RIP Data the hamster

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Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2007
Reaction score
Alaska, USA
I'm sorry to say that my little Campbell's Dwarf hamster, Data, died today :( He's usually a very active guy, but we hadn't seen him since last night. When I investigated, I found his little body "asleep" in his house. I don't know what happened and he was only 13 months old.

Data was a special hamster. I saw him at the pet store in April 2007 and thought he was SO cute running around with the other hamsters! He was a baby still and I'd never seen a white Campbell's Dwarf with black spots before. I managed to resist taking him home that day, but thought about him often afterwards and 4 or 5 days later decided to go back and get him if he was still there. I thought he would have been sold since he was so cute and the only spotted hamster in the cage. Imagine my surprise when he was still there! I was even happier when I found out what a sweet, sweet hamster he was. He wasn't afraid of people at all and happily ran around on me at the store and enjoyed being petted. I named him Data after the robot from Star Trek, I'd just started watching the shows recently and he reminded me of Data since his face was white with black "hair" on top.

Data was a loved hamster. He liked to come out and play and run around on the floor or bed. He was quite busy, even during the day time, and loved his wheel, chewing on toys and his toy castle, and even liked to climb up to the mesh cover on his cage and walk around upside down on it! He quickly earned the nicknames Roboham and Potato Man (I would call him Data Potata since that's the only thing that rhymed, and it quickly became Potato Man).

We will miss Data a lot. How weird that just yesterday I was telling my mom about him and wondering how long he would live.

Rest in peace, Potato Man! We lost our hamster Lily in December, rats Cranberry and Peppermint in February and March, and now him. It's been a bad few months for our littlest pets, now we only have 2 cockatiels, 2 bunnies (soon to be 3) and 2 rats.

Here are some pictures of his sweet little self:





Awww i'm sorry :(What a gorgeous boy he was...i absolutely loved his colouring.

Sleep peacefully little one

Shiloh, I am so sorry about your hampster =[

Pet store breeds are always questionable. I worry about my rat every day, as he was used for pet store breeding =[
I'm so sorry for your loss - Data was just as cute as could be (loved the photo of him in the food bowl - lol).. Sorry to hear of your losses this last year - that would be hard, hope things even out w/the addition of the 3rd bun soon.
What a cute little guy - Sorry for your loss, :tears2::rainbow:

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