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Tracey, we need to make you the official FUN THREAD maker. ;) This is a cool thread.

I'm Nadia- I'm currently 28, but will be 29 in March :tears2:. I got married in September of this year and Neil and I have a house in The Beaches area of Toronto - it's pretty cool but to be honest... we haven't actually gone to the beach in the 2 years we've lived here. :p

I went to a school for the Arts for 7 years (Junior High and High School - it was JUST like that TV show FAME with people in leotards running around the hallway, people practicing their violins in the stairwells ...), and I specialized in Fine Art, so I draw, sculpt, paint etc etc. but I am more of a graphics art person, so I enjoy architecture, interior design and graphic art.

But.. in university I did a degree in Software Engineering. I was always good at Math and Science, but could not imagine being a doctor, and my goal was least amount of school, most amount of benifit. :D So computers was the place to be.

Out of university I landed a pretty sweet job at IBM. I'm still there - been about 4 years.

I work at home from my living room in my pyjamas. :nod Can't complain.

I'm a Business Analyst which sounds really vague, but it's such a fun job. I listen to people's business problems and I help solve them. I'm basically the middle person between the business people and the computer programmers... so I have to speak geek, and business at the same time. ;) I analyze what will make the business people do their jobs better and translate it into technical terms for the computer guys to do their thing. So I have to know both the computer part and the business part to be good at my job - that's what I like about it though.

Fun times. In my spare time though, I like to do my art stuff that I don't get to do at all in the computer business! So I am doing a degree in Interior Deisgn at a college here (part time) and I scrapbook, make cards, decorate cookies, make rabbit forum banners... :tongue

And thats me in a long nutshell. LOL.

Ok I best do mine now:)

Hey my names Hannah im 16 (17 in 5 days) and Im from Liverpool, which is in the north west of England, yep I get a lot of stick from people outside Liverpool because of the citys reputation as rough and everyone's a theif but the great thing about it here is that we all have a sence of humour!

Anyway, I never no were to start.. ok I'll get the boring bits out the way with, I live with my mum, dad and sister ( my brothers in the navy ) I started college in September doing an Animal Diploma which (so far ) seems like a great course, our subjects change every term, e.g one term we might have animal biology, health and animal welfare and the next term Behaviour, breeding and nursing. Not 100% sure on the job that Id like to do when I leave but I no I'll be moving to Scotland by myself, pretty scarey but something I want to do.

I joined the forum in March just before I got my first bun Bracken, but because of the whole shut down I had to re join when the forum was back up again.

Im a really easy person to get along with, and have been told Im very funny, which makes me smile as I love making people laugh. Im into most kinds of music and I dont even want to write one down because If I do I'll never stop.

Theres not a lot that annoys me really , apart from Mondays, no food in the fridge, no films on sky and really really busy shopping centers.

So yep thats me, I'd like to say I want to go on forever but I dont, Im so lazy when It comes to typing! So if anyone ever fancys a chat you can always PM me, or talk to me on msn ( Im on most of the time ) [email protected]

Thanks for reading fellow bunny lovers:cool:
My name is Brandy, I am 13 but many don't belive me. Im 5'4 tall and I have green-ish eyes and 1 bunny, Babii.

I'm Not really sure when I started this forum and as you can see I forget alot of stuff, I was told it's Selective memory but I think not.

As you may have seen my Thred and that I scare myself alot by knowing what's going to happen before it does.

Umm..I have 2.5 brothers. Gerry Being the oldest (27...I think) Eric middle (25) and Justin (17)who is not really my brother but thats what he feels like to me. He Gerry and Erics brother but not mine...Make any sense, I'll explain

Before my mom married my Dad, She was married to Chico (Real name Richard) and her and Him had Gerry and Eric. They Then Devored and He had Justin with Sonya. Then 4 years later I was born.

Uh, Im not yet an aunt. Almost though, 2 times but unfortuantly the first Lost it and the secon one flew the country (She left) My brother (both Pregnancies were Eric's) Was so mad with her. He was so excited he had dragged me shopping. Oh did I mention they were suposed to be twins?.

Well anyways, Thats My life.
What a fun thread ~ I really have been enjoying reading all of this. I'm trying to figure otu what to say about to share about myself.

