Rory, Skyler and Phoebe Mae

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:woohooIt is definitely about time! I missed seeing my two favoritest buns EVER...(with the exception of T&P:p)

I am sooo happy to hear how well things are going. Little Tallulah sure knows how to scare mama with her poopies! :laugh:

I missed seeing Rory pics! Can't wait till you get the new ones on here...:biggrin2:

I'm absolutely, head-over-heels, in love with Tallulah. And this picture...aaahhh!!! She has to be the cutest baby bun EVER. I have to look away now because she's just too darn cute! I love her!

<3 Alexah
Thanks for your kind words, everyone! I think Tallulah is an exceptionally cute and sweet little bun, too :) However, at the moment she has me quite worried... Three hours ago, she was out playing with me and looked great, I was sitting on the floor with her and she would NOT leave me alone. She wanted to sit on my lap, cuddle, jump up to sit on my shoulder, be petted, and finally settled down to have her ears rubbed for a good half hour. She showed no signs of illness. I took her out of her cage 15 minutes ago though and now her nose is running yellow mucus! Agh! I was going to try to take some cute pictures of her tonight but instead ended up with this:


Oh guys, I'm really worried about my girly. I'm going to call the vet as soon as they open tomorrow and they'd better make space for us to come in! She's still acting normally... Please keep my Lulu in your thoughts! Tomorrow is also the third time my Emergency Medical Technician class meets and it's pretty darn important that I be there, but I hope the instructor understands...

I'm going to upload some more pictures of the buns to try to take my mind off things.
Alrighty, it took a while, but I uploaded most of my bunny photos to Photobucket! There are more on Paul's computer, I'll try to get them on here tomorrow.

First of all, more pictures of Tallulah from the week we were in Washington:

Tallulah with my brother and his girlfriend. Everyone LOVED her and she had lots of people coming by to meet her!

Lulu getting up the nerve to approach me. Funny to think that at one point she was afraid of me!


Cute little tail binkying away!



You can tell by her eyes that she was nervous at first.




My brother was very taken with Tallulah and wanted to keep her when we thought she might not get to go home with me. So funny to watch him cuddling her and baby talking to her!










Baby bunny flop! The spots on her back run down her spine.


Sweet widdle face and ears that don't want to be loppy


More pictures coming up in just a couple minutes!

Okay, continuation of photos from that first week!

Lula in the itty bitty cage the breeder lent us for the first 2 nights. Her face is wet from drinking out of a water bowl!


I wish this one had turned out, she looked so cute with water on her face!







Tallulah and Rory at home, Tallulah 8-12 weeks old






"Stop! No more pictures!"


These ones were actually taken from tonight:


You can see her runny nose :(




And here is a rather funny sequence that I took the night after Rory ate those tortillas! They had been in that plastic grocery bag and I think he went back for more, I could hear him nosing around in the bag from the living room:





It's Super Rory in his rain repelling cape!



"What? I'm inn-o-cent!!"


Rory also requests that you not make fun of the weird molt his head is going through.



Well, that's it for now! Tallulah still seems to be okay but I can't wait to get her to the vet. Peg (Tiny's Mom) thinks she has a bacterial infection and should be okay with antibiotics, but I should keep her away from Rory. Too bad this afternoon I put Tallulah in her carrier and let them sniff each other for quite a while! I hope he doesn't get sick, too... Oh and their little mini meeting involved Rory trying to bite her through the carrier a lot :( Her carrier is made of stiff mesh so he couldn't actually do any damage. I am still pretty confident that they will eventually become buddies! And if not, well, I'll just have to adopt two more bunnies to be their friends :biggrin2:

Aww Tallulah, I love all her pictures. She always looks so cute. Make sure you keep taking a lot of them. I regret so much not taking a million photos as Macey as a baby. And I hope she feels better. :(Poor girl. Hopefully Rory won't get sick too.

Rory, he's so silly. :p I bet he keeps you entertained. They both need to come HERE.
Lulu and I are back from the vet! Got back a while ago. It wasn't our regular vet and this one definitely wasn't as bunny savvy, but she looked Tallie over and said her tummy, heart, lungs, ears and teeth look good. Her temperature was good and she is a nice and healthy size. I asked her to take a culture of her snot and Lu was NOT healthy. The swab made her sneeze a bunch and she tried to get away, poor thing. Good thing she doesn't know I'm the one who insisted she get it done! The results from the culture won't be back until possibly WEDNESDAY and until then, Tallulah's not on any antibiotics or meds but if she gets worse, I'm going to swing by the vet and get them. When we got there, her nose wasn't running at all so the vet had to stick that swab up there! I was worried they'd accidentally lobotomize her!

