrubs , and nose scritches .they all love attention but on their terms , sameas many other breeds .

I have never tried bonding the Pals , butthe litter mates all seem to get alongwell enough , there hasnt been any fighting, I would imagine with time andpatience they would get alongfine with the smaller breeds, The breed seems tofall somewhere between the Flemish andrex temperment wise , more sweetlysnotty than snotty vicious .They are unabashed shameless beggers whenit comes to treats lol . and are notafraid to try and swipe it from your hand before itgets into the bowl . They dolike space to run jump binkyand bunny 500 , kinda like aFlemish run like mad for 5 to 10 minutesthen flop out for a nice long nap .Exercisefor them, like allother rabbits makes for healtier ,happier rabbits .

They are a curious rabbit they needstimulation so they do not get bored, toys , hay rolls , veggieburritos . anything to occupy the mindand stimulate curiosity is amust for them . When they getstartled or something out of the normal happensthey actually get a worried look ontheir face . the littlebrow furrowsand their face getsall wrinkly.and theears come forward , You canactually also see happinessvery redily on their face . Iswear you can see them smilingespecially around the eyes . They arealso not beyond thumping when mad, lonley, scared , etc , on theright surface you would swear a bomb wentoff . One other thing I have noticedwith the Lynx variety that has not showed up withthe Goldens , They seem on theverge of Fainting when scared ,and the little boogers will do it when Iam trying to bring them out of their cage, nearly scares me to deaththat they are so afraid they will have aheart attack , but when checkingtheir heart rate it is normal , ( littlestinkers I swear do it on purpose ) .

Right now I have 3 who will be going intopet homes , all 3 mustbealtered due to genetics thatshouldnt be passed on . Once neuteredand or spayed they will makeexcellent pets . I must mention They arevery affectionate rabbits , not beyond groomingyou and handing out thekisses freely .
gypsy wrote:
When they get startled orsomething out of the normal happens they actuallyget a worried look on their face. the little browfurrowsand their face gets allwrinkly.and the ears comeforward , You can actually alsosee happiness very redily ontheir face . I swear you cansee them smiling especially around theeyes .

I can vouch for this most adorable trait. They do have more facialexpression than most breeds. Bub has some adorable worry wrinkles.

they DO rip things out of hands, the more climbing over peopleinvolved, the more fun it is. I turn my back to Bub as I'm breaking offa bread chunk, and he dives over my shoulder, grabs it, and takes off.Tank does the same thing, except she runs for about 2 min. before sheactually settles down to EAT the booty.

thanks Gypsy and Rose, see what you started!

My mini rex Kweli really wants to be friends with Rue, so i believe she would like a friend to play with.

from what you both describe, i would suit a pal and a pal would suitme. i worry about my girls though, Kweli adapts to things very easily,Rue is quite stuck up and doesn't like change.

Nicky,It is something to think about, You donthave to make snapdesisions right off , I will be having a litterpossibly ready to go by spring . ( I hope) , Maybe by then You will know for adefinate you can get the littleRue to accept a new brother/ sister or not . and it willalso give us more time to workout travel arrangements .
that sounds good, i definately don't want torush things. and i am going to try to bond Rue and Kweli again. Nowthat i have moved, the only territory they have is each others cages.
Pals are NOT big on the concept of "personal space".:p

To illustrate:

Went out to feed this morning, with carrot chunks in my pocket. Well, Iforgot about the carrot chunks until I turned around while feeding Tankand felt a large head shove itself in my jacket pocket. Crunch crunchcrunch! So much for saving carrots for dessert. Then I tried to scoopthe food, turning away so she couldn't knock it over in her haste, andthe same large orange head insinuated itself under my armpit and rightinto the food bucket. Crunch crunch crunch!

Then for son Bub. Open door, get bowled over by leaping orange furrymass. Try to scoop food--Bub dives over shoulder, hanging like a fatrabbit fur scarf. Try to close furry mass grabs armwith front feet and hangs on, climbing up to my shoulder like he'strying to scale a cliff.

They are darn PUSHY critters!:shock::p

:rofl:I am so sitting herein hyseterics, what antics they get youinto Rose , Im telling you all you go through withthose 2 it amazes me you are still as tall as you ever were ,10 lbs of Rabbit constanly squashing onyou has got to be deterimental to yourHeight! lmao .
You folks sure have a thing for crazy rabbits.:p

gypsy, I think they do squash me a little more every time. I just brace for the onslaught. BOOM!

rabbitgirl wrote:
Pals are NOT big on the concept of "personal space".:p

To illustrate:

Went out to feed this morning, with carrot chunks in my pocket. Well, Iforgot about the carrot chunks until I turned around while feeding Tankand felt a large head shove itself in my jacket pocket. Crunch crunchcrunch! So much for saving carrots for dessert. Then I tried to scoopthe food, turning away so she couldn't knock it over in her haste, andthe same large orange head insinuated itself under my armpit and rightinto the food bucket. Crunch crunch crunch!

Then for son Bub. Open door, get bowled over by leaping orange furrymass. Try to scoop food--Bub dives over shoulder, hanging like a fatrabbit fur scarf. Try to close furry mass grabs armwith front feet and hangs on, climbing up to my shoulder like he'strying to scale a cliff.

They are darn PUSHY critters!:shock::p

Oh, I go through exactly the same thing with my Flemmiegirls. If someone watched them when I put food in their dish,they would think I was starving those girls. They are NUTS!!

My part to help saving the Pals will start very soon. Hyjynxis coming from Gypsy on Oct. 21. Starlight Rabbitry and I aregoing to meet up very, very late that night not far from my home as shepasses through on the way to the convention. I've been incontact with a breeder in my area about finding him a girl byspring. Hopefully I will have baby pals next summer!


cirrustwi wrote:
Oh, I go through exactly the same thing with my Flemmiegirls. If someone watched them when I put food in their dish,they would think I was starving those girls. They are NUTS!!

My part to help saving the Pals will start very soon. Hyjynxis coming from Gypsy on Oct. 21. Starlight Rabbitry and I aregoing to meet up very, very late that night not far from my home as shepasses through on the way to the convention. I've been incontact with a breeder in my area about finding him a girl byspring. Hopefully I will have baby pals next summer!


heh you have no idea how lucky you are Jen... Hyjinx is the man and atotal sweetie as well..... he is so cute when you hold him he shakeslike a lil leaf..i love that lil boy :)

heres a pic of me n your soon to be baby boy


Oh Freddysmom! Thank you somuch. I hadn't seen a picture of my beautiful boyyet. I'm so excited to get him. Hmmm....Maybe aHyjynx boy could come your way nextsummer???


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