Well-Known Member
I noticed that Rosie wasn't acting quite right the last couple of days and today she didn't seem too interested in her treat so I picked her up and started feeling around her belly. That's when I noticed her eye bulging out of the socket! I called the vet immediately and brought her right in. He went over the options and we decided to have her eye removed. It's out of the socket and she can't see out of it and he can't save her vision in that eye. He gave her a pain injection and gave me some ointment and saline solution. He said it was dry so it didn't just happen. I clipped her nails yesterday morning and I know her eye didn't look like that! I didn't spend a lot of time with them last night when I got home from work but how could I have missed it. I feel horrible and every time I think about her surgery I feel sick. I don't know how this happen. Maybe she tried to jump on her shelf but missed. I don't know. I'm at work and I've been crying all day. Please say a prayer for Rosie!