Tallulah is her regular sweet, spunky, hungry self today. Poor thing was scared at the vet's office but finally snuggled down into my arms and relaxed while we were waiting for the vet to come back to the room.

Also, I forgot to say this before, but please vote for Tallulah in the Bunspace photo contest! You will recognize her when you see her as it's the same picture I used for the contest here :)

Hooray, I took more pictures of Tallulah tonight! Sorry no Rory pictures. I swear it's not because I love him less, it's just that I haven't been taking as many pictures of Tallulah as I should and I have a jillion Rory photos so I just focused on Lulu tonight. Also, she is SO much cuter in real life! In pictures she's still cute, but she looks bigger than she really is and for some reason her head looks huge. In person, she is absolutely beautiful and very dainty :inlove: There are a couple of pictures (like the ones of her lying on my lap on her back and I'm wearing striped colored PJ pants) that show how pretty she is. Rory is more photogenic and his pictures pretty well capture his X-treme adorability (he's aRORable!).

Her nose is running again tonight :nono The good thing is that it's not yellow this time. Also, I noticed some weird dots of dried skin on her back over her spine, I wish I'd seen them earlier so I could ask the vet about it! She seems to be acting fine, I'm waiting for someone to respond to her thread in the Infirmary forum about whether or not waiting until as late as Wednesday to get her started on antibiotics is appropriate (since we were going to get the culture results before giving her meds) and whether or not TMS is a good antibiotic for bunners.

Okay, on to the pictures:

Is dinner time!


This is how she usually sits when she's eating... When she's NOT eating, she sits like this in her cage and looks at us like we never feed her!


pretty baby's back markings:


Running around she picked up a feather from one of my birds. I wonder if she can use those ears to fly?



Her earsies still don't have the lop thing down...


Lulu and moosy slippers, Rory loves to lie with my slippers and get them hairy. Her blue moosy is lurking in the shadows, can you see it?


Whiskers and tail!



Who knew a paper towel could be so much fun? She started out licking it...




"Mom, where's that crinkly cat tunnel you said you'd buy us? This is lame in comparison!"


Seriously, she looks like a bobble head because her noggin is so huge in pictures... She needs a big head to hold her giant brain!






"Peekaboo! Are they all voting for me in the photo contest?"


To me, she rather looks like Macey in this picture!! Her facial expression, of course. What do you think?



Don't sit too close or you'll go cross eyed!


"Hom nom nom..."


"Are all those bunnies we saw pictures of back here?" Kinda demonstrates how much she likes jumping, instead of walking around to the other side of the computer, she chose to leap over it.


I hope you enjoyed looking at pictures of my girl!

Susan, I was rather concerned about that! Paul is a computer fix it guy and I'm not sure how he'd feel about cleaning weewee out of it, even if it is from our sweet Lulabelle...
I have a couple more pictures to share tonight! We went to Petco tonight and got the buns some new toys and stuff. I took a picture just because:


Both bunnies got wooden blocks and balls with a bell strung on a chain to go on one of the bars in their cages, Rory got the set of interlocking rings with the bell (I'm not going to hang it in his cage because he loves throwing things!), Tallulah got the pink ball with the mouse in it and the apple wood was 50% off so I got two boxes! The bed is really nice, I've been looking for the perfect bed and found it at Sam's Club last night for $10. It's actually a cat bed but should be the perfect size for both bunnies to snuggle in together once they're bonded! It's great because you can either collapse it into a bed like in the picture, or you can pop it open and it becomes a tunnel of sorts with a fleecy cushion inside so they can have a bit of privacy! I haven't let Tallulah use it yet because we don't know yet what's causing her runny nose (which is looking pretty good this evening) and I don't want the bed to get infected with cooties that could make Rory sick.

I also finally found a 40 pound bag of stove pellets for $5 to use in their litter boxes (that much Yesterday's News or Feline Pine is $30) and I placed an order for 35 pounds of timothy hay and bluegrass from Kleenmama. A big part of why I want this hay is everything I've heard lately about mycotoxins in hay and pellets making bunnies sick. The hay looks awesome and hopefully there's less chance of it being infested with mycotoxins since the owner gets all her hays from the same farmer. She said there was no rain around the time the hays were baled and they've been stored in a dry barn. I only wish she sold timothy pellets for bunnies too! To make it even better, even though shipping is $42 (bringing the total to $60), I'll STILL be saving about $45 by not buying little bags of hay locally.

