After I posted - I went and did what my gut told me to do - I gave her an extra bit of pain meds. She appeared to be very uncomfortable...and I figured if she was gonna pass - I wanted her to be comfortable her last few hours.
I gave her a full dose - she had her last dose about 7 or 8 hours ago...
About 10 minutes after she took the pain meds...she sat up and started grooming herself. She was still hot to the touch a bit....felt feverish (I didn't mess with her to take her temp because I wanted her to relax).
After she groomed herself for about 3 or 4 minutes - Robin offered her the water bottle - she drank quite a bit.
When I walked back in the room - she was sitting in the white basket - well - leaning sorta - licking the basket. I soaked some lettuce and carrots in water for a bit while I fed the rabbitry and Robin sat with her. Then I took them in and she started chowing down.
Sometime while I was in the rabbitry feeding - her fever obviously broke. I'm not sure how much of it was from her rolling because she was uncomfortable - because we were trying everything to cool her down. I was about to do another sub-q shot if she didn't stop being so hot.
Robin reminded me that when she gets in pain - she rolls and rolls and gets hot like I'm thinking I'm going to give her the pain meds a bit more often - maybe not quite as much though.
Anyway - it appears as though her fever has broken...she is a tad bit warm - but not bad. She's chowing down on her "bed of lettuce" and she's spending the night w/ Robin so I can get some undisturbed sleep and rest up a bit.
I'm really in shock at the change in her during the last hour. I honestly didn't think she would cool down so fast....Robin's been offering her more water every few minutes too.
I really hope we're through the worst of this. I'm exhausted - I haven't had a good night's sleep all week from holding her in the crook of my arms so she wouldn't roll. If I'd start to fall asleep instead of petting her - she would start licking my arm to wake me up for pets. I think Art held her a part of a couple nights -but she kept wanting to come back to me...