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I think you should get information to the localfair .im sure some 4H kids would want to breed those beautifulbunnies.I use to have a palomino cross.bluebird
FreddysMom wrote:
hey Rose, are you in full on protective getting sprayed gear in this pic? :p


Yup yup yup. That's the winter protective gear, fully bubbified.:p

Kricket wrote:
Are Palaminosthe color of coat or abreed? They certainly are lovely! I'd LOVE to haveone...or two....;)

Kricket, Palominorabbits area breed, not a color. Confusing because Palomino in horses refers to color!

I think you neeeeeed one or two or ten.....:D

I GOT ONE I GOT ONEI GOT ONE! Folks, I think we have a newbreeder!

Bub's brother Chester, baby 2, is owned by a precocious young studentof mine, age 10, who is a farm girl and has room and ability to breed,as well as being in the 4-H rabbit project. Her mother (the powerbehind the young breeder:p) has plenty of experience in breeding otheranimals and I think they will do a fantastic job. Tess adores Chester,and he's very gentle and sweet with her.

They are looking for a doe to breed with Chester and/or Bub. If thingsget finalized on this end, gypsy, could we talk about one of yourgirls?? We are excited about getting a Vaills bun in this part of thecountry--an unrelated line!

Shipping is going to be an issue.....railroad possibilities??

Young Tess, the owner,may join me on the Pal "promotional"circuit....Chester doesn't have Bub's annoying habit of sprayingeverything he sees.:pTess hasn't hit puberty yet so Chesterisn't thinking "girlfriend". hehe

Chester is being shown this week, so we'll get an idea of his strengths and faults, and will know what to look for in a doe.

I do hope this flies, but there seems to be some interest!

:star: Way to Go, Rose!

Can't say I'm surprised. You are what some call "a mover and a shaker."Once you set your mind to something and are passionate about it, youmake things happen. It's no wonder you and Gypsy have become close. Shehas the same Drive.

Bless your heart. I will stay tuned for more good news.


Aww, thanks Carolyn. I sure hope this doesn't fall through, but that stuff happens. It's only begun. :)

Very many thanks to gypsy for all her help and generosity!!!:D

No thanks neededhere Rose , Its what Ido . Any chance to bringa better quality to a breedthe more drivin I become. I will NOT allow it to fallthru there is a way there will bea way and we will Get errrrrrrrrdone!!!!!!!!!.
i already put in a request to get off ofworkfor that sept. 18th show...i am more than willing to helpwith breeding, but with a male i told Rose, I am 100% heart intobreeding a female but dont have the necessary experience, money or moreimportantly the time that is fair to devote to them if something wentwrong...i am hoping to get in touch with a breeder at this show andeventually take home a male. If you are keeping you does Gypsy, I amonly about 4 hours away from you and id have no problem with my lil boystaying the night! i wish i could help transport over a doe to Rose,but I am just about as far away as you are Gypsy!
I know honYour only a couple hours fromme , Its nice we are actuallythat close . I am going to askthe breeders at the show if anyone isheading Rose's way and see whatwe can accomplish that way . Imsure contacting the rightpeople and having Rose with theleg work on her end wecan definatley get thisaccomplished , Oh Rose theres alwaysbribery in getting breeders ,just tell them all thewonderfull Bub stories and letthem know what they would be missing outon , I mean after all NOT everybun showshis or her affection likeBubbers does! :rofl:
I do believe I'll suppress that aspect of Bub's personality when trying to get rides.:p

Good idea!!!


P.S. on average, do people come to these shows from really long distances?
FreddysMom wrote:
i already put in a request to get off of workforthat sept. 18th show...i am more than willing to help with breeding,but with a male i told Rose, I am 100% heart into breeding afemale but dont have the necessary experience, money or moreimportantly the time that is fair to devote to them if something wentwrong...i am hoping to get in touch with a breeder at this show andeventually take home a male. If you are keeping you does Gypsy, I amonly about 4 hours away from you and id have no problem with my lil boystaying the night! i wish i could help transport over a doe to Rose,but I am just about as far away as you are Gypsy!

YES YES YES!!!! A 'nother Pal owner!! So you're going to keep your boyunaltered? Oh boy are you in for a wild ride.:pBut they areSO loveable!

rabbitgirl wrote:
I do believe I'll suppress that aspect of Bub's personalitywhen trying to get rides.:p

Good idea!!!


P.S. on average, do people come to these shows from really long distances?
Rose : Yessometimes they come from all over to the Shows, At Topsfield therewere People from Maine as wellas Conn Present .

FreddysMom: Mrs Vaill will bethere She is the PerfectPalomino Breeder to talk with Ijust sent her an Email confirming I willbe at Goshen to recieve a SrDoe . I cant wait tomeet You in person !!!!.

Carolyn I ooppsied I think I spelledYourLast Name wrong:disgust:While letting MrsVaill know where I would be atthat Weekend lmao ! whata dopeI can be.!
gypsy wrote:
Carolyn I ooppsied I think Ispelled YourLast Namewrong :disgust:Whileletting Mrs Vaill know whereI would be at that Weekend lmao! whata dope I can be.!

You are Not a dope, and don't worry about it! :)

I'm trying to get back in contact with thebreeder I had talked to about Pals about 3 or 4 months ago.I'm thinking I'm going to start with a buck and then go from there withgetting a doe or 2 and breeding...We'll see. There is a showon Sept. 17 or 18 that I'm trying to make plans to go to. I'mstill not positive about breeding, but I could definitely see havingone as show prospect.


It's so funny that everyone is wanting boys. Hmmmm, wonder why! Well, don't say I didn't warn you.:p


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