(RIP) Kate isn't thriving

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Thank you so very much Tracy. I am so glad I got her to the vet now.
It wasn't what I wanted to hear but like you said, knowledge is better. Now I can research how to care for this special girl.
I think maybe Abby did send her to me and this makes her very, very special to me. Abby was such a little terd but I know she loved me.
Ya know.. I feel blessed, as silly as that may sound. How many people can say that they were loved and loved such special animals.
I have had some of the best animals come through my doors over the past 30 years and I can say they truly were special. And I know that those who have passed will be waiting for me at the bridge. I wonder, too, if all the dogs I volunteered to care for and train at the shelter will be there too... I know that for some I was the last person to have loved them. I can't even imagine how joyous an occassion that will be!

I think I am going to start a blog for Kate.. Everyone can be kept updated on her that way. In a way she is everyone here's bun. Everyone has put so much time and effort into her here and helping me with ideas to help her.
I think starting a blog would be great! :)Everyone has put in alot of hard work to get you info and to give you support.

Great idea :biggrin2:
Oh, I would LOVE to read a blog about Kate and how she's doing!! :)

And I agree...I think Abby wanted you to be Kate's mama. I think she saw in you the ability to care for a bun in need, knew of a bun that needed you, and sent her your way. :)

Yep, Leaf used a wading pool for kids, maybe a foot deep, and covered the bottom with soft cloths. That might be perfect for Kate, as it would give her enough room to move about, but she wouldn't be able to get out and get into trouble. I'll let the others be emotional support as I can't without getting too verklempt myself! I'll just say that I know she can have great quality of life with you.
Wow! I can't believe I never got around to reading this...
Janet I already think the world of you, from everything I've seen on the forum you are truly a special person.
Awww Thank you so much Dave. That means alot to me also. I think you are pretty special also!

Kate is doing well. I haven't started a blog yet as this is a busy weekend. Tony is well also.
My friend finally gave in to Abbys charms and took her home yesterday. Lol. That and me and the kids were begging her.