First of all, I'm a Christian...that is probably the first thing I always have to share about myself. Notice - I didn't say what church I attend...its more about my relationship to God than what my Pastor preaches on Sunday...

Secondly - I've been married for 28 years to my best friend (and sometimes worst enemy) Art. Why is it that there are days when I can love him to no end - and then days that I can almost hate him? We had a lot of rough years in our marriage and we tend to go through issues on a cyclical basis...I would say we're happy 80% of the time and that other 20% of the time I want to hide my head and sleep. Fortunately, the longer we've been married - the shorter those bad periods are (and the farther apart they are).

I'm a mom to 23 year old twins Robin & Eric. We homeschooled them all the way through school and wow - did I learn a lot!

Sometimes I wonder when I'm really going to be an "adult" and find myself. You know how some people know from a young age they want to be a doctor or a lawyer or something else? Well that is so NOT me. I hope that I wake up some day and realize what I want to be and then achieve it. I feel like I've spent most of my life being a wife and mom and that might just be what I was meant to be...I don't know. I have considered becoming a counselor to help people with their finances and get them in order - but we live in a very small town and I'm not sure how well that would go over. Dave Ramsey's "Financial Peace University" really helped us out though and I'd like to help others out too ( I know that Crown Ministries ( I think) used to have a counseling program you could train for - I am thinking about doing that and then volunteering to help in a local church or something. I'm sure someday I'll figure it out.

I struggle with depression and I used to struggle with suicidal thoughts...its been over a year I think since I struggled with those. I went to counseling for a while for the depression and I am functioning so much better now than I was then. As strange as it sounds - my bunnies are part of what keeps me sane.

I am a lionhead breeder. I'm cutting back on my herd and breedings ~ but I started breeding lionheads because having rabbits turned my life around and helped me deal with depression and the lionheads just really were what I "connected" with (Art already said I couldn't breed flemish). I do wish I could get a trio of flemish (one buck and two does) and breed each doe twice a year - that would be four litters per year. But Art says I am not doing that. Although I have a ton of rabbits here - I'm cutting way back on the ones that I breed and only consider myself to have maybe 6 - 8 "breedable" does that I feel would be worth breeding. The rest are my pets.

Let's see - what else? I love to write and would like to write more...someday. I love office supplies and Art calls me an "office supply junkie". I used to collect teddy bears till they overwhelmed my house. I also collected some figurines from Home Interiors - I think they were "Precious Memories" (I'd have to go look at the bottom of one). I had to sell off a bunch of them just to make room for the ones I really loved.

This year I'm hoping to start working on a hobby and "expanding" my life a bit so I don't just sit at the computer all the time. I like to take blank cards from the Walmart craft section and then cut out pictures from the small desktop calendars and paste them on the card (with a colored "frame" made from paper). I really haven't had the guts to start sending them to folks and I've misplaced the ones I've made in the past....but this year, I want to make them and send them out to folks and maybe reach out beyond myself and stretch myself that way.

It is hard to believe that I'm 47 and Art's 49.....where has the time gone? Well - I know where a small chunk of it just went....writing this rambly piece about me!

This is such an interesting thread!

My name is Lindsay and I am 26 years old. I am a grade 4 teacher and I am currently in my second year of teaching. I have a Bachelor of Education as well as a BA in Psychology. I live in a suburb of Toronto with my fiance, who I have been with for several years and known for 12 years! We are getting married next July and just bought our first house earlier this year. I am loving being engaged and planning our wedding!

I got my first bunny when I was in grade 6, and he lived until I was in my 4th year of university! I didn't have one for a couple of years, until last year when my fiance and I got Penelope, Lola (RIP) and Rupert. Other than bunnies and teaching, my interests include fashion (my name on a fashion forum is fashion_junky, hence my name f_j here), shopping, fine dining, home decorating, movies, and spending time with family and friends.

I guess that's about it for now....
Hi! I am Eileen, as my forum name already states. I am 43 (Yikes I am old around here!) and was routed here from Goosemoose's site. I live on Long Island in New York, but was born and raised in Queens NY. I am very boring. If I were less boring, I would perhaps have a more fun forum name.

