Rory, Skyler and Phoebe Mae

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My goodness, I can't believe it's been nearly a month since I updated! Time is really flying by. Sorry I don't have a bunch of pictures, we continue to take lots but my Webshots album is being frustrating right now.

About Rory: he's doing great! We (particularly me) love him to bits. He's not completely settled in yet, but is so much more comfortable now. He'll sit on the couch between Paul and I and get sleepy or sit on my lap contentedly. He really likes having his head petted and I am always happy to oblige. A funny thing is that if you touch his cheek, the ear on that side immediately goes straight up. He still gets the "nervous look" a couple times a day, but it doesn't last long. He hasn't done the scared flip out and scratch thing in a long time, either.

Rory's doing okay with strangers, too. The first time we had friends over, I put him in the kitchen to get away from all the action and he spent the entire time hidden in his Pepsi box. We call him our hermit crabbit. I had to put his plate of salad right in front of the box because he wouldn't come out to get it! He'd stick his nose out and look wistful. The next time we had friends over, they were all on the couch and he bounced around from lap to lap, all six strangers. I don't think he was completely at ease, but he did better than I expected. He always came back to his mama though which was sweet. Then a couple days ago we had two friends over and the girl was a bit nervous around bunnies (someone filled her head with tales of bunny viciousness), and Rory went over to her and hopped on her lap all by himself! Needless to say, she isn't afraid of bunnies anymore :biggrin2:

Rory also loves to play with his toys and has pretty much taken over the kitchen with his cardboard boxes, rugs, bed and snowman blankie. It's funny, we no longer have the gate up to keep him in the kitchen (we got rid of the tomato and geranium plants) but he stays in there anyway!

His litter box habits are quite good and he hasn't had a pee accident in weeks, which is great! He peed on his bed a little about 3 weeks ago but that was it. He does drop doots on the floor every once in a while (one night about 25 all in the same corner, but that's unusual), but most of them make it in the litter box and I don't think of doots as being too big a deal.

He does have a couple bad habits though: The first is that he likes digging our futon. Not a huge deal and he loves digging anything soft (the bed I bought for his cage after his neuter a month ago is already destroyed), but I'd prefer if he didn't do it. The other is bigger though and is related. He digs and nudges and bites at our clothing rather frequently. He does the exact same thing with blankets and stuff, so we think he doesn't realize our skin is underneath. The other day he was just relaxing next to Paul and then bit him really hard on his side, hard enough to leave a red mark and he said it hurt for twenty minutes. What can I do to discourage him from biting and digging at our clothes? I'm afraid that raising my voice (not yelling, but a harsh "No!") would scare him because he's so sensitive. I usually just pick him up right away, put my face up to his and say "No no no no no!" in a nonthreatening way, but doubt this gets through to him because I do it very gently.

So, that's life with our Rory boy! We love him bunches! Here's a picture of him in his fire engbun costume, and because it's December, here's Cinnabun dressed up as Santa Claus:

Vote for Cinny in the Holiday Photo Contest! :dude:
WOW!! Rory is like a new bun! He has made an incredible amount of progress this week. First, he gave me kisses for the first time! That was a few days ago and he's doled out a few more kisses since. He's also been doing the happy teeth grinding. He's quite the cuddly bun, so his kisses and happy "purrs" are adorable!

Also, Rory came out of the kitchen for the first time a couple days ago! He's always just preferred to hang out in there, but he finally wandered out on his own and isn't looking back. He amazed us by flying around the room doing gigantic binkies and exploring everything and getting into anything he found. This, the bunny who would sit in the same corner of the kitchen for hours! The first day of his newfound freedom, he would run away if I tried to pick him up, but now he's letting me pick him up and snuggle him again.

Just this evening he has made even more progress! He came out of his cage ON HIS OWN for the very first time ever about an hour ago. He spent the past couple days walking out onto the door of his cage (the door is propped on a foot stool that he has to get on to jump down). The first hop down was a bit tentative (it's about a foot tall), but he has been bouncing in and out of his cage for the past hour like a pro! Also, a few minutes ago I was looking around for him and didn't see him... I heard a sound behind me, and he had climbed the stairs all the way to the top! Then he turned around and ran down the stairs, then went back up, then went back down... I'm impressed at how good he is at it already! He's been doing lots of binkies tonight and actually did one that started with him downstairs, then he raced around the room, all the way up the stairs and back down in about 3 seconds. About 10 minutes ago he surprised me by jumping onto the couch (first time ever) to see me and get pets and snuggles and has been jumping on and off the couch a bunch of times now.

I am so very proud of my Rory! I'm not sure what was different this week, but wow, has he ever come out of his shell. I just knew that he was holding back before. It makes me so happy and excited to see him being so happy and excited! I believe he has accepted that we'll love him and care for him forever and he's finally home.

