ok my son can NOT decide on breed he likes both and so we are thinking of 2 bunnies, they will be bucks and neutered, can they be of bifferent breeds? he wants a Jeresey Wooly and Mini Rex.<br><br>   Thank You<br>
If you'll be keeping them in separate cages itwon't matter. If you're wanting them to live in the samecage, you'll need to wait till at least a month after they're bothneutered and then introduce them slowly on neutral ground.Rabbits don't always like each other and male pairs are supposed to beharder to bond than male/female or female/female pairs. Evenif they like each other as babies, many rabbits have to be split upuntil after neutering when they hit puberty because the hormones makethem more territorial and aggressive. They can seriouslyinjure each other in fights. That's one reason why we usuallyrecommend adopting adults, either from a shelter or retired buns from abreeder.