I have a husband, 3 cats (Tobias, Olivia-Jean and Caleb), a turtle (Sabrina), a big ole white bunny named Gulliver, a gerbil named Gilbert,and 3 salt water fish - my favorite fish is named Petey. At work I have 7 black mice, and a spiny mouse. They don't have names, except the spiny mouse who is called Bad Papa Spiny Mouse because he beat his children up.

I run a wildlife hospital on Long Island: shameless plug here. It is a great place, and everybody always tells me how lucky I am to work ther. I know I am , but running a place like that, and working there are 2 different things. It is very stressful and I am constantly trying to find a way to make myself happy there. It's so hard to deal with the public.

I wish I had more friends than I do, but I don't have them because I turn them away. How's that for a psychology lesson? I am more comfortable around animals, but at the same time wish I had some girlfriends to go out to dinner or to a movie with.

Back to how I got here - I used to have pet rats, I don't at the moment but undergunfire linked me here one day and here I am. Gulliver is my first bunny, and I love him to bits, even though he not only pees and poops all over the house, he pees and poops on me personally. He is big and white and loves to give kisses, so he works me to the end to forgive him. *sigh*.

Well, that is me in a nutshell!
Hi, my name is Rachel, I am in Year 8 (well, almost) and I live in Victoria, in Australia. I own one rabbit, named Ollie, who I train in rabbit hopping. I've owned two rabbits in my life, though when I got the first one (Norbert), I was only seven years old and I barely knew how to take care of him. He was stolen when I was ten, and I got Ollie when I was eleven, and much more mature and able to care for him. Then I found this forum!

I have been horse riding for five years, and though I don't own or lease a horse, I go riding once every two weeks for lessons, and whenever I can in between! When I am older, I plan on getting a job at my horse riding center, and I am going to spend the rest of my life working with horses, which I am sure of. I want to try to get into an Equine Studies program at university once I finish Year 12, so I can get a good start into that career. I know that it is going to be hard to get money out of the horse industry, but I really can't imagine myself doing anything else, except perhaps another job with domestic animals. Anyway, I'm going off topic a bit. My favorite horse in the world is Rex, a 17hh 10yo Standardbred gelding. If I was able to lease a horse, I would lease Rex. I am rather obsessed with him, though I don't own or lease him, and all my friends know it! :p

I am a very happy sort of person, and I can't stop talking most of the time. I have a lot of friends, whom I love, and though at times I can be rather quiet and nerdy, most of the time I am hyper and random. I have even picked out the three most random animals out of the hundreds on our world; penguins, ducks, and mules. Ahah. Don't ask.

I like music, and my favorite band is probably Fall Out Boy. My favorite songs changes weekly, daily, or sometimes hourly, though at the moment it's How Far We've Come - Matchbox Twenty.

I'd love to meet some more people on this forum, though it seems everyone is much older than me! I'd love to talk to anyone, and I have MSN Messenger.

Oh, did I forget? I am an utter total and complete ...

and proud.
LOVE THIS THREAD!!! i really like getting to know everyone :)

Hi! I'm Amber, I'm 21y/o, and a senior in college. My major is Communication Sciences & Disorders, I want to be a Speech-Language Pathologist. I'm attending graduate school in the Fall '08 to get my masters. I'm pretty sure I want my primary focus to be on children, possibly in the hospital field. Currently I work w/ a child who is deaf, and a child with autism, I'm not sure where I'll end up :eek:)

I live in northernish- Illinois, close to the Iowa boarder. I'm from a VERY rural community, and I live in the country, but I wouldn't change my upbringing for anything. I've been instilled withA LOT of amazing qualities due to this community.

I am a full time student, and I work part-time (full time on breaks) for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, I'm a library technician :eek:). I really enjoy reading, so this works perfectly.

Some of my other interests (besides Layla of course!) are singing, I absolutely love it and I have a scholarship thru my college for it and I sing at any possible time I can. My most rewarding experience w/ singing was singing for my sisters wedding. I also LOVE to dance, I've been doing it for a number of years, and I'm involved in a hip-hop group at school. Mainly I do hip hop. I love being outdoors, shopping, fishing, collecting anything Marilyn Monroe, listening to music, really I'm always game for anything! I'm just living life to the fullest and enjoying my last year of college, yes I LOVE to go out dancing and partyingw/ my girls and just living it up :)

Recently I had what I consider a life-changing event (don't worry its for the better). My bf of 2.5yrs broke up w/ me, this was after we had already seperated and gotten back together. So this was kind of a shock to me because he just couldn't make a comittment to me. HOWEVER it has been 2.5 months and I'm a better person than I ever thought I could be! I never thought something like this could change my life in so many ways. Anyways, I'm so grateful where I'm at now, and I'm the happiest I've EVER been! woo whoo!

