Ruby and Millie's thread

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I was bored today so i made my bunnies andobstacle course in their run, a box, then a long tube box, then a pipefor them to run through. Ruby kept going in and out of the box andgoing into the pipe untill you could only see her bum then coming outas if to say "Jess their is a big scary monster in that pipe!" ThenMillie came along after making the door in the box a bit bigger (theirrun is now ful of peices of cardboard) and went through the box, thetube and the pipe then went back through it all. After that Ruby wentthrough and came out and went back through it several times as if tosay "see Jess,i told you there's no monster inhere!" I was just laughing at her.:DSilly bunny!
Hi, just another quick story from my bunnies.Well i was having 'bonding time' with my bunnies where i sit in theirrun and play with them. Anyway i was sitting on my coat and Ruby comesalong looking for attention then starts destroying it. I would havestopped her but she lookes like she was having so much fun! I quicklyshoved a towl in front of her which she started destroying instead.Then she started leaning on me trying to get a better look down thegarden. Meanwhile Millie was stripping the bark of Rubys fort which shewasn't to happy about.;)I seriously don't know what Rubyloves about it. Anyway after being thrown out of the 'fort' Milliestarted destroying her cuddel-E-cup. It's a good thing it's a non toxicmaterial. Why are my bunnies so destructive. I love them for it though,they are so much fun to watch!:p
LuvaBun wrote:
Bunnys_rule63 wrote:
Why aremy bunnies so destructive. I love them for it though, they are so muchfun to watch!:p
LOL. That is so true. I have several tops chewed to bits because I couldn't bring myself to spoil their fun :D


LMAO i know how you feel, Millie even destroyed one of my school jumpers. My mum wasn't too happy about that....:laugh:

I was really chuffed last night. My bunnies have always been friendly,but more 'play with me and stroke me but if you pick me up there willbe no skin left on your arms' friendly. Well i was playing with themyesterday and Ruby came along and jumped onto my knee. I was like:yes:. She's never done that before! I was also teaching my bunnies tostand up yesterday. Millie is quite good but Ruby has really got thehang of it. I went in their run too see them and Ruby hopped up to meand stood up. She looked to cute i had to run and get her some raisins.I think i may regret teaching her that.....;)
I can't get over how adorable your two buns are. Keep the photos and stories coming!


~Emily and the fuzzbutts~
Thanks m.e, it'll be hard but i'll try;).

Here are some pictures of their trick, they're getting really good at it!

This is Ruby


And Millie


Hi, just thought i'd post this here. Look on this website:

and click on 'giant'

I might buy this hutch for my bunnies, it's quite expensive but goodfor a big hutch like that. The hutch they have now is big but i wan't areally big one for the winter as they can't get out that much. My mumlooks impressed so i've got my fingers crossed!! I'd have to move itout their run tho, it would take up most of the space!:D
Well as you know Millie's eye was swollenyesterday so for the next few days she has to have eye drops. Shewasn't impressed this morning, she kept running away as soon as i wentup to her, it was like she new what i was coming in to do. I had towrap her in a towel which she didn't like while my sister put the dropsin. I felt so bad now though as she got stressed out and so did Rubyeven though i wasn't trying to catch her. Poor bunnies. I'm getting thebut now from both of them, i know she has to have them but i just feelso bad stressing her out. She would be pretty easy to catch usually butshe new something was up today. Strange...:ponder:Well i'mjust glad she's on the mend. I'm going to have to do some serioussucking up to her now. I'll have to spoil them for afew days untill thedrops are over. ;)
Hi everyone! Millie is on the mend but notthanking me for it although after i gave her the drops yesterday we putthem in their other run down the garden which is temporary as a treat.When it came to putting them back Millie hopped in the basket straightawayeven though the last time she went in was when she wentto the vets. Bless her, i hope that means she still trusts me. Anyway ihaven't got any new pictures of my bunnies i'm afraid as the batterysand my camera have run out again but here are some pictures of my otherpets.

This is my cat Ollie. I've had him since i was 5. He is such a softieyou can hold him like a baby. He even acts like a baby, he will cry andwake us all up in the middle of the night just to get a cuddle thenwill go to sleep. lol.


These are my mum's two hens, Ginger with the black tail, and Babs withthe white tail. Here they are perching on my bunnies run.



Sorry for no bunny pictures, i will take some soon, promise!:D:bunnydance:

Edit: Picture too big

Hi, some more bunny photos, not recent ones but ones i liked when i was resizing them.

Ruby playing in the dandylions (don't worry i didn't let her eat any)


Millie playing in her box


Millie on her throne


And a funny one of Ginger my hen, we tried to keep her out by putting ablanket over a clothes airer next to the door and look what she did (her heads facing the other way btw, she looks weird!)


And then once she gets inside look what she does, she loved that plant!


Lol, that hen makes me laugh!:laugh:
Thanks Jan.:DSorry though i didn'tmean danelions i meant dafodils, :embarrassed:I always mix them up!I've really got to stop doing that, lol.

I'm taking my bunnies down my old house again today so i've got my newbatterys and my camera ready! My mum's going down there to do somethingso they're are coming with us. I might let them in the house aswell,"see mum, they don't wee on the sofa, now lets let them live in ourhouse" ((While trying to hide wet patch));)

I'll post some pictures later when i get back.:sunshine:Bye for now!
Photos as promised!

Ollie before i left begging for attention because i was playing with the buns instead of him!


Millie eating grass


Ruby "mm whats down there?"


Ruby's big but, lol


Millie chilling under the chair


Ruby on the sofa


Millie on the floor


I went outside to check on them and Ruby wasasleep in her cuddel-E-cup in her fort. She was sooooo cute!!!!! I tookacouple of pictures for you.

Ruby dozing


"what are you looking at?"


I never thought when i bought it thatRuby (being the slightlybiggerbun)could fither whole body into itbut she's proved me wrong. I keep sneeking out to look at her. Shes socute!:D:bunnydance:
Thanks Jan. :DMy bunniesattackit,if you look carefully you can see where they have chewedwholes in it! Lol.:disgust:Bad bunnies! Well is suppose theyare having fun.

Last night i put some paper bags in a cardboard box, they had hours offun destroying that. The bag at the end was just bits of paper strewnaround the run. It was hilarious!:rofl:
Thanks stanleysmommy. Yeah they have the nicestfur! Ollie is what you'd call a moggy, lol. His mum was a Pure bredEnglish short hair who belonged to a friend but instead of breedingwith their other cat (also English short hair) she escaped out thehouse and well bred with some other cat. lol. We think he has someraggydoll in him as he is so flexible and his coloring which is similarto a simese. We think he may also have some tabby in him as if you lookcarefully you can see he has faint stripes across his chest and downhis head.:DHe's such a softie, when i hear about Apollo ijust think that Ollie is the cat version of him! lol.

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