RIP Spike - lost his 1.5 year battle with a deadly infection

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Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2007
Reaction score
, Missouri, USA
Or maybe I just didn't give him enough water. Either way, I'm positive he wasn't this bad off just yesterday! :shock:



I know you gave Spike a good life . . .

May he rest peacefully in that big arid span in the sky.



I'm a pretty big collector of cacti and knew this one was in bad shape quite a while back. I can't remember what the nursery said it had contracted back when it started showing signs but there wasn't anything I could do but wait.

It didn't look too bad as the base started to brown so I just played the waiting game. It's so funny because I've probably walked through my entry way 50 times today and I just now noticed how bad it looks.

Ah well, trash day is Tuesday. :biggrin2:

This one is an older one of mine. I bought it from eBay probably 5 years ago. I've found that even with shipping included I can find better prices on cactus that way than from buying them at area nurseries.

Oh dear....poor Spike! I imagine he's now resting peacefully in his little corner of desert heaven, alongside my 'spike'. I had one of the same variety of cactus (taken from a piece of my brother-in-law's) and it grew quite well for several years. Then it suddenly took a turn for the worse (most likely from me overwatering) and it finally gave out.

btw, when I first got my dog - who suffered from separation anxiety - one of her first attempts at destruction was to attack cactus. I came home to find it tipped over on the floor, with a multitude of indents all over it's surface...the dog tried to eat it and I guess finally gave up when the cactus bit back. :boxing

RIP, Spike...:pink iris:

(P.S. You might be able to salvage Spike by taking a cutting from the end that is still green and healthy-looking....I forget now what I had to do to get it going, but yours should eventually take root.)
OMG! I was half looking at the thread and when I read "or maybe I didn't give him enough water!" I thought OMG! How cruel!!


:laughsmiley:RIP Spike!

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