So that's me. I'm a CRAZY redhead, who loves to have fun and laugh. You'll always find me smiling. I love to crack jokes and be the "goofy" one. I LOVE meeting new people being friends w/ everyone :)
Thanks for sharing your stories. I enjoyed reading them. Ok, I had to redo it because it was way too long.

I am Sophie-Anne and I'm 22.I live in Montreal. I'm short, fat, and ordinary but those are the cards I was handed.

I used to be a very peaceful and quiet person. I've always had the fear of people not liking me, even though I like to pretend I don't care. I've always been that person that was just so easy to pick on and hurt and it's left scars throughout the years.

High school was hard on me.I never truly felt like I ever fit in with people my age.I was always a teacher's pet and preferred hanging out with the teachers. Oddly enough, despite me being a total nerd and unpopular, I never had a problemwith guys. I also drowned myself with singing and became the high school choir director. I was also a pastoral assistant and actually ended up on the school payroll for it.

I was given the oppurtunity to go further with my singing and though it made me very proud and extremely happy, I was obliged to drop it. I will regret that forever. I now study as an animal care specialist (vet tech basically) and enjoy it though I no longer have any clue why i am doing it.

My early years with my family were great. My late teen years were simply awful. I felt like a complete outcast and burden. Things were bad and I'll never understand what I did to deserve the way I was treated. I was probably the most obedient kid there is. :?I was always at home, I had perfect grades, I never lied, and I never caused any form of trouble whatsoever. Ok... So I got scolded for being messy. But that was it. I was basically pushed out of the house. I felt like a freaking tenant while living there. But anyway...

Things just piled up these last few years. There was the harassment, the family issues, health issues... Then I was assaulted (well it was a bit more than that but anywho) and I had to face the guy alone. Then there was my supposed fiance Mario leaving in August for a month. He hasn't come back and I have no idea if nor when he will be back.

This year has simply been the worst. Health problems finally caught up with me and pretty much knocked me off my feet for some time.

Emotionally? Let's not even go there. Let's just say, there is a good chance I will go missing soon enough. I don't like people. People have hurt me too much for me to open up and trust them. My pets are my best friends and they are pretty much all I have. I do have one person that I can be myself with and luckily I have her or I dunno where I'd be right now.

These days I work, work, and work some more. If I would be in a good mood, I would be super hyper at this time of year. Christmas had always been my favorite, well, at least it was before this year. I am this year's Grinch. Not a single Christmas deco can be found in the house right now.

When I am feeling ok, other than playing with the pets, I love to play on the wii or playstation, do scrapbooking, etc.

I just absolutely hate being alone.

I'm Amy Lynn Gregorio and I just turned 19 on December 8th. Most that truly know me, will know that I get upset easily and hype myself up into a wreck. I am pretty sure I have anxiety orders, but I do not have health insurance, therefore, I can't see a doctor for answers.

I like order. If I have plans for a day, then I need to follow through with those plans, or I feel set-back and it will bug me for the rest of the day. I procrasinate like no other, though. Someone goes into my bathroom and keeps moving around my bunny porcelain, then I fix it, then the next day it is turned around in a different direction. I am not sure who messes with my bunny porcelain, but it might just be a ghost...or Ryan's annoying 32 year old sister who comes over all the time, and needs to keep her hands off my stuff!

Uhm, I have 4 pet rats and 3 pet bunnies. I also have a betta fish that I kind of "gave" to Ryan's mom....he is now about 2 1/2 years old. I kind of have a cat, too, but Ryan's mom considers him "hers" be it! I saved "Merv" or "Boy Kitty" from a charter school that feed him the left over school lunches every day.

