Well-Known Member
[align=center]As suggested by Northern Autumn, here is the RO Playlist Share Thread!
Here is how it works, you can post a playlist of your favourite tracks at the moment for others to listen to and review. We encourage you to try out others playlists too and review them, say what you liked and didn't like so we can all start to enjoy some different music!
Post a playlist of around 10 songs (so they aren't too long) on here, with full song names and artists. Please keep the chattyness to a minimum in your posts so we can all find playlists quickly and easily!
If you think you want to sample anothers playlist then you can either buy the songs from somewhere like iTunes, or you can try searching for the music videos on Youtube or similar sites, or you can use (and I urge you to try) SPOTIFY!
Please try to listen to the whole playlists, or even the whole song, because if you skip through things thinking you won't like them you might miss something great!
For any of you who haven't heard of Spotify its a great music program that allows you to browse through millions of songs and add them to your playlists. Whats more, its absolutely FREE and LEGAL. You aren't downloading the tracks, you are simply listening to them. Its like listening to the radio, but choosing what YOU want to listen to. Its virus free, its not a torrent program like Limewire, and it has great reviews from reputable sources all over the world. Just google 'Spotify Reviews' and see for yourself.
To use it you will have to sign up for an account. The whole download and install took me about 5 minutes.
Once you've got it open you can simply use the search box to search for songs, and you can drag them into a new playlist (to keep them there everytime you close the application) or drag them into your Play Queue if you just want to listen for now.
1. Post your own playlists
2. Listen to others
3. Report back! Everyone would love to hear your feedback so please don't neglect to tell them if you absolutley loved their playlist or thought it was the worst thing you've ever heard (but be nice
[align=center]Please try to mark next to a song if it has explicit words of content. Also bear in mind that if a tiny swear word escapes the explicit ratings people can't be held accountable for it, and also that sometimes lyrics included in songs are down to interpretation and what is not offensive to one person might not be offensive to another, so you cannot blame them if a song they have not attached a warning to offends you (unless its got obvious swear words or similar ideas...) Also, if you are searching a song and are worried about explicit words or content then try to choose a 'radio edit' where one is available.[/align]
[align=center]*edited per pinksalamander's request[/align]
So to start things off, here is my first playlist:
Torn on the Platform - Jack Penate
Do You Remember the First Time? - Pulp
Omen - Prodigy
In For the Kill - La Roux
Common People - Pulp
Tiger Mountain Peasant Song - Fleet Foxes
Rock the Casbah - The Clash
Country House - Blur
I'm a Cuckoo - Belle and Sebastian
Breakfast In America - Supertramp
ENJOY! :coolness:[/align]