I e-mailed one of the vet techs at the vet office my buns go to to ask her if I could just bring Tallulah by when we pick up her medicine and have the vet look at the scales on her back really quickly, since we were just in there yesterday and she was examined. Hopefully it will be okay! I feel guilty about not noticing the scales earlier, I swear I'm a good bunny mama. She only has them in one small area and her fur is so thick and fluffy that I just didn't notice them until last night. At least her skin doesn't look irritated! I suspect it's probably from how dry it is here, in the past couple days I've broken out in a jillion itchy weird red bumps all over from the dryness. My skin isn't even that sensitive either so it makes sense that a baby bunny's skin would be affected too!

Anyway, the vet tech is very nice and has babysat my ratties in the past. She is quite the animal lover and in the course of a year has rescued I believe 4 guinea pigs! When we were at Petco tonight there was a guinea pig up for free adoption, the poor dear was born blind and without her lower front teeth. Because of that, her upper front teeth are terribly long since. In spite of that, she's very sweet and seems to be eating fine and is nice and active. I'm hoping maybe Bianca can adopt her! The fact that she works at a vet office is great too because she could get tooth trimmings for much less money. I would be interested in adopting the piggy if we had more space, I've been doing lots of GP research lately. The piggy is a long haired albino, very pretty. I'll keep this blog updated on whether or not Bianca can adopt her!

Other than that, things have been pretty quiet here. Tallulah learned to run up and down the stairs today and has been having a blast! I seem to have athletic bunners because Rory was the exact same way.

Paul's parents had to put their 13 year old dog down today, the poor girl has been sick for a while and they just decided Bonnie had had enough. She was a very sweet doggie, loved kids, chasing moose, getting loves and pets, and eating. She was a husky/golden retriever mix and very cute and pretty. Paul's parents got her at a garage sale when she was 3 years old, the owners were abusive and offered her to his parents when they saw how much she loved Paul, who was 8 at the time. Please say a prayer for Bonbon if you believe in such things, she will be missed a lot.

On a happier note, here are some pictures of Tallulah and Paul! We call her our bunatiel:



Getting a tummy massage, which she really enjoys. I gave her a little massage because when I touched her tummy, right below her ribs there was a huge bump, it felt like an alien was going to burst out of her stomach! I know it was just her muscles moving her intestines along, but my goodness.



Aww look at this little boy at my local shelter! There haven't been any bunnies there in a month! I want?

He sounds so sweet and I love rexes :inlove: While I am happy with my two babies, I have a nefarious plot to adopt a third bunny a couple years down the road! Don't tell Paul, I'll need to ease him into the idea nice and slowly. Muahahaha!
:shock:Look at those awesome pics! Wow, they are just GORGEOUS! And oh how spoiled with all of those great toys. :biggrin2:

I hope they can see the scales on Lulla...The weather here has done a number on my skin so I can't even imagine what it would do over there.

Poor guinea pig...I hope someone can take her and give hera beautiful life. Please do keep us updated.

Bonbon and your family are definitely in my prayers...

Oh, you keep the pics coming. :biggrin2:
Jackie, I'm glad you're enjoying the pictures! It's so nice to hear good things about my bunners :biggrin2: I haven't heard back from Bianca yet, but will definitely update the blog!

The bunnies had a good day today. Tallulah's nose was dry and Rory gave me another good snuggle, complete with kisses! He's such a sweetie. I really do think he's jealous of Tallulah, when he sees me paying attention to her his eyes widen and he keeps a close watch, then he's very cuddly with me. I hope he will realize that Tallulah and I are both good for cuddles!

I spent a good part of the day building Rory a cage with NIC panels. He's spent the past month with the entire kitchen at his disposal (there's nothing he can eat or damage within reach), with a NIC barrier keeping him in. I figured it would be good for him to have a real cage though and went to town designing one. The frame is all done, all I need to do is buy some plywood or peg board for the shelves with stick on linoleum on top and buy a piece of carpet to go under the cage. He doesn't chew carpet so I'm not too worried about him eating it, especially since there won't be any exposed edges.

I made the shelves by putting two NIC panels side by side and then taking a third and sitting it on top in the middle. Then I used lots of heavy duty zip ties to secure them all together. It is really very sturdy and I'm quite pleased! I don't feel that it needs any other support. When I (hopefully) make a bigger cage for Rory and Tallulah in a couple months, I'll use supports since the second and third levels will be much bigger. The cage I made for him now is only 2 panels by 2 panels, but it looks pretty big! When I was putting it together I accidentally put the shelves going the wrong direction so the door is in front of a shelf, but it seems to be okay.

On to the pictures!