I have a finace, his name is Ryan Wood Davis. Yes, "Wood"...his mom gave him her mom's maiden name as his middle name, I think. Even though we have had issues in the past, I love Ryan will all of my heart and he is my best friend. Yep, I want to rip his head off multiple times a day because he can be a jerk and annoying, but I love him anyway. He needs more training, how to clean Brody's cage without me asking, how to put his clothes in the hamper instead of throwng them on the floor next to it, how to agree with me because I am almost always right, and he needs to learn how to stop making guitar noises from his mouth to explain a new song that his band has...because I don't stinkin' know how to convert it to music in my head.

I used to live in New York. I was born and raised in Johnstown, New York. I moved to Arizona when I was 16. All my old "friends" and "family" live there. I miss my friends dearly. Family was never much to me, nor are they important to me. I've only met both my grandpa's about 3 times (RIP to my mom's real dad). My mom's parents (well, mom & stepdad) live in Virginia and my dad's mom lives in New York....they are pretty much my family. I never really knew my mom's side of the family and my dad's side is selfish and self-centered.

When I moved to Arizona, I moved with my dad. I met Ryan, dad turned into a jerk, blah blah blah....I gradually moved in with Ryan and his mom...and here I am now. As for my dad, he randomly called me a few weeks ago after not hearing from him for months because I used to ignore his phone calls because when he would call, he would also put me down...without meaning to, really. Anyway, Dad and I are back to talking, and I am really going to try this time to "reconnect" with him. He really is a great guy.

My mom? Don't worry about her. She is living the "rich life" with a multi-millionaire in New York....and pretty much forgot about me. She sent me obviously used (but washed) underware and dollar store make up for Christmas this year. Needless to say, I sent her a $1.75 pen with her name on it from my work this Christmas.

I don't have any "real" friends. My best friend moved to Ohio about 2 months ago. We used to hang out almost every day, but now I don't hang out with anyone, really. I sometimes hang out with my friend Caitlyn, but she has a 7 month old baby, so it is hard. I also sometimes hang out with Jessie, but she is the girl friend of one of Ryan's best friends, inwhich they have only been dating for a few months, so I am not sure what I think of her yet. So, pretty much, I hang out with Ryan or my pets.

I got a new job as an official "Mini Solar person". Basically, I pull & sort mini solar key chains from a huge long wall of bins that have names on them, sticker the backs of them, then hang them on a counter or floor display to be sold in gift stores. It's crap tons of fun, and I get to work at the same place as Ryan and his mom. I also work with a bunch of rich ladies who really don't have to work because their husbands are loaded, but work anyway just to socialize with all the other ladies....pretty much to compair their shopping habits....ya know...$50 on a plain red t-shirt and $250 on a purse....that type of shopping.

I still need to take my math and reading portion of the GED test, but I work 40 hours a week, so it is hard to make it to the college to reschedule because the office closes by the time I am out of work. I am not sure what I want to be when I grow up, but life will lead me to what I am supposted to do. For now, I like my job at Laser Gifts, being a fiance, and a mommy to my pets.

I am cheap. I like to stretch my dollars. If I KNOW I need to buy something that is needed here, I wait until the last minute to actually buy it because I don't want to spend the money. I am a sale shopper. I buy off-brands of thing to save a few bucks.

I buy my clothes wherever they are cute. I mainly wear long sleeved t-shirts. I have them in many different colors. They are plain, but I jazz them up with a nice neckless, so I don't look boring. I am all about accessories.

I wear mineral make up and my eye make up might look crazy to some, but I have worn it for 5 years and I am not about to change my face to suit other people. I also have a tongue piercing and snake bites (two lip piercings on my bottom lips). I currently do not have any tattoos because I am trying to figuer out exactly what I want before I make the appointment. I hope to have a chest piece and a half sleeve by the time I am "done" with all my tattoos.

I could stand to lose some pounds. I eat about 3 pounds of chocolate a month, during that "special time of the month". I eat whatever the heck I want, without thinking about how fattening it is. I used to watch what I ate and go walking every night, but somewhere along the line I gave that up. I don't eat fast food, but I don't eat enough "meals", and I randomly snack through-out the day. Ryan and I are going to sign up for a new gym by our house in town when it is finished, if it isn't too expensive per month.

