(RIP) Kate isn't thriving

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She can support herself with her back legs but has serious range of motion problems. Occassionally her back legs buckle somewhat but she gets back up on them. Most of her locomotion tends to come from the front though.
This has mostly affected her bladder and she has some weakness in her hind end area.
She shuffles when she walks and her legs (back) seem to almost consistently stay against eachother when she is walking.
I've found a few threads that link partial paralysis to E. cuniculi...did your vet mention anything on that point?

The good news is that many bunny moms have found success with a rabbit wheelchair. While evidently we hope to solve this issue, there is a solution in case we can't. You've got hope either way :)

Here are the library links on this topic:

Paralysis: http://www.rabbitsonline.net/view_topic.php?id=12044&forum_id=10

Caring for disabled rabbits: http://www.rabbitsonline.net/view_topic.php?id=12158&forum_id=10
Disabled Bunnies: http://www.rabbitsonline.net/view_topic.php?id=32236&forum_id=10

Carefresh will be the best litter I'd think. It's soft and absorbent. I'm gathering some more info on her condition, hang tough.

Sorry it wasn't something simple. :(

Thank you so very much Autumn and Pipp. I am not giving up on this lil girl. I think she deserves her chance and the vet said she seems like a fighter.

I am thinking I will need to put something to keep her from getting her legs caught in the bars or just hit against them. Sometimes it is like her back end is drunk... my lil drunken bunny...
A good option is Vet Bed. It's soft and wicks away the moisture. So does fleece, I think. I've only been able to find the Canadian supplier of vetbed, but Patti (slavetoabunny) has linked to the US supplier at least once when I couldn't find it.
Perhaps this? http://www.palacepet.com/

I haven't heard of this exact condition that she has, but I can look into it a bit. I would think it is hereditary, based on this:


We did have a post a long time ago where something like this happened to a member's bunnies, but the info he gave us was a bit incomplete. Did your vet arrive at this diagnosis from an x-ray? It seems to be a form of spinal arthritis, which I have heard of affecting bunnies and causing progressively worse pain and limited movement.

TreasuredFriend has a disabled bun, so she would have good info to help you out. I think she knows a bit about wheelchair options as well. I think she has one for Karla (her disabled girl) for run time outside? Some people put infant diapers on their bunnies to help with incontinence. Another person to talk to about this is Luvr of Wabbits and Polar Bears. Her disabled girl Monsters passed away just recently.

You may also want to join the disabled rabbits Yahoo group. I hear they are picky about who they let join (ie not people like me who don't have a disabled bun, but are just interested in rabbit health), but they are very supportive of members. I would bet they have a bunny on there with something very similar. That UK forum would also be a good place to go, since it seems one of their members has a bunny with a similar condition. Randy may have experience with this condition as well.

I'm sorry it's not good news. You've had too much tragedy lately. You're a great owner for committing to care for her. I know she can live with you comfortably for at least a little while longer, but if dealing with a chronically ill bunny is too much for you, I can understand.
Thank you Peg.

He did say that he thought it may be EC until he did xrays and some other scan I can't seem to remember the name of right now.
Kate will be taken care of for aslong as she can be kept pain free. She gives me kisses and she is sweet but doesn't like being held.
I am committed to her. Who knows... Maybe she is a gift for my family. My son feels different from us maybe he can connect with little Katie..
We did have these done. The vet has looked at it thoroughly, xrays and the other thing..

Sheesh... forgot to add she is deaf too, which seems the least of the problems. That explained why she always seemed shocked/spooked when I walked up from behind her. I don't know why that hadn't crossed my mind before... I think alot has escaped me. I haven't been paying the attention I need to in regards to these things since losing Abby... I am on it now though.

To be honest I feel really badly that I haven't paid more attention to Kate. I think I have been feeling a little resentful towards her because she was given by my parents to 'replace the one I lost'. I know, mentally, that it wasn't her doing but I still emotionally (on some level) wasn't accepting her. I just wanted Abby back...
Now I just want to do the best for Kate and give myself to loving her..
Yes, if it is EC and not spinal arthritis (which could be seen on an x-ray), treatment can be attempted at least. EC is a parasite that attacks the kidneys, then the nervous system. However, at her age, I would think a genetic spinal deformity is more likely, unfortunately, but an x-ray should be done in any case. One of those links showed the condition in a human on an x-ray, I believe.

edit: oh, ok, glad you have x-rays.
I saw that. He did do the xrays and another scan of some sort. Thats when he rushed back in the room and said I've got it.
It clearly showed on the xrays some strange looking pieces in places where there shouldn't have been things. He pointed it out to me.
She'll likely need life-long pain meds to remain pain free.

You'll also have to watch for infection and stones, because she can't take the proper stance to pee, she'll be more prone to those.

I've seen young bunnies survive and thrive, but its an individual thing.

I'd be looking to see what difference the pain meds make in her attitude.

The condition is congenital or traumatic, I don't think it's EC or anything else, the x-rays made a firm diagnosis, even though the exact cause can't be pin-pointed.

Sorry you're both going through this. :(

sas :pray:
Janet, please do not be mad at me....... If your doctor correctly diagnosised her. do you really want her to live with pain all her life?

I ask cause everything that has been said is negative. It doesn't sound like she's gonna get better.

(((hugs))) April

**Please don't be mad at me.
Thanks so much everyone. Kate is going to be okay and while she is here she will be loved and babied beyond belief...


She thanks you.
Oh Janet, I can't believe what you've been through lately with your bunnies! It's amazing. I'm so sorry. Thanks for being such a good bunny mommy and taking Kate to the vet for x-rays even though you're still distraught over Abby. We got Skyler shortly before Tallulah died, and I had a hard time bonding with him after her death because I was so caught up in the loss. Two days after she died, I had to make him an emergency appointment because he had green snot running down his face. I got lucky in that his illness cleared up. I can't imagine what this is like for you :( Let me know if there's anything I can do to help... I second the notion of getting vet bed to put in her cage. I bought a piece to put in Skyler's carrier for his long trip (he was in it for a day and a half, the last 12 hours were his own doing because he wouldn't come out), and the top of the material was COMPLETELY dry because the urine all passed through. It's pretty easy to wash too. I think it would be a good investment for you and sweet little Kate.
SweetSassy wrote:
Janet, please do not be mad at me.......  If your doctor correctly diagnosised her. do you really want her to live with pain all her life?

I ask cause everything that has been said is negative. It doesn't sound like she's gonna get better.

A lot of ailments from Arthritis to Diabetes don't get 'better', but they can be managed. Some people can deal with them well, other not so well, it's the same with rabbits. It really will be up to Kate.

sas :pray: