My Sweet Teeny Boy,
I heard you loud and clear, Sweet Boy. I was sitting here at the computer, writing things, talking to friends, looking around at bunnies for fun online, and heard you tell me that it was okay...that you wouldn't be sad, or hurt, or offended. I couldn't believe it, but at the same time, it was wonderful to hear.
I saw you the other day, on my way, walking to pick up Em. I saw that big ol' bunny hop into the bushes, and knew it was you (especially when I didn't see the bun when I checked as I walked by). I could feel you saying hello and reminding me you're always with me...walking with me when I go pick her up...being my companion all the day long. I'm so happy you're still with me. It brings me such joy to feel you near.
In hearing you tell me that it's okay, I was reminded of a bun that I'd talked to our friend Jesse about...a bun named Elvis that she'd offered to me about a year ago, but I had to say no to because I told her that we couldn't have two big bunnies...that we just didn't have the space. So, you reminded me of him, and told me that you'd be honored that your physical spot in our family be filled by this wonderful boy.
And happiness filled my heart upon the realization that he's still there, and would still love to be my sweetie. Boy, Sweet Teeny, you sure know how to pick them...and you sure know how to speak to my heart. I would've never thought of it, if you hadn't said something. I'd spent the last couple weeks so sad, not even being able to comprehend the idea of taking in another bun...and my mind was so filled with grief, I couldn't hear you telling me it was okay. My eyes couldn't see you because the tears clouded them. All I could think of was missing you, and why did I have to lose you, and why I have to now live without you...nothing else entered my mind.
You can see me...and I know that you see that since deciding to add Elvis to our family, I've perked up a bit. But, I tell ya, Hunny, thoughts of missing you are still very much there. We passed the road that leads to where your big ol' body is buried today...and I got all saddened again. Daddy was there, and held my hand. He could tell I was upset. He misses you, too, Sweetie, and so does Emily. I could never love another Flemmie like I love you, Sweetie...and I can't even fathom taking in another one, because they would always be compared to your greatness in my mind, and that's just not fair to anyone.
Elvis is the perfect fit, too. Jesse tells me he's a lovey-boy like Teddy, and that he's also got spunkitude, because he's an escape artist (but then sits there, waiting for the human to come over, instead of running away, because he loves pets so much). And he's big...but not as big as you.
Thank you so much, Baby Boy, for being here with me, and being with me while I go through missing you. I'm so glad goodbye isn't permanent...that you're still here. You're always so sweet like that, and always knew when I needed your love the most.
Well, Sweet Boy, I'm going to put pictures of Elvis here for people to see, so they can say hi to him, and welcome him into our family like they welcomed you. I know you paved the way to his arrival to our family, and I can never thank you enough for showing me that he's right...he's the one. I could've never thought of or agreed to take him in without you letting me know that it's okay. I feel like him becoming part of our family is your legacy.
I love you always, my Sweet Boy,
Mama Bunny
For you are pictures of Elvis. I'll put a bit of what happened below.
Elvis is one of Jesse's (JAK Rabbitry) French Lops. He's about a year old, and is about 11lbs, so on the small end of the breed. He's a broken squirrel color, and is oh, so sweet and squishy in personality, but also a bit of an escape artist (he's bested every type of cage closure that Jesse's tried).
To quote Jesse: "Elvis you have to watch though, is an escape artist. he's extremely smart. He can undo latches of all kinds and I have a hard time containing him. He got out twice yesterday but he's pretty much litter trained and doesn't go anywhere and lets me walk right up to him and pick him up. He loves his cheeks squeezed and his ears pulled and he'll ''melter'' as you call it. Immediately. He even likes being held on his back like a baby and he will, within minutes, go fast asleep."
The day before yesterday, I was sitting here, just browsing through bun pictures, and thinking about bunnies in general, and the though suddenly entered my mind, "It's okay." I swear it was Teeny...and I knew immediately what he meant. And suddenly, the idea of getting another wasn't immensely painful. I thought about it for a moment, reminding myself that after getting Teddy, I'd said, "No more. Nine is my limit." I'd also said as such to Danny...and it was a promise I've maintained. Well, Friday, I heard him say it was okay...that he wasn't upset about the idea, and that I would not hurt him if I looked, or even brought someone new home.
So, I thought about it, browsed around Petfinder a bit, saw a bun that looked strikingly like him (and promptly closed the window, because I couldn't even handle the THOUGHT of that), and took a few minutes to think about what breed I was interested in. My first thought: other words, an English Lop.
I then browsed around online, looking at English Lop breeders in CA, but there weren't any within even a few hours of us.
And then I started thinking of other breeds, and remembered that French Lops are a mix between English Lops and Flemish Giants, and immediately remembered that Jesse and I had talked about Elvis about a year ago! Presto! Perfect! Somebun totally different in color, breed, ear type, etc.!
I then also remembered that Jesse and I agreed months ago that if I lost any of my babies, she would be more than willing to send me one of hers.
I wrote to her, asked her about him, and she happened to have new pictures of his handsome self, and was MORE than happy to have him come live with us!
So, Mr. Elvis (who will retain his name, because Jesse says he more than lives up to it) will be joining our family in a few months.
Isn't he handsome?
Oh, and P.S. I find it no coincidence whatsoever that Elvis has the same type of white diamond on his forehead that Yofi does. He's who first entered my mind, and I think Teeny was trying to tell me who he thought should be added to the family. He's one smart cookie!