I want to have ONE child. Everyone tells me to have atleast two because if I have one, then that child will be spoiled and blah blah blah. Nope, I am only putting my body, mind, and well-being through ONE child. I want to have a boy and I want his name to be "Morgan Brody". As rough as it sounds, I would hate to have a girl, simply because I SEE and personaly know what girls go through, and it sucks. A boy seems like it would be much easier for Ryan and I, not easy, but you know what I mean. Our personalities are fit for a little boy. We have already discussed it, lol.

I LOVE to sew. I sew all sorts of rat "beds", using fleece and/or flannel. That is pretty much all I sew besides corn heating pads.

Hrrrrm, I can't think of anything else and I am tired. Gooooodnight to me :biggrin2:.
"he needs to learn how to stop making guitar noises from his mouth to explain a new song that his band has...because I don't stinkin' know how to convert it to music in my head."

Haha! My husband does this all the time and it makes me crazy! I can't convert it to music in my head either, so I usually just roll my eyes.:ponder:

My name is Diana, but most people call me Di. I guess my life started out on a bit of a rough note: when I was a little girl I grew up in a household where I was abused (sexual/verbal). For many years I remember going to bed at night and envisioning myself crawling into some secret hiding place in my closet, a place where I could disappear from the world and no one would ever notice I was gone. I was a very small child as well, and in having to deal with issues that a child should never have to deal with, I wound up lonely, frightened, embarrassingly shy. Even though I was fairly intelligent, I barely skimmed through school, getting below average marks in every subject except one: writing. Unfortunately, back in those days writing was never given much focus, with math and science (blech!:p) taking precedence, and so I was never encouraged, nor did we have too many classes on the subject.

When I was nine I had to go into the hospital for emergency exploratory surgery. That was a very frightening experience for me, especially when no one told me I was going to have an operation. I remember being wheeled into the OR, everyone there in caps, gowns and face masks, and I was too frightened to move. Recovery time was long and I was in the hospital for a few weeks. All of this kept me from school for quite a while and of course, did nothing to help with my shyness...when I returned several weeks later I was even more shy, and my classmates tended to keep away from me. I was a designated 'loner', and felt alienated both there and at home.

Then when I was 10 my mother died. This event sent me into a complete tailspin, as she was the only one who I felt loved me. For years afterward I gravitated back and forth between two beliefs; first that of not being loved by her, and second, I pretended that she had simply 'gone away'. And tending to be self-abusive emotionally, I believed that she went away because I was a horrible child and she could not stand me. I also believed that she blamed me for the abuse that was taking place, even though I don't know that she ever even knew about it. So needless to say, I spent all of my childhood - and many of my adult years - hating myself.

My two saving graces during this period of my life were my best friend and my pets. My best friend was actually my only friend, and she and I related to one another very well, as she also lived in an abusive household...not to the same degree as mine, but she was verbally abused by her dad, and she too, grew up hating herself. So we were like two peas in a pod (as Forrest Gump would say), and many times people mistook us for sisters. My pets were my best friends at home; many nights when I lay in bed crying silently, a furry nose would gently nudge me, or a small body would curl up next to mine and tell me with unspoken words that I was loved. We had a dog back then, the family pet named Charlie, and he wound up being much more my dog than the family's. He followed me everywhere, I told him my innermost secrets (and not once did he ever divulge them!), and he and I were inseparable. He was a comical little beagle mix with the heart of a lion and the love of an angel, and many times I do believe he was the one who kept me from disappearing completely into myself.

When I turned 21 I married a man I'd met at my best friend's wedding. He was a nice guy and he taught me a lot, but, as with me, he had a lot of self-issues, which led to his having affairs. When I became pregnant he walked out, deciding he didn't really want to have a child after all. I wound up back at my dad's house, and while I won't go into the emotional toll the separation took on me, I will say that it reinforced all of the negative thoughts I'd carried - and been told - since childhood: that I was unloveable, that no man would ever want me, that wasn't capable of doing anything right...on and on. I was also terrified of becoming a mother, much less a single parent, as I wasn't sure I even wanted to have a child, and so for most of the pregnancy I felt my life was over.