Here are some pictures of Rory over the past couple days:

Rory and his "daddy", Paul. Rory has a distinct preference for me and nipped Paul on the arm right after I took this picture. He's not aggressive and doesn't bite hard or often (maybe 3 or 4 times total), and this was the first time he nipped exposed skin, but he only bites Paul. Paul likes him, but the bun makes him a bit nervous which I think is hilarious. Paul was sitting there playing some violent computer game when Rory very sweetly wandered over and scared him :laugh:

I just think this is funny. He hopped into my lap and shoved his face under my knee!

Snuggly wuggly sleepy bunny falls asleep on my lap, awww... he does love me :hearts

Silly bun seems to know where danger is. He always lies down in this area after his wild binky adventures! We keep a close eye on him when he's out of his cage and serious bunny proofing is happening TOMORROW!

Rory on the stairs (he even ventured into the dark room and I had to go fish him out!)

I hope you enjoyed! I love my sweetie bun so much :bunny18
Look at little Rory go! What a funny bun. I love how he loves to sit in things.

I wish my two would come down the stairs! Maybe they'll surprise me one day like Rory did for you.
I have a couple more pictures of him sitting in or on things, such as sitting on his vegetable plate! I still need to put them in my Webshots album. For some reason Webshots takes forever to do anything on my computer and freezes up and stuff.
Jeez, Rory gave me two scares tonight and I feel guilty! First, he was out of his cage and hopping around and by standing on his tiptoes, was able to just reach my rats' cage. I looked up to see him nose to nose with one of the girls. The ratties are nice, but they tend to grab or bite anything that comes up to the bars of their cage (even though we don't feed them through the bars). Just last week Paul was kissing at them and got a little too close and one of them stuck her head between the bars and "kissed" him back, with teeth! Anyway, I jumped up and ran to Rory to get him away, but Stevie stuck her head out of the bars and managed to give him a chomp on the nose before I could get there :cry2 I picked Rory up and he doesn't have any marks on his nose or face at all, so she might have just tried to grab at him with her paw, but boy do I feel bad about it! Rory doesn't seem to be phased at all, but hopefully he learned to stay away from them. We're doing something different with the cage now so there's no way he'll be able to reach the ratties.

Then later in the evening, Rory ran upstairs. I went up to get him and Paul handed me a cup of water to take back downstairs, so I was holding Rory with one arm. Usually he is fine with being held, but he started bucking and nearly jumped out of my arms! I was standing right at the top of the stairs and don't want to think about what could have happened if he'd fallen down them. Thank goodness he's okay and thank goodness for instant reactions that make you drop the cup in order to keep hold of the bunner.

By this point, Rory had been running around for well over two hours so I opted to put him back in his cage to avoid further disaster :sad:
Okay, everyone! Tonight I took Rory's Christmas pictures. He wasn't in a particularly cooperative mood and wanted to run around, so I kept it short. None of the pictures are exactly what I was hoping for (he wanted to sit behind the tree instead of in front and the best pictures were ruined by the flash randomly going off or him moving and looking blurry), but I think they're pretty darn cute!! Which one should I enter in the photo contest?

Photo 1:

Photo 2:

Photo 3:

Photo 4:

Photo 5:

Photo 6:

Photo 7:

Photo 8:

Photo 9:

Photo 10:

This one is cute even if it's blurry! Don't eat the red pine cones, bunny!

Thank you for your opinions!
Hey is it going? How is Rory? My goodness he is just soooo cute! I want to take a plane out there just to squeeze him! :hugsquish:

Howare your studies for Chinese class coming along. I just finished my finals this week. Now I can relax!:yes:

I am so very happy to hear that Rorybean will not be sooo lonely during the holiday season. Things always have a way of working out. :biggrin2:
Rory is such a funny, lovey boy! Like I've said before, he has become a very curious bunny and gets into lots of stuff. He loves pulling things off the coffee table. For Christmas, one of the things I got my boyfriend was a box of cherry cordials. The box was on the coffee table and I watched Rory sniff at it, then pull it down. He sniffed at it some more and when he saw me coming, he grabbed the flap and ran away with it! Mind you, the box was his size. "Oh no, mommy's coming, she won't let me have these!" He looked disappointed when I took them away.

Also, last night he hopped up on the couch where I was lying for a cuddle. I was in my PJs and wearing a tank top. After petting him for a while, he started licking my ****! I laughed lots.

His ears have been changing, too. They've been a lot "loppier" in the past week or so- most of the time he looks like a lop with the tips of his ears about 3 inches from his face. He still raises one sometimes, but not as much as he used to. He's 9 months old and I know that some bunnies ears take a while to figure out what they're going to do. Regardless, it's VERY cute and his ears bounce whenever he moves! I'd post a picture except Paul took the camera to his parents' house.
Sorry about that blank post before! That post was meant for an entirely different forum (, I'm not sure how I ended up typing it here!

Anyway, here are the contenders for the Be My Bunny photo contest. I took a LOT of pictures and a lot are really cute, but I loved the props in these :) Which one do you like the best?