One of the shelves (I had a leftover black panel so you can really see how I put it together):


My little helper bun checking out his new home:








Rory looking over the plans I wrote up for the cage:


All of the zip tie ends, also only about 1/8 of the black zip ties worked (they would pull back out) and the rejects are on the pile too:


Also, here's Rory checking out their new bed and playing with his new toys:


Silly boy is too heavy to sit on top!


Cute picture from the other day:


Gotta go! I have an applesauce oatmeal cake with dried cranberries in the oven that's ready to come out. Rory got his first Craisin today!

I'm glad you two like the blog! :D I love reading people's comments because I adore my buns and like hearing that other people think they're special, too.

I'm sad though because my ratty died yesterday. Here's the link to the thread about her: This is my first ratty death. It was very sudden and my brain hasn't really registered yet that Cranberry is dead. I keep finding myself looking for the fourth ratty and get her treats and stuff. I hope Peppermint, Stevie and Colby live for a long time still!

Also, I got a call from Bianca. She can't adopt the guinea pig at Petco :( She already has six piggies, and that's just since April of this year! She saw the piggy at Petco and wanted to adopt her, but her husband said no. He's a nice guy but feels they've reached their limit as they also have two dogs, two cats and a couple hamsters. He's in the military and they transfer around a lot, having a lot of pets makes that hard! I'm fairly confident though that the piggy will get a good home, her disabilities are quite apparent and make her "undesirable" to a lot of people (when I was there, a couple with their little boy came up and were saying they wanted to take her- I bet they were thinking, hey free animal!- but said they didn't want a "retarded" guinea ig when they found out about her special needs) so hopefully only a compassionate, loving person with the time and finances to devote to her will take her in.

No word yet on Tallulah's diagnosis. I talked to the vet today and she said she's going to call the lab tomorrow to find out what's going on. I also e-mailed her the pictures of Lulu's scaly skin and she's going to take a look.

Rory's cage isn't quite finished yet! We went to Home Depot last night and got everything we needed, tiles for the bottom of the cage and for the levels and some carabiners to keep the door closed. Turns out the tiles are too heavy for the levels (they probably wouldn't fall in or anything, but it's a good 8 pounds of extra weight on the shelves) and the carabiners are too big. Didn't have time to go to Home Depot today and won't have time tomorrow (Valentine's Day woohoo!), but on Friday we're going to just get some nice pegboard or thin plywood to put on the two levels. The plywood was nice and smooth at the store so I'm not too worried about him getting splinters. I haven't heard anyone mention this, but I'm concerned his toenails could get caught in the holes if I use pegboard. Like if his toe goes through one of the holes and gets caught between the side of the hole and one of the wire bars of the NIC panel, if that makes sense. I also want to pick up some cheap rag rugs like Undergunfire has to put over the tiles in the bottom of the cage. I chose a rough tile since he hates slippy surfaces, but he still doesn't seem to like it much!

Both bunnies had a pretty good day! Rory's highlight of the day was when I took his Valentine pictures! I sprinkled food amongs the paper shreds and kept giving him NutraRing treats, which he loves, so he'd stay in place! I hope you enjoy the pictures of my handsome lovey boy :) I think they turned out really well. Which one do you like best?















The ones with the dragon and the last two are my favorites! You can tell he's chewing in the second to the last one, so cute. People sure look bad in pictures when they're chewing, but apparently bunnies don't!

I love Rory so much, he's the perfect size for me to hold in my arms and cuddle. Tallulah is super cuddly and wonderful, too, but Rory fits just right! I enjoy holding both my babies equally :love:
Thank you to everyone who voted for Tallulah in the photo contest! All the entries were so cute :)

Lookit! Pictures of Tallulah at 6 weeks old! Her breeder e-mailed them to me today, they're the only pictures she has of Lula. The first one is the picture I saw of her on Craigslist and the second is Tallulah with one of her sisters! How cute are they?



Tallulah's mom looked just like her and her dad is a broken chestnut. There were 5 babies in her litter, 4 girls and a boy. Three of the girls look like their mommy, including Miss Lu. One girl has the frosty markings that you see above and the boy is a broken sable chinchilla. Does anyone know what that looks like? I can't find pictures of it online! Sounds cute though. The breeder said that she's heard from the owners of all the babies except the boy and everybun is doing well. The two sisters that look like Tallulah went to the same owner. The breeder said Tallulah must have been meant for me because originally, she wasn't for sale! The other four were but she turned down the people who wanted to buy Tallulah because she wanted to keep her. Then she decided to find a home for her after all and along I came. I didn't meet the other babies, but I think I got the best one! :biggrin2:

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