Then along came my son. And he turned out to be the greatest single blessing of my life. I wanted to raise him in a way that he wouldn't grow up shy or without friends, so I constantly encouraged him to do things, I welcomed any chance he had to play and laugh, and I watched him blossom from a sweet, loving little boy into a wonderful, caring, and very loving young man. He turned out to be my confidante, and we more or less grew up together, me teaching him and him, in turn, teaching me. And while every parent wishes to shield their children from pain and harm, unfortunately I could not protect my son from the pain his dad's actions inflicted upon him. My son wound up dealing with his own set of demons, issues of abandonment by his dad, of not being loved by him, and ultimately, of self-hate because of it. Yet in the end I saw that his having to deal with all of these issues changed him, made him stronger, wiser...just as my own issues did with me so many years ago.

And of course, in the midst of all this were the pets. I had many, from dogs to cats to rabbits to mice to gerbils to hamsters, even to a horse...though she wasn't mine, she was a horse I fell in love with at a campground my friend and I went to in the summertime. I used to pretend she was my horse, seeing myself riding her through open fields, keeping her in a barn in my own home in the country. She was a beauty, herself neglected and abandoned as well by her owners, and we formed a strong bond. When the owner's son would go to saddle her, she would turn her head, bare her teeth and bite him on the shoulder, to which his response was to punch her back. She learned to bite anyone who approached her if they were attempting to saddle or bridle her, yet whenever I did she would stop, then simply stand and watch me. Not once did she ever show me her teeth or lunge; she'd put her head down so I could scratch beneath her mane. How many times I wished I could take her away from her life and give her a better home, but it was not to be...when I turned 17 the owners sold her along with most of their other horses, and I never saw her again.

Charlie, as I'd mentioned previously, was a savior in my young life. I was also surrounded by other pets - my love of animals coming from my mom, who had adored her cat Peter - and rabbits were no exception. They entered my life quietly, but the impact they had was enormous. Thumper was the first rabbit I bonded to completely, and she spent much of her life in my bedroom, sleeping with me in my bed, or running laps in the backyard and digging holes beneath the lawn in the hot dog days of summer. I somehow wound up, when I got older, with some Polish, and suddenly I got into the wonderful world of breeding. My knowledge of breeding rabbits was not vast, but I did have a friend - the man who'd sold me my first Polish - who was a walking encyclopedia of everything lagomorph. And in introducing me to rabbits and the world of breeding...and ultimately, rabbit shows...this man opened up a whold new world to me; one where people could be nice to one another, where adults really did take an interest in animals as more than just passing fancies. I'd found an element where I excelled, and was so grateful for it all.

Then when I divorced I was forced to sell the bunnies...something that broke my heart. However, my entire life changed in the coming years: I gained some self-confidence, found jobs that I actually could do, and, five years after having my son, he and I moved over 1000 miles away to start over. My sister - whom I haven't even mentioned, yet has been my best friend forever - had moved to go to college, met a man and decided to stay. When she began planning her wedding a couple of years later, that's when I opted to take my son and move closer to her...and that decision was the single best - yet hardest - in my life. But despite the struggles, doors opened for me, I 'found myself', and I ultimately discovered that there actually can be life after abuse, and after years of hating onesself. In the midst of all this I did have deal with some setbacks, including unemployment and a bout of cancer, but again, I also came to realize that these too, served a purpose. I strongly believe in the power of attraction, as well as there being a reason for everything that comes into our lives; it's all a matter of what we choose to do with it that decides how our lives will turn out.

And I guess I've really written nothing about my actual interests, so will list them very briefly here: I love to read. I love to write, and wish I did more of it. I love animals of all kinds. I love nature and the countryside. I love fireplaces on cold winter nights. I love movies. I love people who are kind, generous, trusting. Heck, I love people who aren't that everyone who crosses our path has something to teach or show us about ourselves.

