[/img]Well it started Sat morning, or so I should say that I noticed it sat morning. I took him out and gave him some belly rubs and put him back in and went about what i was doing, alot of the times this would be enough for him. He went over nibbled his lettuce and ate about half a leaf and then went back to sitting in the corner. So later on that day i started with the gas x and belly rubs, i figured that he would just get through it like he always does, it usually takes one dose and/or one belly rub and he is fine. Not this time. This morning i took him out and was doing more rubs, and gas x, slurry of pellets and pumpkin, hugs and kisses. I noticed that his stomach was distended but still squishy, but the the puffiness was up right under his ribs, and below was flatter to his legs. I went cruising through the infirmary here and happened to come across someones post that had the same discription of what her rabbits stomach felt like and i wanted to die, I knew i had to take him to the vet. I called my vet i use for the bunnies and found out if the rabbit doc was in, my normal rabbit doc was not there but someone else, against what i wanted (my normal doc) I took him anyway because in my mind the alternative for him is death cause what i was doing wasnt making him any better. So I took him in and they felt him and i went through what type of cage he was living in , the bedding being used, his food intake, pellet intake, his hay, and eveyrthing else imaginable that i could have told them, also what i have already done for him. They took him and did an xray , of course i knew that was going to happen, and you can see......hopefully........ his xray below. They want to keep him for a few days, he will get fluids, antibiotics, critical care, and a whole slew of other things to help him. I hope he comes through this, and as quick as possible because i will go broke paying for this,lol. I got charged 111.00 just to walk in the door and that isnt even the doctors charge for seeing him, i put a down payment on it and the estimate for 2 days was 792.00 and for 4 days 1273.00 but the vet said this could take up to two weeks to clear up :shock:. I am going to play this by ear, and see how he is after a few days and then probablly talk about bringing him home to finish up the treatment, not something i relish doing but i cant afford to let him stay in there 2 weeks. I am capable of force feeding, and I will do sub-q if neccessary
So below is his xray, and now i need good vibes, thoughts, prayers, whatever it is that you do to help someone or some fur baby heal, and send that to Charger,lol.
On top of this going on my hubby was out with the van so i had to borrow my dad's car, and my 2 year old is sick with some stomach bug so needless to say today has been a hell of a day,lol.