I'm going to take some Rory pics later! And more Tallulah pics. Sorry I haven't introduced Tallulah to the blog yet, I'll do that soon :biggrin2:
Thanks, Kelly! I thought I'd post other pics from the photo shoot:













And last of all, "Mom, what's this dragon doing here?"


I really like this one and the last one.

But ohmygosh she is the cutest thing in the whole entire world! You just don't understand how much I want her. You are so lucky to have her. ;)

I'm definately voting for Talluleee Cutieee.
Sheesh, it's about time for me to update my blog!

As I think everyone knows, another bunny has joined our little family! Paul gave me permission to get a friend for Rory on Christmas Eve, what a wonderful gift. Her name is Tallulah Maesie (Tallulah is Irish and means "princess" so fits well with Rhiordan). She is currently 12 weeks old and I've had her for a month.

I know I'm biased, but I think she's the most beautiful little bunny ever! She's also very sweet and active and such a spunky girl. She was shy at first but has settled in wonderfully and loves to race around, be petted, follow me, chew on things, sit on my lap, EAT, get attention, and above all else, JUMP. On things, off of things, give me a heart attack, it's all loads of fun! At just under 10 weeks, Lulu was trying to leap up onto the couch for some lovin's and within a few days had it down perfectly. She also climbs NIC panels and twice in two days jumped/fell over a NIC panel barrier that was 2 panels high! That's 28 inches, people! Thank goodness she's been okay each time and I'm taking extra precautions so she can't do it again. In general she tries to jump on anything she can and just this evening hopped onto my lap and then, for some reason, jumped up on my shoulder like a little birdy. She is such a joy to Paul and I (and Rory is getting used to the idea of her!). We have had some health concerns with her (gurgly tummy and she pooped the hugest turd I'd ever seen last week) and she seems to have a sensitive tummy, but it doesn't seem too serious.

And as for Rory, he is my amazing love bun! I adore him. He seems huge compared to Tallulah and I think he weighs about 6 pounds now. His nose got pointier while I was gone and I think it's SO cute, I just can't believe how adorable he is. He was a bit distant with me when I first got back (hadn't seen him for 3 weeks), but he has definitely gotten over it by now and is always ready for pettings and likes to lie in my arms and be doted on. He is the binky king and races around our apartment like a crazy bun. Unfortunately, it's very cold (40 below 0) and super dry here right now, which means there's a ton of static electricity so we hear him getting little shocks all the time since he races around on the carpet so much! He's been molting for over a month now and is thankfully nearly done, when I got back from Washington I would get completely covered in fur and had it in my mouth and nose when I'd hold him. Thank goodness for the Furminator! He's been a very good boy, as usual, but a week or so ago got into a bag of corn tortillas that fell on the floor during the night and managed to put away 3 before I found them hidden under his blankie! Thankfully, he didn't suffer any ill effects and I found him later that night rooting around in the grocery bag they'd been in for more.

I haven't really introduced Rory and Tallulah yet because Tallulah's still so little, but I'm pretty optimistic that they will eventually bond. They are definitely aware of each other's presence. Tallulah is in his old cage (with a NIC panel barrier around it so they can't get too close and nip through the bars) and Rory has free run in the kitchen, with the door blocked off. They see each other every day and since they run around in the living room at different times, they also smell each other. Tallulah seems very indifferent to his presence and Rory has, up until today, ignored her for the most part. The first week or so he left a few doots around her cage but that's it. Tonight though when Rory was out running around, I took Tallulah out of her cage and held her in my arms while sitting on the floor. Rory immediately bounced over and was very interested, trying to sniff her (I was holding her out of his "striking range") but not acting aggresssively. I'm pretty sure he got jealous because he promptly lay down on my lap for pets and would tug on my clothes if I stopped. After a few minutes, I put Tallulah back in her cage and Rory proceeded to follow me around! He has only done that maybe once before. Then when I sat on the couch, he jumped up and lay down on my shoulder with his face touching mine and made me pet him for a long time. So cute! While he is a sweet, gentle and loving bunny, he doesn't usually jump onto my lap to be petted like that.

Well, I think that pretty much sums up what's been going on here! And now, for pictures. I'm going to take Rory's Valentine pictures tomorrow and have a bunch of pictures of both buns on my camera that I need to upload.

Tallulah in Washington:

Lu's first night home:


During the week:






We submitted this one to Disapproving Rabbits and she was featured on their web site a couple days ago! This was her first night in the little NIC panel cage and she did NOT approve of being behind bars. She demonstrated this by jumping out, what a surprise to me as I thought she was too tiny! She also had just been drinking out of a water bowl for the first time and got water all over her face and chest, which she doesn't approve of either.


Tallulah video!

Lu and Rory back in Fairbanks:






What his ears look like most of the time now- so cute!


Enjoying pets



That's it for now! Like I said before, I have lots more pictures and will upload them to my albums and post them tomorrow :) I hope you enjoyed!


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