And I love life. :)
My name is Stephanie. I'm 29 I live in Sarasota, Florida with my boyfriend Ron and his son Cody. I have my 3 rabbits and now 2 guinea pigs. I left a very bad relationship about a year ago. Needless to say it's been a very hard year for me. I've lived in Florida for about 4 years now. I'm from Indiana. In my spare time I enjoy playing games on my computer! I don't have any kids of my own but I do have 9 nieces and nephews.
stephiemarie78 wrote:
My name is Stephanie. I'm 29 I live in Sarasota, Florida with my boyfriend Ron and his son Cody. I have my 3 rabbits and now 2 guinea pigs. I left a very bad relationship about a year ago. Needless to say it's been a very hard year for me. I've lived in Florida for about 4 years now. I'm from Indiana. In my spare time I enjoy playing games on my computer! I don't have any kids of my own but I do have 9 nieces and nephews.
Her boy friends son lives with them. :p
Hi everybody, my name is Angela and I'm a rabbit addict, LOL!

I live in Sheboygan, WI which is a fairly large city but very much like a small town. I grew up in a tiny village in the middle of nowhere a few hours from here. Went to college at Green Bay and met my hubby there. And here I thought I was destined to be a loner. My brother and I had plans to be loners and grow old living next to each other. I'd be a cat lady (but with a CLEAN house!) and he'd be the old man sitting on his porch, shaking his cane at kids and yelling at them to stay off the grass. Well, I'm married and he just got married a few months ago to a good friend of mine. I met her first! Humf!

I majored in Biology, which I love, but I'm working at a chemical plant right now. It sucks. I've been applying for new jobs but nothing's really come up.

It seems to be a common theme here, but I also suffer from depression. James has been very supportive but it still took me several years to see a docter about it. Meds help some, but we're talking about having a baby soon and then I'll have to stop the meds while I'm pregnant. Speaking of meds, I have to take a lot because I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia last spring. No wonder I'm depressed, LOL! I'm 26 (27 on Jan. 2) but most of the time I feel like I'm 60.:?

In my free time, I play with my 4 buns (plus a foster!) and 2 cats. I volunteer with rabbits at the local shelter and just brought them all Christmas presents today. James and I are huge gamer geeks. We play roleplaying games (D&D and Shadowrun), board games, card games...

Actually, you can see the whole list of what we have here:

I was raised Lutheren but I'm definitely not, haven't been since I was in middle school and started thinking about it. I'm not really agnostic or atheist, or anything else for that matter, I'm open to everything but as a science girl can't believe anything without enough proof. And I'm very much against dogma because I've seen how many people and societies it can harm. I'm interested in different philosophies and religions, such as Druidism, Buddhism, Taoism, etc.

Let's see what else... OH! I keep everything entertained at work with updates on this. My older sister is getting married this coming Leap Day in Las Vegas. By Elvis, of course. She's lesbian, sort of. You see, her girlfriend went transgender and is now a boyfriend, which also means they can get legally married in states that don't require a birth certificate for marriage. They could get married in Wisconsin, but Jesse can't change his birth certificate without moving back to his birth state of Missouri for a year. Stupid. I don't see what the big deal is, anyone who ever met him even when he was still a girl thought he was a guy anyway. 100% male but with the wrong chromosomes. I know a lot of people find this whole thing disturbing, which amuses me. It doesn't affect anyone except my sister and her fiancee. Even Jesse's Lutheran pastor of a dad is ok with it now it just took him a little time.
Angela, not sure on your views about meds in pregnancy, but there are some anti-deps (if that's what you take) which are safe to take during pregnancy. If you are worried about being med free it might be worth talking to your doctor about that.

Oh, and no offence, I really thought you were middle aged :shock:
Hee hee! I've alway's seemed older than I really was. It used to be a good thing when I was a teenager.

My current med says it can't be taken during pregnancy. I had to get switched a couple times due to allergies, yay for fibro's chemical sensitivity. I'd have to stop my fibro meds too, which include the oh-so-necessary opiates and muscle relaxants. Not fetus friendly. But I don't want to be on anti-deps forever, I'm hoping to get weaned off them soon anyway.

I figure, take time and get clean slowly, and stop the birth control last of all. Poor James is really wanting a baby though, he wouldn't mind if I was pregnant right now!:p
That sucks about the fibro (is that the chronic pain condition? sorry, I'm not too familiar with it).

If you wean yourself down, it might be worth getting some sort of support through pregnancy, just in case. Sorry, I'm not trying to be an annoying fool, I've just come across too many people who have struggling in pregnancy off meds and not had support.

Sorry, I don't even know you. I'll shut up now. Anyway, good luck with however you go about it, and stuff.

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